Fip Header Definitions

Also see basic fip header description About the Fip Header and the far more detailed [[Training Data File Structure]]

FIP Internal header fields and flags include :

XL this file is a redun but has errors so pls use the 2nd if there
XS ignore SZ contents as this is NOT the redun file
(+and do not save) v2.29 process all dest on this sys only.
It is used by IPWHEEL on one machine to tell that on another
to process the file for that system only.
Hence it need only send the file once per system.
XZ This is a resend SO ignore redundancy checks and do NOT archive.
XT This file has already been sent by the secondary system
as the primary was down (primary to archive only)
XM This is a msg file from Atex and IPPOST should not error if the logon is not found
XP Name of original or sending system for files transfered by ip2net
XN Flag for ipwheel on next system to only process destinations
on that system. This is put on all remote files by ‘ipwheel
XA Flag for ipwheel on next system to process for all destinations
except for those on the sender (as denoted by the XP field).
This is placed manually in the USERS file to make files
bunny hop between 3 or more systems.
ZI ZO ZX archive this file (ZI by ipwheel, ZX by ipxchg, ZO by ipout)
ZH use this Source Header field (ie field in SH) for redun replacing SN
this is a series of 2 letter Fip Hdr fields which will make
a unique name for redundancy. It is used where the wire service
sends duplicate filenames one after the other. Sometimes only
the first part of the text is different so use $T to represent
the first 40 chrs of text: eg ZH:SNXV$T – use the SN (filename)
Version field from the Source Header (SH) and the first 40 chrs
of text.
ZR used by ipredun to flag a ping-pong msg to ipredun on the remoteSys
ZPC for writer systems only, make 2nd index which is pcname in pc/que
FBIN this is a binary file with NO internal FIP header.
FMAC this is a Mac binary file complete with resource fork

History or comments :

HS date/time device and program that took this file in
HQ seqno of outgoing article for for IPBDCAST, IPRESEND
HU used by ipredun/ipxnet to flag ping-pong
HD, HM, HY, HH, HN, HB day, month, year, hour, min, second of file creation
HG time difference from GMT
HW day of the week (Sunday as zero)
HJ julian day of the year (jan1 as day zero)
Hx where x is 1-9 new fields created by IPHDRCHK ‘reptable’
HK keywords from IPROUTE or IPKEYWORD
HX Bloomberg keywords from IPROUTE
HZ DowJones channel number in bkwire files.

Source flags :

SA source author or logon used for error messages back
SC source chrset as used by IPXCHG
SE Wire file trailer for VWIRE files
SF source format for incoming wires – ANPA/IPTC/IATA others

IPXGTW – j11 que-group

wire service source header, delimited by colons:
To extract individual fields in parameter files, type \X-
SH for standard IPTC format – SH::SEXT:N1401:P2:CSSO:W67:R:KSOCCER-TEAMS
SH for standard ANPA format – SH::Ss:N1270:Lrstex:Pu:Cs:F41:KBC-BBA–BLUEJAYS-RANGERS:VRuns:R :D04-12:W0708

where XS = service id
       XN = story number
       XL = selector code
       XP = priority
       XC = category
       XF = format
       XK = keyword
       XV = version
       XR = reference field
       XD = filing date
       XW = word count

IPXGTW – j11 filename


new format file for IPHDRCHK


combined archives file name (ie don’t use the SU name).


original name of message


input physical device – normally the hostname and port number of the terminal server for a wire


routing file name if NOT SU ( used by iproute).


source type of input program such as zwire, wire or box


source user or where it came from – eg the agency name for a wire service


Used to flag SRC REDUNDANCY : hostname of primary and secondary systems : SZ:fip1,fip2

Destination flags :

DA Destination sub address such as a logon
DB IPBDCAST format parameter file; defaults to the name of the Broadcast line (-n)

Character Set of the Destination as used by IPXCHG

Format parameter file for many Fip Programs including IPOUT (tables/out), IPEDSYS (tables/edsys), IPGTWY (tables/gateway). defaults to FORMAT.

Header for IP2WTR (Writer header) or IPGTWY (J11 header)
DI Headline or Description line for Mailbox files (IPBOX, IPWIRES)

name of logons for msg (IP2WTR, IPEDSYS)
DP host (as in /etc/hosts) or pseudo-host (as an editorial system) as used by IPWHEEL, IP2NET and IPREDUN
DQ Destination Queue, directory or folder on the final machine.
DS supercede flag for IPGTWY/IPEDSYS/IP2SES
DU Destination(s) which are described in the tables/sys/USERS file
DX New Destination for the output file IPSGML, IPLOOKUP
DY Format parameter file for IPSGML, IPLOOKUP
DZ telex/fax/tph number for telex/fax/ipdialEN – Actual output filename for IPEDSYS, IP2SES
EP Actual output pathname for IPEDSYS, IP2SES
EQ Actual output queuename for IPEDSYS, IP2SES
EA-EY ZWIRE AFX v7 header fields (see ZWIRE doc)

PC flags for ip2pc :

PQ dest queue for resultant file (MUST HAVE)
PH:/XPH leave/zap header
PT:/XPT Eoln translation to CR NL/no trans pls
PS:/XPS supercede/increment if existing
PFD atex/dec filename NOT pc (default pc)
PFP pc filename

DataFormat flags :

FK Sort key
FN File name (overwritten by Sort key if it is there)
FU destination for output – chged to DU and file sent to spool/2go
FQ queue on this machine to drop the file into (overrides FU)
FCR quads are [q:x] and CRLF are stripped

Output fields are :

FX, FY x = width, y = depth in points*scale
FL no of lines

FS scale
FT type ie postscript, monotype, aps etc
HT either passed thru or added (time in LONG format)

Others :

AG, AQ Group and Queue for IPSNDSND
CQ change que to : used by ipxchg to route afterwards
CP Third system flag for IP2NET to send to
CX name of xchg file to use for IPXCHG

The following letters are reserved for customer or site-only use and will NOT be used by any program:

B* all Bs are reserved for site dependent flags
G* all Gs are reserved for site dependent flags
J* all Js are reserved for site dependent flags
K* all Ks are reserved for site dependent flags
L* all Ls are reserved for site dependent flags
N* all Ns are reserved for site dependent flags
Q* all Qs are reserved for site dependent flags