ipbox (Sat Oct 25 2014 01:31:01)


This program is used for remote access. Its main function is for stringer copy
in and mailboxes out.

It can also be used for syndication clients who wish to dial-in in-order to
receive their copy.

There is an option to access wires on the UnixBox that have already been left
in spool/wires by IPWIRES or the W4 wires structure in /fip/data/w4.

For Atex sites with Gateway, there is also an option to allow access to files
on the J11.

The main types of service are :
	1. Straight copy inbound
	2. Ordinary mailbox - read and store and delete
	3. Syndication mailbox - reading a list and accounting for it later.
		poss with ability to send message AND/OR read personal box.
	4. Scroll and Read wire files.
	5. Send/Receive messages
	6. Scroll and Read editorial system lists and queues 
	7. Send E-mails (actually passes file to ipsmtp)

Send msg (to the user) ie incoming msgs are sent to spool/post for IPPOST to
further distribute either to the Editorial System or elsewhere.

Files (and messages and stored mailbox files) may optionally be received via
KERMIT or X/Y/ZMODEM protocols.

Once logged on, the remote user can use AAI-like commands or can be lead
through via a series of menus.

The Command-driven interface commands are :

	lo logon	logon
	lo logon,passwd	logon
	lo		logoff
	sd file		send file to default dest
	sd file-q-g	send file to q-g
	sd file/k	send file using Kermit
	sd file/x	send file using Xmodem
	sd file/y	send file using Ymodem
	sd file/z	send file using Zmodem
	he		help
	??		help
	ca (number)	call file from wire queue
	ca file		call file from current queue
	ca file-q-g	call file from Atex gateway
	ca file/a	call file and do not prompt for More
	ca file/k	call file using Kermit
	ca file/x	call file using Xmodem
	ca file/y	call file using Ymodem
	ca file/z	call file using Zmodem
	ds		display current directory
	ds/6		display 6 line directory
	ds wirename	display wire directory
	ds wirename.1	display wire directory of yesterday's traffic (not W4 wires -
use time switch instead)
	ds wirename/s=POOL	display a selective directory of all items with 'POOL' in
the Headline
				Selective directories may also use '&' for AND and '!' (or '|') for OR
				eg :	ds rtr/s=usa&mexico
	ds wirename/k=POOL	display a selective directory of all items with 'POOL' in
the first part of text
				(W4 wires only)
	ds wirename/t>21:30	display a selective directory of all items after 21:30 (24
hour clock)
	ds syntype	display syndication directory
	rm		read msgs
	rm/de		read msgs and delete the msg file
	rm/nd		read msgs and do NOT delete the msg file
	rm/k		read msgs using Kermit
	rm/z		read msgs using Zmodem
	ms logonname	send msg to this logonname
	ms logon1,logon2,logon3 send this message to these logons
	ms logonlist/li	send msg to this logon list or group of logons
	sa name		save file in your personal mailbox (if you have one !)
	zp name		zap delete file from your personal mailbox
	ti		give time and date
	qs queue	queue switch/change directory
	qi file--grp	(Atex j11 with Gateway only) QI file in a group
	em e-mail address	Send an Email - note you need ipsmtp to send

