

This program handles the status and some administration tasks for clients using
the Fip Remote delivery package.

-- View Current status of all clients on this box
-- View Current status of a single client on this box
-- View and optionally resend files that a client received.

If neither a client nor a service is specified, the default is a summary view
of all the services running on the box.

Input Parameters :
    -1 : single shot - show information and stop
        default: loop (for information), single shot for resends etc
    -c : client name to view status of. default: none
    -d : date to resend From    in form YYYY-mm-DD eg 20001225
        any non-number (and non-space) is ignored. default: none
    -D : date to resend To          default: none
    -H : Output in HTML         default: plain text
    -O : output file name           default: to screen only
    -R : resend the files to this client    default: view only
    -s : service to show details        default: none
    -t : time to resend From    in form HH.MM.ss eg 20:33:56
        any non-number (and non-space) is ignored. default: none
    -T : time to resend To          default: none
    -w : for display loop, time in seconds  default: 10 secs
        If set at -w 0, the display will change every second a new file arrives
    -X : only flag clients/services with files to be sent   default: all
    -z : sequence number to resend From default: none
    -Z : sequence number to resend To   default: none
    -v : Print the version number and exit

Version Control
;0g6    12jan09 added -O
;000    10jun02 original version

(copyright) 2024 and previous years FingerPost Ltd.