ipfox (Sat Oct 25 2014 01:31:01)


IPFOX is the program to test outgoing tty or terminal server (spider) ports.
 It repeatedly sends a barber pole message so that someone can check whether
the physical line is useable.

By default it will send a "Quick Brown Fox..." message but any text/binary
string can be specified to be sent in its place.

The SETUP file is held in tables/setup. This file is in the format :

		; comment
		fox: This is the outbound string rn

where	; signifies a comment
	text in the fox parameter is all on one line terminated with a NL. Normal Unix
escape chrs and octal codes may be specified using the ''. There is a 2k
buffer size for the message.

If a TTY port is used, you may use a STTY file to configure the port. The name
used is tables/stty/STTY_FOX_ttyx where x is the port name.

Input Parameters :
	 Note that -a and -f and -F are mutually exclusive
Mandatory :
	-s : Spider name or TTY device name		default: none
	-p : Spider port number					default: none 
	-a : send a complete Ascii set from 0 to 255	default: do not
	-f : setup file holding the message to send	default: none
	-F : Setup file is a binary file to send	default: no
	-S : string to send (in FipSeq)		default: none
	-t : interval between sends			default: 3 secs
	-T : open timeout for sockets		default: 10 secs
	-v : Print the version number and exit

Version Control
;005f	16sep96 WINNT
	;b/c 23apr98 WINNT com port
	;d 25feb02 added -a
	;f 22mar04 added timeout and display and fipseq

(copyright) 2014 and previous years FingerPost Ltd.