ipformbl IPFORMBL takes the text parameter file and builds a binary so that IPFORMAT can run faster. Input parameters are : Mandatory : -1 or -p -i : parameter table to build default: none Optional : -D : Display/Debug the input file as it is processed default: no -H : name of the syntax-checked source file in HTML default: none -l : do NOT log default: log -w : do NOT overwrite existing default: replace -v : print version number and exit Version Control ;37w28 17jan00 added iffile/ifnfile ;a 22feb00 BUG in clrflag=1 ;b 12may00 better handling of filtyp:csv ;c 04jul00 started Abbreviations ;d 16sep00 added MAC hashes/pounds (0243) for NOTs in partial/revpartial etc ;e 03oct00 added 'disallow-set-quotes' ;f 14feb01 cleanup - bufferproblem - now uses malloc ;g 22oct01 added Abbreviations ;h-i 13mar03 added saves in match/firstmatch ;j-n 13dec03 XML had fallen out; added Tag/Endtag/Attribute ;o 25feb04 added 'outque:' ;p 02apr04 added 'chksum' ;r 20apr04 fipseq/fipdefs added as fipseq-* or fiphdr-* ;s 16apr04 added savefiphdr= ;t 16nov04 added NLCSV for embedded NL in CSV fields ;u-w18 05feb06 added id/key and keydata: (w1 added maxfiphdr-size) ;4 bugette with lookup/defaults. ;5 variable con and fout ;7 bugette with savefiphdr ;8 added keephdr and repeat blocks and v1 ;9 for XML - convert-cdata-section:yes ;10 for savearray and output arrays ;11-12 ifexact/ifnexact and id=../id:.. ;13 nohdr and nohdr: accepted now ;14 bugette with include setfiles blowing a buffer ;15 16jan11 added include-template or inctemplate and isSigned for calcs ;16 5may11 added notefiphdr and trimfiphdr to chop back any new stuff ;17 14jun11 added dont-clobber-saves ;18-19 26jun11 added preserve-fiphdr as well as keep-hdr (ie same as edsys) ;20 14jul11 abbrev/ignoreXML+preserveChrs ;21 27jul11 copy-file and run-script added ;22 31aug11 added read/zap/savemeta ;23-25 16apr12 added json as a valid filetype ;26 30jul12 added balance-group and balance-queue ;27 10dec12 added lookup/warn: ;28 4aug13 added fiphdr: as synonym for hdr: (copyright) 2014 and previous years FingerPost Ltd.