sfflogon (Sat Oct 25 2014 01:31:01)


This program authenticates a logon/passwd in any one of a number of ways

	1. w4 logon

	2. against an apache httpd server (possibly running radius)
		sfflogon -s server3 -p 80 -t http -l logon -w passwd

A parameter file is (normally) web/setup/customer.setup

	; Internal v External logons

	; assume the address is int or ext if no explictly stated above
		default: internal

	; Cookies
		Allow users to use cookies so they do not need to logon each time
		default: no

		Allow external users to use cookies.
		default: no

	logon-list-file:(name of list file)
		This is in /fip/web/logon/lists/ and is forced upper case with .INTERNAL and
.EXTERNAL extensions
		syntax is
			; comment line
			name | password | pub | group to use | description or real name |
buttons/usertype | wires | options | prefs
		currently only name, password and group is used
	logon-list-extra2: (ext of list file)
		Two optional ext for extra logon files that are tested first
		eg	logon-list-file:SUN
		So there can be 2 or 3 logon list files :
			- SUN.TEMP will be checked first
			- then either SUN.INTERNAL or SUN.EXTERNAL depending on where the request is

	cookie-name: (name)
		default: fipCookie

	balance-group: (name)
		use this to balance cookies and codes between systems

	balance-fipid: (name)
		use this to balance Fipids between systems

		password in either a single logon file or the logon-list can be encrypted or
		default: no

	w4-extra-script: (FipSeq string)
		Run this script to get more attributes
		The script should return 0 for ok; any other is an error
		The following FipHdrs are available
			LL	Logon
			LP	Password
			LF	Fipid
			LC	Cookie
			LW	Internal=0/External=1 flag
			LX	TempFile name for the details to add to .map and .info
				This is read and the data merged with any other information
		eg	w4-extra-script:/fip/local/fiplogonldap.pl logon=LL file=LX

		We have already authenticated the logon, so just get the extra information
		default is NO

	auto-key: (string)
	auto-logon: (string)
	auto-password: (string)
	auto-pub: (string)
	auto-option: (string)
		Allow user to logon automatically if this passkey is used as the Fipid
		The logon and password are to be used for picking up the right logon file or
logon-list enrty.
		There can be 19 different auto-keys
		default: none
		auto-pub is used to populate user-p8 and pub: for the info file
			options include PFX = pub-prefix

	use-second-level-logon: (yes/no)
		This prompts for a 2nd level of authentication which is a one-time-used pad
		default: no
	If you use 'use-second-level-logon:yes' you need :
		sfflogon version 02d
		fip_generatecodes.pl 		- background program to generate the codes
		admin_logon_radius.pl		- to allow an administrator to generate 20 codes for a
			Set Variable in the script : $generateCodes = 1;

Input Parameters are :
	-t : type					default: w4
		http	- apache web server
		w4	- w4 logon file
	-f : fipid					default: none
	-l : logon					default: none
	-c : cookie to use/check			default: none
	-l : logon					default: none
	-w : password					default: none
	-d : full logon name				default: none
	-s : remote host name or IPaddress		default: none
	-p : remote host port number			default: none
	-u : url					default: none
	-g : Publication or organisation		default: none
	-z : parameter file name in web/setup		default: customer.setup
		if not default
	-v : print version no and exit

(-s and -p and -u are used by type -t http)
(-c and -f and -z are used by type -t w4 - default)

For those switches with parameters, the parameter MUST be separated by a space.

Other env varis can be used to define where the system is :
	SFF_HOME	where the home or top queue is.	default: /fip
			eg	setenv	SFF_HOME	/ripexpress/underware
	SFF_LOG		where the log files queue is	default: (SFF_HOME)/log
	SFF_SPOOL	where the data queues are	default: (SFF_HOME)/spool
	SFF_TMP		where the tmp data queues is	default: (SFF_HOME)/x
			ie if spools are on /data99 which is hard disk /dev/sd0, you MUST also
			have the TMP queue on the same disk/partition

NOTE that for all BUT SFF_HOME, if the parameter starts with a '/' then it is a
hard, absolute path; if not then the spool area is under SFF_HOME.
	eg	setenv	SFF_SPOOL	/data7		will look under /data7 for queues
	while	setenv	SFF_SPOOL	data7		will look under /fip/data7

Version Control
;002r2	17sep05 added 2nd level and blocks
	;d-f added errors for logon/pad and balanced pad ;f added p10 and p11
	;g 29aug06 added w4-extra-script for LDAP etc and use-radius
	;h-i 22sep06 Winnt version of pad
	;j 24oct06 added -d for display name
	;k 23jan07 check input field size
	;l-m 10may07 added auto-key2-9
	;n 2aug07 added srfipcpy
	;o1 30sep07 if setup/logon.radius.setup exists, use it for extra lIST fields
	;p1 06dec07 read all logon file for Cookies/Shh too
	;q2 24jan08 added auto-pub and auto-option
	;r1-2  5jan14 added logon-list-extra1/2
;001h	13may03 added w4 - cookies etc
	;b 10jul03 allow more than 1 cookie
	;c-d 21jul03 added expires...
	;e 08mar04 added external address tracking
	;f-h 26mar04 added logon-list-file
;000a	15dec02 original version

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