Mailbox Logon file (tables/mail/LOGON) has the syntax :
	; comments are preceded by ';'
	logon:name	- logon name
				The logon name can contain spaces when typed in which
				should be specified as a single underscore '_'.
				otherwise only letters, numbers, dashes (-_),
				dollar sign and apostrophes ('") are valid
				eg logon:fat_frank
	pass:pass	- password			default: none
	width:40	- width of the screen		default: 80
	lines:24	- no of lines of screen		default: 0/none
	eol:rn	- end-of-line sequence		default: CR LF
	dest:mailbox	- destination (in USERS) for incoming traffic
							default: mailbox
	box:boxname	- name of valid mailbox to read.default: none
	syn:synname	- name of valid syndication queue to read.
							default: none
	use-w4-wires:	-  use the same data files as for w4, the fip web browser
			in /fip/data/w4. The default is files in spool/savewires
			generated by 'ipwires'.
	profile: profilename	- profile for wires/atex queue access
				(atex via NFS Gateway only)	default: none
	fifo:		- read mailbox or syn dirs in fifo order
							default: lifo
	msgonj11:	- The msg file resides on the Atex J11 and NOT on the rs6000.
				An (optional) logon can be added if the j11 logon
				is different to the ipbox LOGON.
				eg	msgonj11:albert
				default: msg file is on the rs6000
	boxonj11:	- The default mailbox file resides on the Atex J11 and NOT on the
				default: mailbox file is on the rs6000
	gtwysvr:host,port	- Gateway is on a different rs6000 of name 'host'.
				The port defaults to 9130.
				default: Gateway is on this rs6000
	purge:4		- no of days unread mail and msgs is held
				before deleted		default: 30 days
	noecho:		- do NOT echo commands for this logon
	echo:		- echo commands for this logon
	echo:endOfLine	- echo commands AND and End-of-lines (CR or NL)
	return-address:	- for sending emails, this is used for the From fields
			rather than using the actual logon (FipHdr SA).
	menu:	- allowable menu commands if using menu
			pls see the actual values in the 'menu' command below.
	extrahdr: (string) Extra FipHdr fields to add to any incoming files from this
			eg extrahdr:BZ:scott	default:none
Examples :
	;sample mailbox for remote correspondant with a PC 
	logon:sadaam pass:qwait box:oil dest:abroad

	;sample mailbox for remote correspondant with a tandy 
	logon:arthur pass:scargill box:coal dest:home width:40	
	logon:paul pass:bike syn:ach dest:zibble width:0 fifo: purge:4

The Profile file (tables/mail/PROFILE) describes what access a logon has for a
particular profile and has the syntax :
	; comment
	profile:(prfname)	wires: (wiresq1), .. (wireqn)
	profile:(prfname)	box:(box1), .. (boxn)
	profile:(prfname)	atex:  (atexgrp) : (atexq1) .. (atexqn)
or	profile:(prfname)	atex:  (atexgrp) : *
	profile:(prfname)	chrset:  (mailchrset)
	profile:(prfname)	plus: (name of SUBSEQUENT profilename)
	profile:(prfname)	dir:(name)	(command-line Directory syntax)

Examples :
	profile:hp	wires:dpa,afp,reu
	profile:hp	atex:sys:custom,fip
	profile:hp	atex:wir:spike,anp
	profile:hp	atex:usr:*
	profile:hp	atex:vk:anpbin,anpbui,anpfin
	profile:hp	chrset:rom
	profile:hp	box:hp,hpspt,hpfin

	profile:wir	wires:dpa,afp,reu
where :
	-- There can be many lines for the same profile name.
	-- Only one type of subkeyword - WIRES, CHRSET etc - can be specified on one
	-- WIRES is a list of valid wires queues under spool/savwires. If more than
one day is keep - as in reu, reu.1, reu.2 etc - only the base - reu in this
example - needs to be stated.
	-- BOX allows access to any mailboxes in spool/mail. Note that files must be
lowercase in these mailboxes.
	-- CHRSET - The chrset parameter is to describe character translation from the
J11 to the user when using Atex Gateway. The standard chrset is in
tables/mail/ATEX_CHRSET (see below).
	-- ATEX is dependent on program 'ipsvrgtw' running to access the j11. A star,
'*', in place of the queue means all queues in that group.
	-- PLUS allows you to add a couple of changes to a generic profile eg:
'art' here can look at wire que 'upi' in addition to the normal 'dpa', 'afp' or
'reu' as specified in the 'wir' profile.
	profile:art	wires:upi
	profile:art	plus:wir
	profile:wir	wires:dpa,afp,reu
Only one 'plus' is valid - you cannot plus another profile which has a plus!
Also the added-to profile - 'wir' in the case above - MUST occur AFTER the
calling profile - 'art' in this case.
ie PLUS must refer to a profile which is physically later on in the PROFILE

