telex (Sat Oct 25 2014 01:31:01)


Telex sends text files via a Hasler telexbox. It can be used on outbound only ,
inbound only or bothway lines.

By default it receives telexes which are then passed to the queue
spool/2brouted for program IPROUTE to process. A routing file can be set up to
key off the answerback of the calling telex machine so that copy from a regular
source may be routing directly to its receipient rather than ending up in a
telex log queue.

For outbound traffic TELEX, signified by a -q switch on startup, uses two
queues, out and occ, under another queue in spool.
If a destination is busy, files are automatically sent to the occupied queue 
9occ) and retried at the a further 5 times at 10 minute intervals as per CCITT
If it still has not gone the file is 'woopsed' to the intercept queue for the
system operator to handle. 

All messages are logged and if the sender is local, where possible, they are
notified as to the success of the transmission. In all cases a log is kept for
legal purposes.

There is an optional parameter file  tables/telex/(name) which can have :
	before: FipSeq string added before data of each file.   default: none
	after:  FipSeq string added after  data of each file.   default: none

	maxattempts: No of attempts
		The default is 5 and CCITT insists on the minimum times being observed.
	zap-on-error:	If the File can NOT be sent, it is normally stuffed
		in 'woops'. Use this to delete the file instead..
	newDZ: FipHdr field containing the telex number to send to if NOT 'DZ'
		eg 	newDZ:WG
	no-DZ-in-text: Normally if there is NO FipHdr (usually DZ) with the 
		telex no to send to, it is assumed to be on the first line.
		This switch means the op of text is NOT looked at.
	newAB: FipHdr field containing the telex answerback to send to if NOT 'AB'
		eg 	newAB:WZ
	logname: Name for logging purposes (in FipSeq)	default: SN

	logeachfile:(dest) Send a Success/failed msg to this destination for each
			There is no default.
			This log file is just a FipHdr with the following extra fields :
				DR-File Sent OK	 DR:ok or DR:error
				DG-Will Retry later	DG:retrying or DG:stopped
				DT-Some message text	DT:No connection
				DO-Number of last attempt	DO:5
				HT-Date and Time	HT:25 Nov 98 15:35:25
			default: no log created.
			The DR and DG messages can be changed by using :
			eg: log-dr-ok:File VN sent to Remote Number DZ ($h:$n)
	msgeachfile:(FipSeq) Additional information to add to the FipHdr of the
			msg. This should be in FipHdr format and be in FipSeq. It can be
			used to pass FipHdr fields in the outgoing file into the log file.
			eg	msgeachfile:	DF:logdialnSS:SSn
			default: nothing added

Where sections of FipHdr fields are required or changes to the output style,
use keywords : fixed, partial, combie, optional, repeat, newdate and/or style.
(see The SysAdmin manual for more information).

	They are normally specified :
		fixed:QZ	1234543
		partial:QT	ST,3,2,U,<,>
		combie:QY	ep|na,(0000000)a
		option:QE	ep,11,7,s
		repeat:QK	XK,-,3
	or	repeat:QP	PK,,4,#X
		style:QS	XN,%.03d

In the Fiphdr, 'SH' will contain XN - remote number , XR - number sent to and
XA the remote answerback.
Input parameters are :
Mandatory :
	-n : name of this service		default: none
	-s : spider name			default: none
	-p : spider port number			default: none
	-P : passive port number		 default: none
Optional :
	-q : queue in spool to use - this is normally the customer name
		default: 'telex' giving a scan queue of spool/telex/telex/out

	-A : name of archive			default: same as -n
	-r : name of a routing file in tables/route	default: same as -n
	-Y : there is no telnet banner to strip		default: strip banner
	-z : name of a parameter file in tables/setup	default: none
	-v : print version number and exit

Environment variables used are :
		This gives a queue to scan as spool/telex/gdn/out 
		Answerback of this telex line
		No of Seconds to wait before sending text after the GA
			normally this is set to 1

It also uses FIP_ROMAN, FIP_BOLD and FIP_NOTES env variables to flash messages
in the log file. 

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