httpwire (Sat Oct 25 2014 01:31:01)


This program sits on a funny port 9066 rather than port 80 - and pretends to be
a http or https server.

It allows a browser/program to POST files which are treated like an incoming
data stream like a wire service.

A better way of doing this may well be using Apache and scripts like
'' and 'sffmail'. Use this program where that is a political
nono - for security reasones perhaps - or just too much work to set up.

A small FipHdr is added with date and time fields, remote IPaddresses etc
before the file is passed on - normally to spool/xsmtp for 'ipchkmail' to sort

To install on the normal http port 80, you will need to take Apache/Notes
Domino/IIS/NetScape iPlanet down first before replacing it (so please do make
sure no-one else needs anything on the http server on that system !).
You also need to be 'root' on a Unix box to be able to start httpwire with a
port lower than 1024.

It can optionally also/or be a simple HTTP file server where files are
requested with a GET. If there is a 'get-top-folder' parameter specified in the
paramater, all files under this folder may be GOT. There is also an optional
subparameter - mime to specify what it is being called eg

	if the 'get-top-folder:/fip/data/bmstaff', then file
/fip/data/bmstaff/20091007_bm/1216_90177_bia070b1_7557634.pdf will be returned
with a mime type of application/pdf

For POSTs or GETs, actual reply messages - XML, Plan text, JSON or whatever -
can be customised by creating files in tables/wire/httpwire. These files can be
called just the HTTP return code : 201, 404, 501 (and -1 for timeouts) or can
have the SU prefixed :
eg if the run line is
		'httpwire -s+ -P9876 -n json'

HTTPWIRE needs a parameter file to start with - in tables/wire - which defaults
to HTTPWIRE.  Often it contains just a couple of comment lines !
	; comment
	script: Script to run BEFORE returning the answerback (in FipSeq)
		The return code is put into a temporary FipHdr field V5 if you need to use it
in the reply message
		script:/fip/local/ debug=yes /fip/data/ohno/EN
	code-script-error: (number)
		HTTP return code if the script errors.		default: 200
	reply-template-path: (file path for return message)
		data is assumed to be in FipSeq
		If in the parameter file there is 
			; path and filestub of reply messages
	 		httpwire will look in tables/wire/httpwire for a file of plain text or
FipSeq called 'JSON.200' and if not found, one called '200'.
		Default is /fip/tables/wire/httpwire with no file prefix for files called
200, 404, -1 (for timeouts)
		if display-file/diplay-file-binary is NOT set, use this to Parse-the-reply OR
leave it as binary
		ie the reply can be in FipSeq and codes/words/strings replaced outbound from
			- the contents of FipHdr of the file (if there is one)
			- tmp FipHdr fields V1 to V5 (see below)
			- field SM has any reply message and S2 has the reply result code.
				S2 will normally be 200 or 404 

	output-folder: (folder name)
	output-folder1: (folder name)
	output-folder9: (folder name)
		if the folder does NOT start with a '/', it is assumed to be 
		Note these override the default and '-o' input switch..

	get-top-folder: (folder)
		Pls make sure permissions are set so that the correct logon has read access
to all files.
		default: none ie no GETs are serviced
	default-mime-type: (mime type)
		If allowing GETs, set the default mimetype
		default: text/plain (or look for mime=xxx in the incoming url)

	ssl-method: (1,2,3,23,999)
		Version number to use for TLS/SSL		default: 999 for current default (2 or 3)
	ssl-password: (password)
	ssl-passwd: (password)					default: none
		Optional password if the handshake requires a shared secret
	ssl-cert: (name of a PEM certificate file)		default: none
	ssl-root-cert: (name of a root PEM certificate file)	defaunt: none
		Optional certificates - held in tables/ssl

	for GETting files ...
	code-default: (3 digit code in range 200-599)
		reply code for ok-done if no file		default: 404
	code-getmissing: (3 digit code in range 200-599)
		reply code for a missing file			default: 404
	code-getnofile: (3 digit code in range 200-599)
		reply code for no file specified		default: 404

	for POSTing/receiving data ..
	reply-mime-type: (mime type)	default is text/html
		This is just the Content-type mime header in all cases except JSON where if
		then the return codes are checked JSON.200 etc
	reply-default: (Fipseq)
		reply message for ok-done if no action		default:"Thank you"
	code-post-nodata: (3 digit code in range 200-599)
		reply code for if no data was sent		default: 404
	reply-post-nodata: (FipSeq)
		no default
	code-post-systemerror: (3 digit code in range 200-599)
		reply code for if unable to write data		default: 501
	reply-post-systemerror: (FipSeq)
		no default