MailBox setup file (tables/mail/BOX) has the syntax :
	; comment		Remarks
	conn:CONNECT 		- connect string from the modem/pad
	disc:NO CARRIERr	- disconnect string from the modem/pad
	escape:+++		- wakeup string for modem/pad
			- setup string for modem/pad
	clr:athr	- cleardown string for the modem/pad
	ok:OK		- acknowledge string from the modem/pad
	speed:4800	- speed of this port
	send:{SL	- Start of file string where the user does not log on
			  Note this gets stripped so it will need to be added again
			  if required				default:none
	ssss:{BT	- Start of file string from the user.	default:none
	nnnn:^E		- End of file string from the user
	endeol:		- End of file is on the first CR or NL after the 'nnnn'
	conymodem	- Assume X/Ymodem on receive on a new connect.	def: no
				This allows a X/Ymodem protocol transfer to
				take place immediately on CONNECT and without
				logging on.
				Note that normal running will take Zmodem
				and Kermit automatically at any point.
				However, for Xmodem and Ymodem, 'ipbox' needs
				to prompt the sender with a 'C' for the sender
				to start. It can be stopped by several CntrlX's.
	keepall:y	- For non-logon traffic - keep all characters
			  ie do NOT flag garbles as notes mode.
	dest:mailbox	- default destination for incoming traffic
				This is the FIP header field DU.
	p2send:		- 2nd prot Start of File string from user default: none
				without logging on if different to normal end
	p2nnnn:		- 2nd prot End of File string from user default: none
				without logging on if different to normal end
	p2dest:mailbox	- 2nd prot default destination for incoming traffic
				This is the FIP header field DU.
	p2keepall:y	- 2nd prot traffic - keep all characters
			  ie do NOT flag garbles as notes mode.
	abort:03	- abort string the user types to stop a dir
	next:n		- next page string the user types in a dir
	hide:!@#	- if mailbox is hidden with the '-h' input switch,
				this is the wakeup string to prompt for
				logon.			default: '$$$$'
	bits:8		- Data is 8 bits		default: 7
	banner:21nThis is the Evening Newss
			- welcome banner on connect
	banwait:5	- wait 5 seconds before sending the banner.  default: 5 secs
	noecho:		- do NOT echo commands by default
	echo:		- echo commands by default
	echo:endOfLine	- echo commands AND and End-of-lines (CR or NL)
	echomsg:	- echo all 'send message' and 'send email' data if non-protocol
			ie if NOT kermit, x/y/zmodem, echo the data.
	echo-story-data: - echo any text of a file being sent (in ASCII mode only)
				default is no echo
	reconnect:	- check for a CONNECT message during a online session
				Normally this is ignored.
	pchr:		- Precedent chr for modes. ie the '{' of {M0
	ds:ds		- 2 letter code for directory scroll
	ca:re		- 2 letter code for message call
	he:he		- 2 letter code for read help file
	lo:lo		- 2 letter code for logon/logoff
	sd:ne		- 2 letter code for new file send
	rm:rd		- 2 letter code for read msg
	sm:ms		- 2 letter code for send msg (normally 'ms')
	em:mm		- 2 letter code for send an e-mail
	zp:zp		- 2 letter code for delete mailbox file
	sa:pu		- 2 letter code for save file in mailbox
	ti:da		- 2 letter code for date and time
	qs:cd		- 2 letter code for queue switch
	qi:zz		- 2 letter code for qi (Atex J11 Gateway only)
	modes:yes/no	- show/dont show garbles in notes mode
	roman:[m0	- string for roman mode
	notes:[m2	- string for notes mode for garbles etc
	nodelrms:	- make ReadMsg NO DELETE (rms/nd) the default.	default: rms=rms/de
	scroll:9	- default no of lines in a dir scroll
	keepall:y	- non-logon traffic - keep all characters
	gtwysvr:host,port - Default Gateway is on a different rs6000 of name 'host'.
	sessvr:host,port - SES Server exists and is on this port on this 'host'.

