ipmon (Sat Oct 25 2014 01:31:01)


IPMON monitors when traffic was last logged on this system plus it can check
for events such as program failures and network problems.

It watches the Item Log, log/ALL, and displays those events specified in its
parameter table - generally tables/sys/MONITOR.

The syntax of the parameter file MONITOR is :
	; comment
	; For any embedded spaces, pls remember to use s 
	snothing:** Nothing in the Log **

	from:iproute	string:AP	ignore:PAP	time:15	log:
	from:iproute	string:REUTER	time:5:BEEP
	from:iproute	string:EXTEL	time:10:tracemsg days:1-6 hours:9.00-21:30
	; do not check timeouts on INFO ...
	from:iproute	string:INFO	show:"QD  for SN"
	from:iproute	string:AFP	title:"Agence France Press"

	fnothing:Nothing in the Log


	; create a file every time this is run and send it to destination statusMON
	; this destination MUST be in the sys/USERS parameter file

	extra-fiphdr: (optional) FipHeader information for the output file.

	; run a script every cycle
	script: (name of script)

	; run a script every time you get an error or a certain flag
	; there can be 10 flags tracked
	allerrors: (scriptname)
	allforflag: (flag) : (scriptname)

	; Run a specfic script every cycle if timed out
	; (default is on transition only - ie when times out and when recovers)

	error-message; (FipSeq)
	no-traffic-message: (FipSeq)
		replacement text for the log message if a service errors.
		FipHdrs	ET - holds the title or searchname
			ES - number of seconds since the last item
			EM - number of mins since the last item
		eg	error-message:Service ET has failed (EM mins since the last one)
			no-traffic-message:No Traffic has arrived on Service ET today

In this example, we first set up the banners for scans (sbanner) and flags
(fbanner), then setup default warning messages if nothing is found for that
scan or flag (snothing and fnothing).

For scans we look for items that program 'iproute' wrote. A search string,
ususally the agency but it could be any valid string is specified. Optionally a
timeout value in minutes can be applied. An optional 'ignore' string can be
specified to ignore certain lines.

Some strings like 'AP' appear as part words in keywords etc. So to be sure you
get only the AP service use :
	service:"AP	"
where a tab is after the AP and all enclosed in double quotes

If this time is exceeded, the line is flagged so. The program can optionally
beep or run a script ie :
	or	time:20:script
	which tries to run a script with parameters :
		script srchstring minutes-since itemtext
	or	script srchstring -1 NothingMessage

This timeout can be restricted to days of the week and/or hours of the day :
For days, either specify each day with a comma between or a dash for a range
(no embedded spaces pls). The day numbers are 1=sunday, 2=monday etc.
	days:1,2,3	for Sun, Mon and Tue
or	days:2-6	for weekdays

For Hours of the day :
	hours:(from)-(to)	where from and to are 24hour clock

To log the problems in the Fip Item Log, use the 'log:' subparameter.

Normally the rest of the line is printed but there may be a case where you want
to extract information from the line and only use one or two bits of it. This
is especially true when the complete FIP filename is provided eg :
Wed Feb 16 15:53:55 ipspool !i :
To run this script every cycle if timed out rather than (default) on transition
only - ie when times out and when recovers - use the 'everytime:' parameter;

Use show to extract the information you require . If spaces are to be embedded,
use double quotes before and after the string.
		show:"DU for SN"
give		mono for MER2

Normally the second column is the search string but this can be replaced by the
Title keyword.

For flags (meaning the Item Log flags such as !x for failures, !i for incomings
etc) we specify just the first letter plus a description field.

For 'allerrors',  the script will be presented with four parameters :
If the error was :
	Sat Oct 11 17:52:16 ipbdcast (9911)  !x : Recv Error   131

	parameter1	date/time	Sat Oct 11 17:52:16
	parameter2	program		ipbdcast
	parameter3	system/port	(9991)
	parameter4	message		Recv Error   131
Note that 'allerrors' works for all NEW traffic only. So if 'ipmon' is stopped
and restarted, any intermediate errors are ignored. This can be reversed by the
-A input switch to flag ALL errors in the log file, not just the new ones.

'allforflag' works exactly the same except there are 6 parameters
	parameter 1	'ERROR'
	parameter 2	the flag
	parameter 3	date/time as above etc etc

Input Options are (all optional) :
	-1 : single run then stop				default: continuous running
	-A : run the 'allerrors' script for all "!x" on restart. default: only new
	-b : do NOT beep if timed out
		default: beep if the BEEP parameter has been specified.
	-d : daemon/service flag. Run in background to	  default: no
		generate show files for IPSVCE.
		This leaves the file in x/MON.(name of parameter file)
		forced uppercase.
	-L : Log file in /fip/log 				default: /fip/log/ALL
		Use this for testing or looking at Syndication logs etc
	-o : output folder
		default: /fip/x for -d daemon/service flag
		default: /fip/spool/2go for file:destination
			Note this is only used if there is a 'file' parameter
		default: none for normal running as the file is displayed and not saved
	-O : Start scan on this number of seconds off the minute. default:23
	-t : sleep time in seconds between scans		default: 60 secs
	-z : use a different parameter file in tables/sys 	default: MONITOR
		-f and -z are the same
	-v : print version number and exit

If 'ipmon' is being started by 'local/rc.fip' on reboot there is every chance
there will be no shell and no environment set - and in particular, no PATH. So
the full pathname of the script must be specified in the parameter file.

Version Control
;015t6	12oct97 added allerrors
	;a 28apr98 WINNT inputs now work
	;c 04nov99 added days and hours
	;d 20nov99 added -A
	;e/f/g 27nov00 added -L
	;h-i 12apr02 added log
	;j 05mar04 no of scans from 200 to 300
	;k add extraFipheader
	;l-n 06apr06 added -o for output folder
	;o 01may07 allowed hours to go over midnight
	;p-t3 21may07 added script for flag: and allforflag:
		;1 added -1 single ;2 day bug - was mday ;3 bugette with allerrors ;4-5
21may12 -O added
		;6 15jul13 allow script names with _ and - in program

(copyright) 2014 and previous years FingerPost Ltd.