ipsvrgtw (Sat Oct 25 2014 01:31:01)


This is the background server for IPBOX when used to access data on the Atex
j11 via gateway.

It is normally placed in the SYSTEM file and forgot about.

Please put in the same group as 'ipgtwy' so that it can turned off and on when
Gateway is started/stopped.

Input switches are (all mandatory) :
	-j : Path to the J11			default:/Atex/commgr/box
		This must be with Header and Binary.
	-l : log requests and connections	default: no
	-P : Port no to receive messages on	default: 9130
	-q : softquad string			default: r
		This can be any FipSeq. If embedding escape chrs
		like '', put between double quotes -q "rn"
	-m : minimum number of lines		default: 0 for just filename
		eg -m 1
	-v : print version number and quit	default: no

IPSVRGTW uses environment variables and input switches on starteup to override
its defaults :
if necessary, the characters which are considered End-of-Line and End of Words
	FIP_GTWY_EOLN	   End of Line chrs	default: 02030405

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