	allow-desks:y	- for SII and CCI systems this allows a user to specify a
			desk which will be used for the BQ: hdr field unless
			overwritten in the USERS file.
	allow-subdesks:y - for SII and CCI systems this allows a user to specify a
			subdesk which will be used for the BQ: hdr field unless
			overwritten in the USERS file.
	allow-pools:y	- for SII and CCI systems this allows a user to specify a
			pool and user basket which will be used for the BP and BB hdr
	allowqg:y	- for Atex systems this allows a user to specify a
			queue-group in J11 format which will be used for the
			DQ: hdr field unless overwritten in the USERS file.
	working:WORKING	- the working message : used to check when the modem is
			echoing messages back. This must NOT start with an
			existing 2 letter code such as CA, DS etc.
	dirhdrflds:nofrre - a series of Two letter Header codes
			default is NO then FR then RE
	dirhdrsize:80	- fixed size for the Directory Header line
			no default.
	dirlimit:100	- Limit the directory to the first 100 items and stop
			even if there are more.
			no default but you are advised to have dirlimit of 100.
	chkmsglogon: (filename) Check each logon in a 'msg' command against an
			entry in this file. The file is (uppercase) in tables/mail.
			Each entry is on a single line. Comment lines start with a ';'.
	filefetched: (Msg) File Fetched message for Atex Gateway	default: none
			eg filefetched:{m2File Fetched by DA at $h:$n $d-$m-$y{m002
			Note that modes may be added as {Mx where x is the mode number.
			Note that FipHdr field DA holds the logon name.
	keepalive: (string) Keep Alive string sent back to the client when accessing a 
			server (like a J11).	eg keepalive:r		default: none
	extrahdr: (string) Extra FipHdr fields to add to all incoming files
			eg extrahdr:#FBIN:#DH:box	default:none
	menu:		Use the Menu interface by default	default is the command line interface
			Rather than the lo (logon),(passwd) format, prompt for first logon
			and then passwd without the need of an 'lo'.
	allowrelogon:	Allow a user to logon as someoneelse without cutting the call
	archive-file:	Name of the Log Archive file to dump data into in log/data.
			(same as the -A input switch) 
	routing-file:	Routing file to use in tables/route (same as the -R input
	desks-file:	File in tables/mail containing a list of valid Desks (or Atex j11
			This is the same as the '-d' input switch.
	use-lock-file:	Add/zap a lock file for this incoming port number
			default: no
	accept-auto-logins: Allow sffport-style -A logons without the need to prompt.
			default: no
	search-w4-text:	In the menu, when using w4 wires, search is Header AND text.
			default: Slug/Header only.
		Do not prompt for and ignore the time  filters for either BOXES or WIRES

This parameter file may also be used to change the prompts and messages for the
user. A complete list of such messages are described later.

Where queue verification is required, a file containing all valid queues is
created in tables/mail. This has no comments and has each queue-group on a
separate line.
The list of queue-groups is valid for all incoming files on that port. If the
q-g specified is NOT in the list the incoming file is rejected.

The queues file is specified as an input parameter in the SYSTEM file.

For Atex Gateway there is a character translation table,
tables/mail/ATEX_CHRSET, used for outbound text. This can be altered by the
profile file. The syntax for this is :
	; comment
	(atex chr) (outbound chr or string) (newline)
	where the Atexchr is either a printable or an octal no eg 03
	and the outbound chr/string caan be a mixture of printable chrs, octal numbers
or unix escape chrs. Note that a comment (;) needs to be specified as an octal
	ONLY those chrs that need to be changed need be in the file - all others are
passed thru.

