sfftag (Sat Oct 25 2014 01:31:01)


This program extracts the data of a tag inside a file or xml-tagged stream.

To search for the tag in any position - just specify the tag name.
To search for the next tag in any position - just specify the tag name and the
NextNo (-n)
To search for the tag in an exact position - specify all the tags with '/' as a

	sfftag -t SHIP/SHIP_ID/FUNNEL_SIZE filename
	cat filo | sfftag -t BUGS -n 3

Return value is 0 if found and any other value is an error. So tags with no
data return zero with nothing displayed

Input Parameters are :
	-t : tag or series of tags			default: none
	-n : occurence no 				default: 1 for the first
	-o : save any output data in a file		default: no
		If the filename starts with a '/' it is a hard path
		otherwise the path will be assumed under 'spool'.
		Normally all text is displayed
	-a : add this data before the output		default: none
	-A : add this data after the output		default: none
	-D : do NOT display data			default: display
	-H : replace this chr with a hash in the filename	default: # is a #
	-R : Re-order Tags numerically		  default: no
	-B : BBCm swb processing			default: no
	-Z : BBCm swb processing - zap copyrights	default: no
	-I : do not track end tags - possibly because	default: track
		there are none ! This implies levels are also ignored.
	-v : print version no and exit

For those switches with parameters, the parameter MUST be separated by a space.

Other env varis can be used to define where the system is :
	SFF_HOME	where the home or top queue is.		default: /fip
			eg	setenv	SFF_HOME	/ripexpress/underware
	SFF_LOG		where the log files queue is		default: (SFF_HOME)/log
	SFF_SPOOL	where the data queues are		default: (SFF_HOME)/spool
	SFF_TMP		where the tmp data queues is		default: (SFF_HOME)/x
			ie if spools are on /data99 which is hard disk /dev/sd0, you MUST also
			have the TMP queue on the same disk/partition

NOTE that for all BUT SFF_HOME, if the parameter starts with a '/' then it is a
hard, absolute path; if not then the spool area is under SFF_HOME.
	eg	setenv	SFF_SPOOL	/data7		will look under /data7 for queues
	while	setenv	SFF_SPOOL	data7		will look under /fip/data7

Version Control
;002g	01dec99 bbcm mods for swb ;a/b/c/d minors ;e -H added ;g bugette
;001	13nov99	major revamp
;000	22sep98 chj original version

(copyright) 2014 and previous years FingerPost Ltd.