ipj11hdr (Sat Oct 25 2014 01:31:01)


To use :
	ipj11hdr -h hdrfile -s source-asciifile

or to just show the Hdr

	ipj11hdr -h hdrfile

This program takes an ordinary text file and makes it a in a header file as

Or it can be used to review/look at an exsiting header.

The input file is a a normal Unix/PC/MAC ascii text file.
	- 1-6 lines of up to 80 chrs ending with a CR or LF.
	- Note that ONLY letters, numbers and punctuation are allowed.

To force a field to be protected, insert a '<' beforehand. Similarly a '>' will
force UNprotected. Note that spaces are automatically unprotected UNLESS the
first space is preceeded by a Protect

Comments are a ';' at the beginning of a line. To state an actual line that
starts with a ';', stick a '<' or a '>' beforehand.

Input parameters are :
	-h (name of Hdr filename with path if necessary)
	-s (optional name of text file to use to create Hdr)
	-v (print version and exit)

The New Header is displayed with a second line underneath where Protected
Header fields are underlined with '+++' and Unprotected header fields with

Usually a template or editable file is kept in tables/sndsnd or tables/gateway.

By default, if the output file exists, it is zapped by the new one.

Note that this program ONLY generates Editorial Headers of up to 6 lines.

It is entirely up to you whether the field names make any sense to anybody. But
you should at least make sure that there the hdr fields :
in the correct strings for the remote j11.

Note that the J11 hdr MUST have certain fields UNprotected or it will freeze
the screen of someone on. The CMD field or its equiv on that J11 is the only
MUST, but FMT and NOTES are advised.

Similarly you should really PROTECT fields like ORIG, BY, FROM, SYS, MSG or

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