If the standard messages need to be changed, they can be in the standard
mailbox setup file (tables/mail/BOX by default) in addition to all the other
setups. The keyword and current settings of these are :
	banner:		"2121nWelcome - Mailboxn"
	msgwork:	"n nWORKINGn"
	msglogon:	"2121nPLEASE LOG ONn"
	msgpassword:	"2121nPASSWORD ?n"
	msglogoff:	"nLOGOFF"
	msglogerr:	"nLOGON ERRORn"
	msglogok:	"nLOGON COMPLETEn"
	msgagain:	"nNO SUCH COMMANDn
	msgfilebegin:	"nBEGIN FILE TRANSFERn"
	msgfileends:	"nFILE RECEIVED. THANK YOUn"
	msgendtranfer:	"nEND FILE TRANSFERn"
	msgsendabort:	"n--ABORTED--n"
	msgnoaccess:	"nSORRY, ACCESS DENIEDn"
	msgnosuchf:	"nSORRY, NO SUCH FILEn"
	msgnosuchd:	"nSORRY, NO SUCH DIRECTORYn"
	msginvname:	"nSORRY, INVALID FILENAMEn"
	msginvdesk:	"nSORRY, INVALID DESKn"
	msginvsubdesk:	"nSORRY, INVALID SUBDESKn"
	msginvpool:	"nSORRY, INVALID POOLn"
	msginvbasket:	"nSORRY, INVALID BASKETn"
	msgtoosmall:	"nSORRY, FILE TOO SMALLn"
	msgtimeout:	"nTIMEOUT - PLS RECONNECTn"
	msgtnxs:	"nThank you : "
	msgtnxwrd:	" words/garbles stored in file "
	msgtnxfil:	" files/words/garbles stored, last file "
	msgmsgwait:	"You have messages waiting !n"
	msgbegindir:	"n"
	msgenddir:	"nEnd of Directoryn"
	msgendmsg:	"End of Messagesn"
	msgnofiles:	"nThere is no files in your mailboxn"
	msgnomsg:	"nThere are no messages waiting for youn"
	msgmore:	" Stop:"
	msgfilemore:	" Stop:"
	msgnotvalidlogon: "nNot a Valid Logon :"

The menu interface can be set as default for all by specifying 'menu:' keyword
in the BOX parameter file or set for this logon (If set as default, specify
'cmdline:' for individuals who still want the command line interface)

The default menu is "CSRMEBWJPDHZL?X"
	Call a file		'C'
	Send a file		'S'
	Read Message		'R'
	Send Message		'M'
	Send E-Mail		'E'
	Scroll MailBox		'B'
	Continue reading Dir	'D'
	Wire Directory		'W'
	J11 Queue		'J'
	Options			'Z'
		QI		'Q'
		Save in Box	'S'
		Zap from Box	'Z'
	Help			'?'
	Exit to CmdLine		'L'
	Logoff			'X'

Menu Strings can be modified by :
	ParameterName	DefaultContents
	menutop:	nnn--------------------------------------------n
	menubanner:	tMailbox \$d-\$m-\$y \$h:\$nnn
	menuerror:	n** No Such Command **n
	menucall:	tCtCall a filen
	menusend:	tStSend a filen
	menurms:	tRtRead Messagesn
	menumsg:	tMtSend a Messagen
	menuemail:	tEtSend an E-Mailn
	menudirbox:	tBtScroll MailBoxn
	menuwires:	tWtScroll Wire queuesn
	menusearch:	tItSearch Wiresn
	menuj11:	tJtScroll Atex queuen
	menucontdir:	tDtContinue last scrolln
	menufundir:	tPtScroll Special queuesn
	menuhelp:	t?tHelpn
	menuoptions:	tZtOther optionsn
	menucmdline:	tLtExit to CommandLinen
	menu2ndcmdline:	ttType 'ME' to return to the menuntt(Type '??' for
	menulogoff:	tXtLogoffn
	menuchoose:	tPlease Choose :
	menufile:	tFileNamet:
	menupool:	tDestination pool (holding/bureau/source/user basket) :
	menubasket:	tUser Baskett:
	menudesk:	tDeskt:
	menusubdesk:	tSubdeskt:
	menueaddr:	tE-mail Address :
	menusubject:	tE-mail Subject :
	menuproto:	tProtocol : X,Y,Zmodem,Kermit,Ascii : 
	menuecho:	tEcho text  y/n :
	menulistq:	tList Directories : y/n : 
	menuque:	tWhich Directory (type number only) :
	menuatxque:	tWhich Atex Queue :
	menuqlines:	tNo Of Directory Lines :
	menuqtime:	tTime Before/After <0:0/>23:30 :
	menuqsrch:	tSearch String :
	menutowhom:	tSend Msg To (add /list if msglist) :
	menudelrms:	tDelete Msg File after Read Y/N :
	menuqi:		tQtQI a j11 filen
	menusavbox:	tStSave a file in your mailboxn
	menuzapbox:	tZtDelete a file in your mailboxn

