sffcat (Sat Oct 25 2014 01:31:01)


Same as cat but stops on eof PC 032
 .. and converts single CR and CRNL and NL to single NLs
 .. unless flagged OFF

Input parameters are :
 - Mandatory
	filename	this must be the last parameter if there are several

 - Optional
	-e : character to stop			default: Cntrl Z
		remember to double quote if an escaped chr
		eg sffcat -e "33" rubi.file
	-E : no end of file character		default: yes there is
	-S : end string				default: single end chr of CntrlZ
		This can be in FipSeq for unprintables.
	-f : strip the FipHdr from the file	default: no leave it
	-F : Fortran line ends			default: no
		Fortran adds a two byte length at the front on a line
		in place of a CR or NL combination.
		Use this flag to convert to NL
	-H : ONLY save the FipHdr		default: leave original file
		ie ignore any data. For files with no FipHdr,
		this outputs just a start and end FipHdr
	-L : maximum length of the file		default: all
		-L 102020
	-d : Break out and Display DIME format	default: no
	-T : SII tape utility format		default: no
	-M : MACBIN - get just the data		default: no
		This will not translate the CR -> NL
	-D : display MACBIN header fields	default: no
		This ignores daylight savings for Mac Times
	-o : Output filename			default: stdout
		this name can be in FipSeq
	-t : no of secs - close and reopen file every x secs, def: no
	-X : do NOT translate eolns to NL	default: do
	-v : version and exit

For those switches with parameters, the parameter MUST be separated by a space.

Old Version had ..
	or filename WITH ANY 2nd PARAMETER - dont strip CRs or convert CRs to NL

EG for dime
	sffcat -E -X -d (input file) | more

Version Control
;011a3	01feb08	added -o outname and -t every and FipSeq ;3 fip_dequote
;010	10apr07 added -d
;009a	16may05	added -H
;008a	28may99 added -M and -D for macBin and -S for end string
;007	 1jun98	added -T SII Tape Utility

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