ipsvrj11 (Sat Oct 25 2014 01:31:01)


This is the background server used to access data on a Fip Server.

This version can do the following :
	LISTQUEUES	for a logon
	STORE		if file already exists, the OLD version is copied to name.000
			New hdr is added

It is normally placed in the SYSTEM file and forgot about.

Input switches are (all optional) :
	-l : log requests and connections	default: no
	-j : j11 path				default: /Atex/commgr/general
	-P : Port no to receive messages on	default: 9140
	-h : j11 hdr to use as default		default: wirdef
	-v : print version number and quit	default: no


---- Input ----
Example of Input :
<?xml version="1.0" standalone>
Note - tags are case insensitive

---- Output ----
Example of Output :
<?xml version="1.0" standalone>
</FIPAGENT>Data follows.......
Note there is no trailing NL

---- Notes ----
Return Codes

Ok - in the range 200-299

211 - Read complete
212 - Filter returns nothing
221 - Store complete
231 - Directory List complete

errors - in the range 400-499

general errors
401 - Nothing !
402 - No Action Specified
403 - No Logon Specified
404 - Password Incorrect
405 - Unknown Action Specified
406 - Timeout - incomplete Token

411 - No File Specified
412 - No Such File
413 - File not Readable

421 - No File Specified
422 - Exists but is NOT a File
423 - File exists - no overwrite selected
424 - Error Writing Zero Length File
425 - No Data Sent for new file

Dir List
431 - No Queue Specified
432 - Queue does NOT exist
433 - You do not have access to this Queue

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