The actual letters used for Call, Exit,Help etc can be modified with the
'menu-codes:' parameter which is the list of actual command codes in STRICT
order. The default is :
	which is to say the first position is the letter for Call, the 2nd Send etc
		position 1 	Call a File	default	'C'
		position 2 	Send a file		'S'
		position 3	Read Message		'R'
		position 4	Send Message		'M'
		position 5	Send Email		'E'
		position 6	Read Box Directory	'B'
		position 7	Read Wire List		'W'
		position 8	Read J11 queue		'J' (old Atex systems only)
		position 9	Read DataBase Directory	'P'
		position 0	Continue Directory	'D'
		position 11	Options			'Z'
		position 12	Return to CmdLine	'L'
		position 13	Help			'H'
		position 14	Help2			'?' (identical to 'H')
		position 15	Logoff			'X'
	and for the Options :
		position 16	QI			'Q'
		position 17	SaveBox			'S'
		position 18	ZapBox			'Z'

	To disable any command, use a single comma or dot.
		eg to disable any Messages and J11 and all Options
	There should be NO spaces or tabs before or embedded in the parameter.

Input parameters are :
	Mandatory :
either	-s : terminal server/spider or tty port		default: none
	-p : port if terminal server			default: none
or	-P : Port on UnixBox to use for outbound	default: none
		This is only used where Terminal Servers canNOT run reverse telnet
		correctly and need to set a Permanent Virtual Connection across
		the ethernet to a fixed port number on the UnixBox
		Where the Port is NOT on the default ethernet '-s' can be used to
		specify the hostname on the correct ethernet.
	-n : name of service				default: none
	Optional :
	-1 Run for one logon/connection and then exit	default: loop for the next
		This can be used in a Script to run once and stop. Do not use inside the
		SYSTEM file.
	-A : archive log name				default: name of logon
		This is advisable - otherwise you will get an archive log
		in log/data for each logon that sends.
		This fills in the FipHdr field SL.
	-l : logon file					def: tables/mail/LOGON
	-L : profile file					def: tables/mail/PROFILE
	-t : mailbox setup file				default: tables/mail/BOX
	-d : queue or desk check file			default: none
		If specified this file should be Uppercase and in tables/mail.
		Only the filename should be specified.
	-D : Default type of queue for all directories	default: b for box on mailbox
		This is a single chr :
			b - normal unix mailbox in spool/mail
			w - Wires queue in spool/savwires
			e - SES database (must have a SES server specified)
			a - Atex Gateway (must have a Atex Gateway specified)
	-E : Treat socket errors as disconnects		default: error = network problems
		Use this switch if you are using Modem COntrol on the terminal server.
	-h : hide mailbox				default: force logon
		This is where a code needs to entered for the 
		mailbox logon prompt to be allowed.
		In this case sending incoming files is the default.
	-N : deduct 1 from the no of lines		default: no
		ie ds/3 gives 2 lines
	-o : Output folder for incoming files	default: spool/2go
	-R : service name for tables/route		default: logon name
		This fills in the FipHdr field SR and is only used if  the output
		queue (-o) is set to '2brouted' for iproute to check each file.
	-w : Wires Path					default: spool/savwires
	-T : Timeout period in secs			default: 120 secs
		If no chrs are received in this period the user is logged off.
	-C : Timeout on both characters in and since last command
							default: chrs only.
	-X : Turn Telnet Transparency off		default: on
		For terminal servers, is the port set to transparency On or Off ?
	-u : Zmodem escape control chrs mode		default: no
	-U : Raw or Telnet NO-escape mode		default: telnet transparency ON
		For terminal servers, is the port set to transparency ?
	-y : terminal server uses a different banner.	default: Spiderbanner
	-Y : terminal server has NO banner at all.	default: Spiderbanner
	-z : add seqno to filename (6 chrs) as (3 digit) extension (6.3)
		ie for DEC/Atex style filenames		default: no
	-Z : add seqno to filename: 5 chrs and 3 digits	default: no
		ie for PC/Writer style filenames
	-v : display version number and exit.

