ipdskwir (Sat Oct 25 2014 01:31:01)


This program reads a file from a queue and attempts to parse it as though it
was an IPTC or ANPA feed

Note FipHdr ZN will hold the Original filename before all the other fields are

Input parameters are : all optional :
	-i : queue to scan			default: spool/dskwir
	-o : output queue if not 2brouted	default: spool/2brouted
	-t : scan time of directory		default: 10 secs
	-l : do NOT log each msg in or out	default: log
	-n : name for this service		default: none
		This should be different from the incoming file. It is used
		to find the correct routing file in tables/route.
	-v : display version number and exit.

	-7/-8 : data is 7 or 8 bits		default: 8
	-9 : do NOT run in Speedy mode		default: do on a Speedy system
	-a : messages are in ANPA format	default: iptc
	-b : other formats	-bCCN for CCN Matthews	  default: iptc
				-bAWP for AWP Zurich
	-A : name of the archive file if not the -n name field  default: 'name'
	-d : the name of a DUPLICATE wire where 2 copies of the same
		file is required (SD header field).		default: none
	-D : delay after sending each file			default: none
		For example : when using a dump file to regenerate files.
	-f : Extra FIP header information			default: none
		For fixed header info in FIP. eg -f #QA:AA#QB:BASIC
		As this flag is normally the last specified, its contents
		can be used to overwrite any unique fields such as DU, DP, SN etc.
	-F : Optional done queue for the raw data		default: none
	-h : Add the PreHeader as FipHdr field SW	default: ignore prehdr
		-h all	  allow all prehdr chars
		-h visable	save only visable/printable chrs (spc and above)
		The maximum size of the prehdr is 1000 chrs
		Any CR, NL, FF/VT, SYN, ~/tilde and DEL are stripped.
	-H : preserve any existing FipHdr			default; no
		NOTE - Any new fields will overwrite the old anyway !
	-k : Add the message keyword as first line of text	default: no
	-m : Keyword is a Mercury/Atex formatted		default: no
			filename (spc) queue-group
	-O : Name of output format (DF field)		   default: WIRE
	-r : the name of a DIFFERENT routing table to 'name'
		(SR field : used by iproute)			default: name
	-S : minimum size of a file				default: 20
		Normally files are ignored if less than 20 chrs.
	-T : Do NOT strip date/time stamp from end of text	default: strip
	-u : Force keyword lowercase				default: leave as is
	-U : Force keyword uppercase				default: leave as is
	-W : File header obeys IPTC keyword rules and is forced
		uppercase.					default: no
	-w : File header obeys IPTC keyword rules and is forced
		lowercase.					default: no
	-z : Contents of a prehdr which MUST be checked for
		before a valid file is started	  default: none
	-Z : do NOT archive any incoming files	  default: archive

Version Control
;006i7	24nov98 cleanup
	;a fcase -U/-u ;b/c small mod to common for anpa Spaces
	;e-f 02jul04 mods to AWP
	;g 11jan06 added ZN: (origname) as another FipHdr
	;h 25may06 added -O ZZ for the FipHdr to put the original name
	;i5 23may07 added speedy and prehdr -z and -h ;2 output name better
		;3 cope with junk better
		;4 added optional done queue
		;5-6 added -H

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