croptiff (Sat Oct 25 2014 01:31:01)

	croptiff -o outfile infile

Crop an UNcompressed TIFF file .....

Input parameters are :
	-o outputfilename

Optionally you can have (before the two filenames)
	-b do NOT crop the bottom
	-l do NOT crop the left margin
	-r do NOT crop the right margin
	-t do NOT crop the top
	-C do NOT crop anything - used usually with -P or -H
		if used on its own - why bother ??
	-H do NOT add the TiffHeader (for Photoshop files)
	-f if there is a FipHdr on top, carry it thru
			default is to ignore/strip it
	-Z overwrite/delete any original output file
	-p do NOT pad BitMap to a width divisable by 8
	-P always pad BitMap to a width divisable by 8
	-m minimum value allowed for a White	default: 1
	-v print version and exit

By default, if the output file exists, it is NOT zapped by the new one.

This loops around the file looking for bytes at the begining of the line which
are smaller than our MIN.

Note that for Bitmaps, (BitsPerSample = 1), normally rounds the ImageWidth to a
number divisable by 8, so there are no extra pad bits. Use '-p' to make sure
that this is New Width is NOT greater than the old. This will still allow a
couple of pixels if the image is cropped.

However if CROP finds nothing to crop, it merely copies the old to the new. If
the image is BitMap and you still need to pretend the pad is part of the image,
use -P to write a new Tiff header with the original data.

Note that this version (0.02) also supports inverted images (PhotoMetric Int
type 1 :,

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