

Copy/Link/Move a file to a Fip Speedy folder.

    sffspeedy -O (output folder under /fip/spool) -1 (input filename and path)
    sffspeedy -o (output filename) -1 (input filename and path)

Input switches
    -1 or -i : input filename (or file and path)    default: none
    -o : output filename in FipSeq          default: same as input filename
    -O : output folder              default: none

    -9 : do NOT run speedy on a speedy system   default: do
    -c : copy file                  default: link
    -h : add a FipHdr and include these fields  default: file is unchanged
    -l : log errors in the FipLog           default; no logging, errors are displayed only
    -L : log errors and dones in the FipLog     default; no logging, errors are
displayed only
    -S : supercede/overwrite output file        default: rename new file if it exists
    -w : if adding FipHdr, add all the date time fields too. default: no
    -X : zap the input file after           default: preserve the filename
    -v : show version and exit

    sffspeedy -v will show the version number and exit

Version control
; b7    17jul09 chj original version ;4 fip_dequote ;567 added -S supercede

(copyright) 2024 and previous years FingerPost Ltd.