ipadorachk (Sat Oct 25 2014 01:31:01)


This program is used to lookup data from a database as part of the Fip CopyFlow
including :
	- extracting ad information from an Adora database.
	- matching Company information against a Ticker database.

	-Option 1 get the 'highref' for EPSF files from 'material/matver'.
		If the EPSF has a LowRes call embedded,
		- we extract the high-res material code from the data
		- grab the corresponding high-res id from Adora 'materialhigh'
		- replace the lowres with by the relevant high-res (actually a PCI/OPI cal)
		- Option 1 is the default.

	-Option 2 find the 'material/matver for each 'pictref' in materialpict for

	-Option 3 find the 'pictref' for a ClassFolio from uap_pv_folios
		Uses ClassFolio PC and PageNumber PN inbound and QC + QP internally
		QC is PC (or half of PC for split pages)
		QP is left/right/full for split pages

	-Option 4 AFX symbology lookup

	-Option 5 Generic database lookup for finding metadata etc
		use sql-line to specify the sp or sql to run
		use -1 or -i or -h to input fiphdr info
		use -D to just display the data or -O for an output file

	-Option 6 and 7 resolve opi calls to Adora
		use sql-line to specify the sp or sql to run
		use -1 or -i to input EPS file
		use parameters	eps-start and eps-end for the template start and ends
		plus 'convert' for any file conversions to EPS
		The difference between 6 and 7 is :
			option 6 - input -1 is full path/filename
			option 7 - input -1 is an OPI call

A parameter file for Sybasy sort of things is held in tables/setup and defaults

Keywords for ADORACHK parameter file are :
	; comment line
	user: sybase user name
	passwd:	Sybase passwd
	server:	Sybase server name
	database: Database name (Sybase, MSsql server and MYsql only)
	newname: Name of the output file
		The default is the same as the input.
	sql-line: actual sql to run.
			For version 1, default is :
		select highref from materialhigh where material = PM and matver = PV
			For version 2, default is :
		select material, "-", matver from materialpict where pictref = "PR"
			For version 3, default is :
		exec uap_get_folio "QC", "QP"
			For versions 5 and 6 there is no default and this MUST be specified.

	For Version 4
		sql-line-1: first select
		sql-line-2: second select if the first does not work
			(ie sql-line-1 returns no rows)
		exch-fiphdr: 2 letter FipHdr field containing the exchange
				ie in the input FipHdr - default is J4
		sym-fiphdr: 2 letter FipHdr field containing the symbol
				ie in the input FipHdr - default is J2
			2 letter FipHdr field for the output file for these.

	For Version 5
		run-all-sql-lines:yes/no	default:no
			if yes - run all the sql-line* that are not empty
			if no - stop after the first line that does not error
			Use this for MYSQL stored procedures eg:

sql-line-1:call fip_chk_pnac ('TN', 'T7', 'HR', 'TZ', '$c', @hr, @acto)
sql-line-2:select 'Z6:', @hr, '#Z7:', @acto;


	For Version 6 and 7
		eps-start: (Filename)
		eps-end: (Filename)
			Templates for the standing postscript to start and end an Eps include
		convert:(name)	magic:(magic)   script:(script)
			See Below
			special case for 8 bit grey tiffs which need to be coloured scripts
			special case for one bit scripts
		force-1bit-colour:0 1 0 0
			cmyk values for 1 bit tiff conversion that needs to be a single spot
			force image to imagemask for 1 bit TIFF conversions
			do not convert an image which has already been converted
			by a previous ipadorachk run.

Other keywords -


		any new data is slotted in as FipHdr field QI
			eg	cp /fip/fix/NULL /fip/spool/2go/QI

	extra-fiphdr: (FipSeq)
	extra-fiphdr-after: (FipSeq)
	Add more FipHdr information either before and/or after processing

	log: (FipSeq)
		V5 - replacement log line if the log input switch is ON '-L'
		Note that FipHdr fields ER and EM hold the result and any message

Input Parameters are :
Mandatory :
	-1 : filename and path of a single file 	default: none
		If this does NOT start with a '/', it is assumed under the current path.
	-i : input queue to scroll			default: none
		If this does NOT start with a '/', it is assumed under spool.
	-f : FipHdr fields				default: none
		eg -h"#J4:NYSE#J2:FIP"
		or remembering to escape the Hashes in a perl script
Optional :
	-V : version or option number			default: 1
		Can be 1 - 7 
	-d : done queue for a copy of the raw input	default: file is deleted
		If this does NOT start with a '/', it is assumed under spool.
	-o : output or done queue			default: file is deleted
		If this does NOT start with a '/', it is assumed under spool.
	-O : output filename 				default: same as input name if needed
		this is the same as the 'newname' parameter
	-z : parameter file in tables/setup		default: tables/stats/ADORACHK
	-X : always replace/supercede an existing file	default: preserve
		of the same output name.
	-w : file wait for files arriving across a network.	def: 0 secs
	-l : do NOT log files in			default: log
	-L : detail log 				default: log
	-h : extra FipHdr string to use			default: none
		this is the same as the 'fiphdr' parameter
	-H : no FipHdr on the output pls		default: copy FipHdr
	-D : display data to stdout and do NOT add to a file	default: only put in a
	-v : print version number and exit

