ipmaint (Sat Oct 25 2014 01:31:01)


This program - usually run by crontab from local/zapfiplog - looks at the file
tables/sys/MAINT and removes old archive files from log/data (remember these
have the name of (JulianDate_WireServiceName).

It then trims the item log file log/ALL. The complete previous days log is in
ALL.1, day-2 is in ALL.2 etc to ALL.5.
The default is to zap any ALL files after ALL.5 but this can be changed with
the '-d' input parameter.

Lastly (and optionally) it can be used to save various types of messages
according to a search string you provide.

Run the program additional times for the SYN and other item logs.

Syntax of the MAINT parameter file :

	; comment

The first non-commented line should be the time to zap the item log :
	00:00 -1
or	00:50
Note : 
	1. The time MUST be in the same format as all times in
		the item log file itself : 00:10 etc
	2. If you want to strip to a time on a previous day then
		add -n after the time where n is the no of days.

Processing for the other sections depends on whether the line start
with a '/' indictating it is an archive zap. Any other none space
chr is considered a item log selection.

The format of the archive zaps is :
	/queue/SU	no-of-days	; optional comment
where	SU is the name of the archive : ie PA as in 253_PA
	queue is either : 'entry', 'exit' or 'xchg'
	no-of-days is the number of COMPLETE days to leave.

eg:	/data/PA	2   ; comment - ie leave 2 complete days of PA
	/data/EXTEL	7   ; leave 7 complete days of EXTEL in xchg
Note that ALL log files should be entered - if it is NOT in this file, it will
not be deleted !

The format for selection of item log lines is :
		string	filename	;comment
	ie:	prog	filename	;comment
	or	!type	filename	;comment
where filename is a unix file to append all these records .
	ipbox	/usr/edito/STRINGER_MONTH	; monthly save
	telex	/usr/acct/TELEX_LOG		; telex log
	!x	/fip/log/FAILURE_LIST

	default-no-days: 22
		If an archive file in log/data exists and there is NO /queue/SU entry,
		this can be used to zap olds ones.
		There is no default - ie files are just left in log/data
	default-all-logs: 10
		No of days to leave the all logs
		default is 5

Input parameters are :
	-l : Item Log file 				default: log/ALL
	-m : maintenance parameter file			default: sys/MAINT
	-d : no of days to leave for the ALL file	default: 5
		(overridden by the default-all-logs keyword)
	-D : WINNT drive letter			default: main drive
		Use this if Fip is actually running on a drive which is
		NOT the main boot disk.
	-v : print version no and exit
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