ipeddir (Sat Oct 25 2014 01:31:01)


Sort and print the contents or an abstract of the contents of an Queue on the

IPEDDIR does an 'ls -1t' to sort the directory on time date and then reads this
file to create the output file directory according to the parameters from the

The parameter file has the following parameters :
	banner:	text for a Directory Banner in FipSeq	default: none
		banner:rnThis is a bannerrn
	hdr:	text for specifying each file hdr in FipSeq	default: ...
	nolines: There are no lines of text after the header line
							default: 2 lines
	lines:	No of lines for each file. Specify 0 for ALL lines.
		lines:15				default: 2 lines
	files:	No of files to show			default: 0 for ALL files
	search:	Optional search string in FipSeq to select ONLY these items
		search:KEEGAN				default: none
	dir: 'ls' parameter string			default: ls -1t
	dest:	select these destination(s) only	default: all
		(for log files only)
	matchdest: match the destinations		default: perfect match
		USe this to match ap1 = ap or rs1ap = rs
		match on first 3 chrs = matchdest:3
		perfect match (default)	matchdest:0
		match on all but the last chr of the destination :-1
	nocr:	strip CR/NLs from the text	default: do NOT strip CRs
	strip:	Strip all text until this string UNLESS the
		string does not appear in the no of lines
		specified			default: no strip

Only one search string is allowed and only the first 64K of a file is checked.

Input switches :
	Mandatory :
	-d : path/filename for the resulting directory	default: none
	-q : queue to scan				default: none
	-a : archive name				default: none
	-j : logfile date relative to today.	default: 0 for today
		yesterday will be 1, 2days ago 2 etc
	Optional :
	-l : 'ls' parameter string (must be in dbl qtes)default: ls -1t
	-x : strip CR/NLs and leading spaces	default: leave text as is
	-t : parameter table			default: tables/print/EDDIR
	-s : search string - include ONLY files with this string
		This overrides the search string in the parameter file.
							default: none
	-v : print version number and exit

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