	extra-get-httphdr: (FipSeq)
		Add extra HTTP mime header lines for GET and POST
		REMEMBER to add rn to the end of each line
		eg extra-get-httphdr:Content-Disposition:
		no default
	extra-reply-httphdr: (FipSeq)
		Add extra HTTP mime header lines for a reply message
		REMEMBER to add rn to the end of each line
		eg extra-reply-httphdr:Pragma: no-cachern
		no default

	allow: (IPaddress to allow)
	disallow: (IPaddress to block)
		use this for blacklist/whitelist certain addresses

Httpwire automatically adds a number of temporary FipHdr fields for each
For GETting files, the following are useable
	EN - the Get or Post command
	V1 - Path/Filename as from EN
	V2 - Metadata as added by the ..&meta=xxx
	V3 - MimeType as added by the ..&mime=xxx
	V4 - Filename as added by the ..&name=xxx or just the filename from the EN
For incoming files (using a POST for example) the
	EN - the Get or Post command
	V1 - Path/Filename as from EN
	V5 - script result (if running a script)

Input Parameters :
	-n : name of this service				default: none
		This is also the name of a parameter file in tables/wire
Optional :

	-A : name of the archive file if not the -n name field	default: 'name'
	-c : the chrset of the source (SC header field)		default: ascii
	-C : Do NOT reestablish the link after disconnection	default: do
	-d : the name of a DUPLICATE wire where 2 copies of the same
		file is required (SD header field).		default: none
	-D : Display incoming data				default: no
		Use this for debugging incoming connections and data.
	-f : Extra FIP header information 			default: none
		For fixed header info in FIP. eg -f #QA:AA#QB:BASIC
		As this flag is normally the last specified, its contents
		can be used to overwrite any unique fields such as DU, DP,
		SN etc.
	-I : id of this instance				default: ignored
		Where there are several copies of 'wire' running with the same -n
	-K : Close the connection after each POST		default: keep alive
	-s : hostname/internet address to select		default: systemname on boot
	-h : hostname/internet address to select		default: systemname on boot
		for servers with more than one card/address
		-a and -h are identical
		use '-s +' to listen on all ip addresses on that box.
	-l : Log items thru
	-L : detailed log thru					default: no
	-o : Output folder in /fip/spool			default: spool/xsmtp
		Note this will be overridden if there are any 'output-folderX:' parameters in
the parameter file.
	-O : Name of output format (DF field)			default: HTTPWIRE
	-P : port number to use					default: 9066
		Note that the normal http port is 80. On some platforms - Linux
		for example - Fip has to be started by 'root' to use ports under 1024.
	-r : the name of a DIFFERENT routing table to 'name'
		(SR field : used by iproute)			default: name
	-SSL : Force HTTPS (ie TLS/SSL)				default: no - http:
	-t : timeout with no data				default: 10 secs
			After this the connection is closed.
	-T : top folder for gets				default: none
	-u : logon for files created if NOT that
		which was used to start 'httpwire'		default: same
	-V : HTTPS TLS/SSL method to use			default: 23 for 2 or 3
	-Z : do NOT archive any incoming files			default: archive
	-v : Print the version number and exit

-- TLS/SSL notes:
 Use -SSL input switch to use - and optionally change the version number with

Prerequsite is the SSL layer which nowadays comes as standard on most
platforms. Otherwise it can be downloaded from the installation kit or the
website of the OS - Sun for Solaris, RedHat, Suse etc
For *nix, if you have gcc installed, it is usually easier (!) to compile from
the latest sources at
For Win2k, there are precompiled versions at
which points at
NOTE you generally have to also add the 'MicroSoft Visual C++ 2008
Redistributables' (vcredit)
Pick the 32bit Light version unless you are running very very high volume

Version Control
;000s7	23may00 original version from smtpwire
	;f-m 17apr02 added -D display data and -C
	;n 31oct03 added timings
	;o 24sep04 speedy
	;p 08apr06 added script and display-file-binary
	;q 27feb09 added output-folder0-9:
	;r3 14sep09 better GET ;4-7 04jan10 added TLS/SSL, added -I ;8 better 404
	;s3 13apr10 uploadform better, added blacklists, (ignores favicon and gets
		;3-7 16apr12 added reply*

(copyright) 2014 and previous years FingerPost Ltd.