ipxmiles (Sat Oct 25 2014 01:31:01)


Up to 30000 fields may be added

Parameter file

	chr: (input chr)	(chr or string to output in FipSeq)
	style-field-no: (number)
		the field containing the style name which is defined in 'miles-style'.
		default is field 21


	column-width: in points									default: 81
	cms-2-points: factor for converting Cms to Points		default: 28.3464
	points-per-line: factor for number of points per line	default: 61

	plus normal widgets

for styles
	miles-style: (style name)	start: (FipSeq)	toroman: (FipSeq) tobold: (FipSeq)

for extra fiphdr fields..
	fiphdr:(2 letter code)		data: (FipSeq)

for each field ...
	field: (sequence no)	type: (code)
	field: (sequence no)	type: (code)	fiphdr: (2letter code)

	field:27	type:chars	fiphdr:AA

For Single file containing all editions and insertions
	multiples:	pubcode:1001	pubdate:1002

Types are :
	size	no of text blocks
	date	date field
	number	number
	money	money field (2 dec places)
	chars	string of characters (default)
	time	time field

Extra FipHdr fields are added automatically for :
	MX	width in points
	MY	height in points

Input Switches

Input parameters are : all optional :
	-i : Queue to scan					default: spool/xmiles
	-o : Output queue					default: spool/2go
	-d : Done queue for raw file		default: file is deleted
	-D : 2nd Done queue for raw file	default: file is deleted
	-m : multiple output files pls		default: single file
		each containing a single edition/insertion
	-M : do NOT ignore non-N status inserts for single-file
	-t : scan time of queue				default: 3 secs
	-l : do NOT log each msg in or out.	default: log
	-S : do NOT strip duplicate spaces in Text fields	default: strip
	-w : file wait						default: none (0 secs)
	-z : parameter file					default: setup/XMILES
	-v : display version number and exit.

Note that Doc says the end field is 739 but it looks like there are 2 (??) text
blocks at 864 and 865 and the insert data starts at 866.

Version Control
;000p	 6sep99 chris original version
	;d-19nov99 minor mods
	;e-01dec99 minor mods
	;f-09dec99 woops yr 2000 is 1900
	;g/h-05jan00 add 1 second wait on new file and buffer size
	;i-10jan00 - woops upped no of fields to 30000 and BUG in memory
	;j-13jan00 added single file containing all Editions and insertions
	;k-21jan00 minor mods
	;l-n-09feb00 for all-insertions-in-single file, check status
	;o 24may03 added -D for 2nd done queue
	;p 18aug04 redid split into fields

(copyright) 2014 and previous years FingerPost Ltd.