sffport (Sat Oct 25 2014 01:31:01)


This program sends files to a networked TCP/IP port.

	sffport -s server3 -p 1972 filename
	cat filo | sffport -s localhost -p 3333

Example with an endstring (-B), a long wait (-e 50) and a display of return
	sffport -s -p 40004 -d -B /Nserver -e 50
samples/getSupportedEncodings_Command.xml | cat -vet

Example for testing Multicast with a 10 sec gap between packets of 500 bytes
each, display a dot for each pkt !
	sffport -s -p 6000 -m -d -Y -b 500 -w 10000 tester.180.fip

Any data is passed through without modification unless the the -X flag is set
to add a NUL between CR and NL as telnet zap these.

Note there is an extra FipSeq, %c for the complete size of file (including

Input Parameters are :
	-s : spider or tty output device		default: none
		unless 'network' or script' parameters are stated.
	-p : spider port number				default: none
		for terminal servers only
	-h : strip the FipHdr				default: no
	-d : display any text from the server		default: no
		Note that if you are looking at this on an
		ordinary window or terminal and control chrs
		are being received, you could screw up your screen.
		Pipe via cat -ve to strip nasties.
		cat file_to_send | sffport -s serv1 -p 1818 -d | cat -ve
	-y : display data as sent			default: no
	-Y : display a dot for each packet as sent	default: no
	-X : add a NUL betweeen CR NL ..		default: no
		so non-transparent telnet does not zap the NL
	-e : At the end, wait for data from the 	default: 5
		server. Stop after X secs of no traffic.
	-E : At the end, wait for some data THEN	default: no
		wait '-e' seconds before finishing.
	-T : force the wait at end to be exactly the -e	default: no
		ie -T -e 300 will wait for 300 seconds only
	-B : At the end, wait for this string and then	default: no
	-b : block size					default: 1024
		Use this to test programs which do not handle
		small TCP packet sizes well.
		If you specify more than about 1450, TCP will fragment
		them automatically. The Minimum is 10 bytes.
	-c : Timeout for the connection			default: 60 secs
		for ordinary TCP connections (not multicast or UDP)
	-o : name of an output file for any text from	default: no
		Normally any text is ignored (or displayed with -d)
	-O : also add any data sent to the output file	default: no
		(requires -o (filename) too of course)
	-F : FipAgent for use with ipsvrd		default: no
	-z : Parameter file				default: none
	-S : alternate terminal server if first refuses	default: no
	-P : alternate termsvr port if first refuses	default: no
	-R : range of port numbers to use. see below	default: just the one
	-l : log					default: no
	-L : use SSL layer				default: no
	-I : run Interactively ie run from a shell	default send file
	-A : send the user name on connect to the remote	default: do not
	-u : use UDP as the protocol			default: tcp
	-m : port is multicast				default: tcp
	-M : mTTL 					default: 2
	-H : local IP address for 2nd card for mbone	default: no
	-f : extra FipHdr info for filing in the standing files (-g/-G/-k/-K)	default:
	-g : FipSeq string to send BEFORE the data	default: none
	-G : FipSeq string to send AFTER the data	default: none
	-k : filename of any standing file of FipSeq	default: none
		to send BEFORE the data (and after any -g BEFORE)
	-K : filename of any standing file of FipSeq	default: none
		to send AFTER the data ( and before any -G AFTER)
	-n : once - nstein, twice - squawk box		default: none
	-w : wait in millisecs between sent packets	default: 0
		use this to pace a link
	-W : interval in secs between error messages	default: every second
	-x : split string in FipSeq			default: do not split
		the data will be sent in discrete packets starting with this string
	-D : FipSeq to send BEFORE each pkt		default: none
	-v : print version no and exit

For those switches with parameters, the parameter MUST be separated by a space.

-R allows a range of numbers to use. So if we had
	sffport -s humdrum -p 9090 -R 10
then the program will look to the first free port from 9090 to 9099

-- Imitating an HTTPS link - use -L (in this example we also use -I for
	sffportssl -s www.zinglezongle.com -p 443 -L -I
	Then type
		GET / HTTP/1.0
		Host: www.zinglezongle.com
		(2 end of lines)
	... wait for the reply...

Other env varis can be used to define where the system is :
	SFF_HOME	where the home or top queue is.		default: /fip
			eg	setenv	SFF_HOME	/ripexpress/underware
	SFF_LOG		where the log files queue is		default: (SFF_HOME)/log
	SFF_SPOOL	where the data queues are		default: (SFF_HOME)/spool
	SFF_TMP		where the tmp data queues is		default: (SFF_HOME)/x
			ie if spools are on /data99 which is hard disk /dev/sd0, you MUST also
			have the TMP queue on the same disk/partition

NOTE that for all BUT SFF_HOME, if the parameter starts with a '/' then it is a
hard, absolute path; if not then the spool area is under SFF_HOME.
	eg	setenv	SFF_SPOOL	/data7		will look under /data7 for queues
	while	setenv	SFF_SPOOL	data7		will look under /fip/data7

The Parameter file is use only for FipAgent traffic and is found in
/fip/tables/svrd (not sfftables) :
	; comment line
	wrapper: xml wrapper string
		eg : wrapper:DEVICE_MESSAGE
		default is FIPAGENT
	data-length: tag containing the length of data following the wrapper
		default is DATALENGTH
	action: Action of the message
		default is REPLY
	message: FipAgent Error Message
		default is MSG
	result:	FipAgent result code
		default is RESULT
	device-result: result code from the host process
		default is DEVICE-RESULT
or for SSL stuff
	ssl-method: (1,2,3,23,999)
		Version number to use for TLS/SSL		default: 999 for current default (2 or 3)
	ssl-password: (password)
	ssl-passwd: (password)				  default: none
		Optional password if the handshake requires a shared secret
	ssl-cert: (name of a PEM certificate file)		default: none
	ssl-root-cert: (name of a root PEM certificate file)	defaunt: none
		Optional certificates - held in tables/ssl

Version Control
;004v7	05feb02 added mbone
	;a-c 27jan03 added -I for Interactive stuff
	;d-g 13feb03 added -A
	;h 22sep03 added -T
	;i 05mar04 fipagent restricted to 64k - not now
	;j 05aug04 added mboneLocalAddress -H
	;k 05feb05 added WINNT drive letter support for input data file
	;m 15feb05 added -k/-K for included files
	;n-p 26mar05 added %c total filesize including fipHdr
	;q 30jun05 added -f for extra FipHdr
	;r-s 25nov05 ssl as -L
	;t-v7 14sep07 added -l, -g/-G (and -n) plus -B endstring is now
		;2 ssl modette ;3 added -x splitter ;4 added -D before-pkt ;5 ssl rework ;6
-O added
		;7 5sep14 reworked progression thru stages (whicho)

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