There are two enviornment variables :
	FIP_BOX_J11HDRFLDS	a series of 2 letter J11 hdr field codes you
		wish to see in a directory line of Gateway queues.
		default: "NOFRRE"  The default shows fields NO tab FR tab RE.
		This is overridden by the "dirhdrflds" parameter
	FIP_BOX_MINSIZE		The minimum size of a file or message inbound.
		default: 20 chrs.  The minimum size must be between 1 and 100.

NOTE that to use Kermit and/or Zmodem the line/terminal server port etc MUST be
setup for 8 bits, No Parity and preferably Hardware flow control NOT XON/XOFF.

NOTE that as the Zmodem end of session flag is 'OO', it is advised that you do
NOT use 'oo' as one of the commands !!

NOTE that to send E-mail you need to point Fip Destination 'internet_mail_xbox'
to an 'ipsmtp' output queue - usually spool/2smtp.

NOTE that the syntax for a menu wire list before/after a time is
	between 6pm and 7.30		:	>18<19:30
	after 22:00 or 10pm		:	>22:00
	before 6:30 pm yesterday	:	<-1 18.30
where -1 is used to specify yesterday, -5 for 5 days ago etc.
only files in a single day's list can be searched.

The same for using the Command interface is :
	ds news_home/t<-1 21:00		: all news_home before 21:00 yesterday
	ds ap/t<-2 18:00/t>-2 17:50	: all ap between 17:50 and 18:00 2 days ago


Version Control
;051w	14dec02 added 'protocol' in both BOX and LOGON
	added -1 for single shot
	added 'logon-script' for external logging
	added 'ignore-box-filters' to ignore time
	added kwd filters for mailboxes for BOX+LOGON
	;a-l 27jan03 added STDIO with -S and use-lock-file: and echo email
		and allow-subdesks:yes, allow-pools:yes,
		and echo-story-data: and extrahdr in the LOGON file
	;m 28mar03 bugette in desks
	;n-q 17jun03 menu: for wires BEFORE midnight, use the 20030616_List not the
	;r-u 05sep03 cleanups and bugette fixes
	;v 05dec03 added 'ignore-wire-filters' to ignore time and msgfilemore
	;w 26jan04 read from wire is always ascii/no proto unless requested
;050o	23feb99	added E-mail
	;a 20mar99 BINARY for WINNT
	;b 17aug99 WINNT wirpath had dbl //
	;c 18aug99 added return-address
	;d 28aug99 added spaces to logon name
	;e/f 26feb01 cleanup
	;g/h 22mar02 cleanup
	;i/j 14jun02 added type-of-wires:w4
	;k-o 22jul02 added menu-codes: and better handling of w4 lists

(copyright) 2014 and previous years FingerPost Ltd.