ip2syb (Sat Oct 25 2014 01:31:01)


This program reads data from incoming files and updates a MicroSoft SqlServer
or Sybase database.

Often this is a Fip Stat database design like FINO for Financial/Stox data or
one of the Sports databases like SOCCER.

A parameter file for the data is held in tables/stat and defaults to SYBASE.

Data is in the format of a single record per line (ends with a CR and/or LF) :
	field1 (sep) field2 (sep) field3 (sep) etc
	where sep is normally a pipe '|' but can be changed using the 'sep:' keyword.
	eg :
	SOCCER|GOAL|24-2-95|LIVE|MANU|5|0|Ian Rush|58

It is important the data is correct as ip2syb makes no attempt to parse except
for some minor character changes and forcing dbl quotes '"'.

The program will then run a SqlSvr/Sybase Stored Procedure called :
(all lowercase) with all the fields as parameters. The example above would run
the following :
	fip_soccer_goal "24-2-95", "LIVE", "MANU", 5, 0, "Ian Rush", 58

IP2SYB needs to know how many fields there are and what their types are as
CHAR/VARCHAR is handled different to all DATES which are handled differently to
INTS and other numbers.

In the parameter table, a line describing is :
	table:FIXTURES	date,char,char,int,int,char,int

If there are too many fields in the data, they are chucked away; too few and
NULL fields or ZEROS added; but Sybase insists on the correct number of fields
or the Stored procedure will fail.

Keywords for SYBASE parameter file are :
	; comment line
	user: sybase user name
	passwd: Sybase passwd
	server: Sybase server name
	sep:	Field separator if not a pipe '|'
	comment: Single chr sigifying a comment line in the data file
	table: Layout of an input record for a particular table.
		table: (name)	list of field types in order
		table:FIXTURES  char,char,date,int,int,char,date,int
			for table FIXTURES (case sensitive if Sybase is)
			the parameters are 2 character fields followed
			by a data, 2 numbers, a char, a date and a number.

		If there are more input fields than you have parameters,
		the excess are ignored.
		If there are too few, then blank or zero fields are added.
	sp-replace: the stored procedure name if fixed
		the default is 'fip_(name of database)_' where database is the first field of
	sp-prefix: Prefix for the stored procedure
		the default is 'fip_(name of database)_' where database is the first field of
	sp-suffix: Suffix for the stored procedure
		default nothing
	chrmap:(old chr)	(new Chr)
			Replace single chrs with others. Use this to convert funnies to NewLines.
				chrmap:34	n
	log-line:FipSeq Log line to replace the Done message
			log-line:ES ER TP TH
	ignore-data: Ignore the data part of the file.		default: use ONLY data part
			This implies a 'before-file' and/or 'after-file'
	before-file: (Path and Filename in FipSeq)
	after-file:  (Path and Filename in FipSeq)
		File containing extra lines to insert in the same fashion as datalines.
		Use FipSeq to check for different stored procedures
		eg is the USERS file :
		db-log		DP:localhost	DQ:2sybase	SC:no DC:no JP:SP_LOG
		db-error	DP:localhost	DQ:2sybase	SC:no DC:no JP:SP_SHORT_ERROR
		then in the SYBASE file
		and have two extra files in /fip/tables/stat
		which contain lines like :

	dump-data: This makes a copy in /fip/dump of all sql calls and results
		If YES any failures to change to the chosen database mean the file is
considered bad and is deleted.
		Use NO to NOT delete.
	convert-to-utf8:(FipHdr Field)
		Convert any data to UTF8 unless this FipHdr field contains UTF8
		eg convert-to-utf8:T6
	force-database: (name)
		use this database name
		default first field
	force-table: (name)
		use this table
		default second field
	data-has-database: yes/no
		flag if the data does NOT start with the DATABASE name
		default is yes
	data-has-sp: yes/no
		flag if the data does NOT start with the Stored Procedure name
		default is yes

Where sections of FipHdr fields are required or changes to the output style,
use keywords : fixed, partial, combie, optional, repeat, newdate and/or style.
(see The SysAdmin manual for more information).

	They are normally specified :
		fixed:QZ	1234543
		partial:QT	ST,3,2,U,<,>
		combie:QY	ep|na,(0000000)a
		option:QE	ep,11,7,s
		repeat:QK	XK,-,3
	or	repeat:QP	PK,,4,#X
		style:QS	XN,%.03d

Examples :
table:FIXTURES	char,char,date,int,int,char,date,int

If you do NOT want to use an SP - say you have an insert ...:
sp-prefix:insert into Tstats (f1, f2, f3, f4, f5) values (
table:TSTATS	char,char,date,int,int

Input Parameters are (all optional) :
	-i : input queue					default: spool/2sybase
		If this does NOT start with a '/', it is assumed under spool.
	-o : done queue						default: file is deleted
		If this does NOT start with a '/', it is assumed under spool.
	-c : Set   the DBANSItoOEM and DBOEMtoANSI flags for MSQLsvr
	-C : Clear the DBANSItoOEM and DBOEMtoANSI flags for MSQLsvr
	-e : error queue					default: file is deleted
		Only input file which return errors are placed in this folder.
		If this does NOT start with a '/', it is assumed under spool.
	-E : only save files that errored in stataudit.	default: save all files
	-z : parameter file in tables/setup	default: tables/stat/SYBASE
	-s : do NOT log the start of a file			default: log start and end
	-S : logoff from the database after every file	default: logon and leave on
	-w : file wait for files arriving across a network.	def: 0 secs
	-l : do NOT log files in					default: log
	-v : print version number and exit

Note you are NOT allowed to write to the "master" database.

Version Control
;003v9	 7sep97 sqlsvr as default NT ;a 1jun98 minor mods
	;b 10jul98 dbdatecrack is 0-11 (syb) and 1-12 (mssql) !!
	;c 19sep98 check we are still connected pls
	;d 18jun99 added Conn/Discon log messages
	;e/f 31aug01 added sp-prefix, log-line, errorq and chrmap
	;g/h/j 10sep01 added ignore-data + before-file; and after-file:
	;k/l 17oct01 added -c/-C for MsSqlSvr language option
	;m 20may03 added dump-data
	;n-q 27may03 better tracking of chg-db errors
	;r-s 10dec04 freeTDS version
	;t-u 10nov06 passwd as FipSeq ie passwd:JW
	;v1-3 18jan08 added sp-suffix data-has-database data-has-sp force-database
		;4-6 bad utf8 chrs
		;7 woops VARCHAR type 'n' missing from "table"
		;8 if zone starts or ends with a QuoteChr (" for Syb/MSsql and ' for TDS)
space pad

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