iptstwir (Sat Oct 25 2014 01:31:01)


This program is used to simulate an data feed. It reads a single archive log
and sends files at regular intervals. When it reaches the end of the file, it

Each new file is sent to Terminal server/Port where a wire/vwire/pwire/zwire
will be listening.

Generally it is used to tune VWIRE files.

Input Parameters :
	Mandatory :
	-n : name of dump file				default: none
	-s : host name					default: none
	-p : port no on the host			default: none
	Optional :
	-f : wait between connection attempts if 	default: 10 secs
		host/program is offline.
	-i : interval between sending packets		default: 1 secs
	-L : display on the screen			default: no
	-S : spool - do NOT stop at end of dump file	default: stop at end
		and restart at the beginning
	-W : Wait string				default: none
	-w : wait if wait string encountered		default: 10 secs
	-v : print version no and exit

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