Notes - Converting NON-eps files to PostScript (v6)
The Magic number of each data file (the first 4 bytes) is checked. All
PostScript and PostScript with Binary Header files are left 'as is' and the
filename noted. All other types are compared against our table of images
defined with the 'convert' parameter.

If the image is on that list and there is a conversion script to convert it to
EPS then that is run and the EPS file dropped into the 'raw file path' -
usually spool/epsf.

The syntax of the 'convert' keyword is
	convert: (name)   magic:(1st 4 chrs of file)	script: (script to run to

- Use double quotes to keep the spaces
- The script MUST generate a file in spool/epsf with the same filename as the
input with an Extra extension of '.eps'.

examples of using Image Alchemy to convert TIFF files :
convert:tiffII	magic:"II*00" script:"/usr/forum/bin/alchemy QI/QF QO/QN
-Q -o -e 1400 --."
convert:tiffMM	magic:"MM00*" script:"/usr/forum/bin/alchemy QI/QF QO/QN
-Q -o -e 1400 --."

There is also a special case for converting 1bit tiffs
convert-1bit-tiff:"/usr/forum/bin/alchemy QI/QF QO/QN -Q -o -e 2000 --."

;There is also a special case for converting 1bit tiffs using PP-Pub and
convert-8bit-tiff:"/usr/bin/perl /fip/local/convert8bittiffs.pl pub=PP
colour='C0' tint=T0 in=QI/QF out=QO/QN"

- Note that even more FipHdr fields are available ONLY for the script :
	QI - Path/queue/folder where the Input file resides
	QF - name of the input file to be converted (no folder/path info)
	QO - Path/queue/folder for the Output,converted files
		this is /fip/spool/epsf unless overridden
	QN - name of the output filename
		this will be a made up TMP name ending with a '.eps' extension

Version 6 and 7 FipHdr fields
% PDF-OPI-START version 2b 21feb2005
% Level	FL
% Original   FO
% Hires File FN
% Material   FM
% Version	FV
% BB	 B1 B2 B3 B4
% Size	D1 D2	(D8 D9)
% Scale	S1 S2
% Position   P1 P2 | P3 P4 | P5 P6 | P7 P8
% Crop/Mask  C1 C2 C3 C4
% Tiff Reso  T1 T2
% Move	M1 M2
% Rotate	R1
% Colour	C0
% Tint	T0

Version Control
;003q4	09mar05 bugettes/tweaks for v6/7
		added ALDImageColor/ALDImageType/ALDImageColorType
	;c 29mar05 color zap for bitmaps only
	;d 23apr05 bugette with 90% rotates
	;e 14may05 bugettes in filesize when converted file is > 64k and orig < 64k
	;f 17may05 added 'mangle-bitmap:yes' as option and turned OFF imagemask
		fr use with CMYK rather than RGB
	;g-h xxmay05 script for 1bittiff and tweak for yMove/Tiff for rounding errors
	;i 09aug05 added force-1bit-colour:
	;j 12oct05 added %ALDImageTint: .1 -> Tint T0 and affects Colour C0 too
	;k 03nov05 added reuse-converted-images
	;l 04dec05 added different processes for 8bit grey tiffs which need to be
	;m 09jan05 tiffs with tints generate another eps
	;o 21sep06 odbc version
	;p5 26oct07 tuned version 5 - generic (added other sql-lines) ;3 tuning ODBC
	;q4 28aug08 added run-all-lines: ;2 error in V4 afxcodes ;3 added log: ;4
;002z	27may03 added mysql bits and version 4 ;b 2hits at db
	;c 23jul03 added leftpage/rightpage to V3 for LH
	;d-h 25jul03 better V4 for MLT
	;i-j 24sep04 speedy
	;k-o 19nov04 added -f, -D, -V 5 and -V 6
	;p-y 14dec04 added -V 7 same as V6 but resolve the first
		u-w 4decpts and better crop Dims)
	;z 09feb05 redid scaling/moves for Tiffconversions != 72dpi
;001b	10aug00 added -V 2 - todo 'dcs' and flog ?
	;a 14sep00 materialPICT not materialHIGH for V2
	;b 10may01 added V3

(copyright) 2014 and previous years FingerPost Ltd.