ipremdata (Sat Oct 25 2014 01:31:01)


This program builds the remote database by reading files stuffed into its input

Each incoming file is compared against the parameter file to see which services
the file should be sent on.

A single file can be in none, one or many services. If none, why are you
sending this data in anyway ? So 'none's are logged. If a 'default-service' is
specified, 'none's are stuffed in that.

A single copy of the file is maintained for all the services and it is this
that is copied/exported.

The Shared Memory structure is also maintained.

The Type of File is checked - but not altered as it assumes 'ipxchg' or
someother program has already cleaned it up.

Services are tested using the 'testforservice' parameters.

The Parameter file is in tables/remote and, by default, is called SERVICES.
The syntax is the normal Fip style :
	; comment
	service: Define the name of each service.
		service: (name of service)
		There can be up to 1000 services.
		Case is ignored for the names of the 'service'.
		eg	service:MOTOR

		There can be none of several of the following sub-parameters on the service
			max-seqno is maximum allowable		default is 9999
			seqno normally goes to max and resets - this forces
			first file after midnight to be 0001

	dest: define which services a particular Dest (FipHdr DU) is for.

	testforservice:	define which services to put a file by
		testing FipHdr fields.
		testforservice:(service1,service2,..) (FipHdr)=(test) (FipHdr)#(test)
		There can be one or more services separated by a comma
		(no spaces).
		There can be one or more tests with can be either equal '='
		or not equal '#'.
		For the test a single wildcard '*' can be added at the end.
		To test for a blank field (or a field which does not exist),
		use double quotes :	XY="" ZZ#""
		eg:	testforservice:AFX_SPORTS	SU=afx XC=s* XC#sdd

		Both the FipHdr and the Test fields can be FipSeq .. eg
			; Check if the source is 'epd'
			; should be the XA field XA:epd
			; BUT also XA:/AFP-SX77, so repeat on punctuation
			; if XA does NOT exist or there is no data, chk SU
			repeat:Q1	XA,,1,#x
			repeat:Q2	XA,,2,#x
			combie:QA	Q1|Q2|SU
			testforservice:epd		QA=epd$d

		Combination tests can also be made using & for AND and | for OR
		Groups can be used by grouping tests in ()
			testforservice:SPORTS	(SU=AP | SU=REU) & (XC=SP* | XC=RRR)
		Add to the SPORTS service if the source is AP or REU and the Category starts
SP or equals RRR
		Note that to test for a trailing Bracket, use the FipSeq number 51

	Making copies for other feeds
	copy-1-folder:(folder name)
		if the folder name does NOT start with a '/', it is assumed
		to be under '/fip/spool'
	copy-1-fiphdr:(Extra FipSeq for new/additional FipHdr fields)
	copy-1-service:(name)	Only copy if file is for this service
	copy-1-external-file:(yes/no)	Use the DataFlle in data/remote and do NOT copy
it to the copy folder
					default is NO (ie the output file is FipHdr AND data)
	There can be up to 199 copy-X-folder/fiphdrs/service/external-file

Balancing other remote servers.
	Usually 'ipremdata' is running on more than one system. This makes it
	transparent for clients which system they are connected to. So a single
	system failure does not seriously affect delivery,
	Use 'ipbalan' and 'ipsvrd' to keep these systems in sync.

	To make a copy of all new files, add the parameter:
	where the folder name resides under /fip/spool.

	If the group name for 'ipbalan' is NOT 'fipremote', force the name using

	Normally only new files are balanced - not any file which has been
	sent from an existing remote. (This uses FipHdr field 'R5' to note
	the System Id of the first system the file hits)

	An example tables/sys/BALANCE parameter file for remote data is :
		;	BALANCE for fipremote files
		; This will balance files on 3 servers.
		group:fipremote host:fiprem1	ignore-localhost:
		group:fipremote host:fiprem2	ignore-localhost:
		group:fipremote host:fiprem3	ignore-localhost:
	The SYSTEM file should have two more entries
		bal	local	ipbalan
		svrd	local	ipsvrd -l

Other less often used parameters :
	extra-fiphdr: Add more FipHdr fields to all the data files
		You can add any FipSeq for this
		eg	extra-fiphdr:nFG:small
	add-fiphdr-for-source: Create or Remake FipHdr fields
		add-fiphdr-for-source: (source) (spc) FipSeq strings
		where Source is the contents of the FipHdr field SU
		and	FipSeq is any selection of FipHdrs and data.
		eg add-fiphdr-for-source:Aff	HK:$1nSH:SXS:N:XN:CXC:T:QR:JXK
		add-seqno-for-dest: (DU) : (fiphdr) : (inc) : (min) : (max)
		dest or DU - a valid entry in the tables/sys/USERS file
		fiphdr	- a two letter FipHdr where the seqno is added
		inc	- optional increment value (default is 1)
		min	- optional minimum value (default is 1)
		max	- optional maximum value (default is 9999)

		There can be up to 20 of these
		The FipHdr is ONLY added to the file that are for that service.

	default-service: (name of service)
		Default in case an incoming file does not match ANY service.
		This must be defined as a 'service' too.
		If you do not use 'default-service', any non-matching file
		is ignored.
	number: default number system - octal,decimal or hex.
	output-filename: change the output filename
	owner:	Unix only, logon of the owner of the files if not yours
	archive:	Archive the file in log/data
	NewSU:		FipHdr field for source if NOT 'SU'
	wild:		wild string chr for matching if not the default '*'
	singlewild:	wild single chr for matching if not the default '?'
	done-queue:	Folder to hold the raw input files once processed
					default is to delte the incoming file.
	before:	text to add at the top of the data file.
	after:	text to add at the bottom of the data file.
	filebefore:	file to add at the top of the data file.
	fileafter:	file to add at the bottom of the data file.
	script:	(Path/Script Parameters all in FipSeq)
		Run a script after the file has been written.
	log: (FipSeq)
		Item log entry if not default.
	track-high-priority: (Priority number - eg 1)
		Create a list of High Priority items for ipremsvr to use.
	fiphdr-high-priority: (FipHdr field - eg PR)
		FipHdr to check for Priority.
		combie:QR	PR|XP|WR|W0,3
		add all the services as this fiphdr field (for logging etc)
		default: none
		use this FipHdr field to force data to this service
		ie if the file has 'RS:SPORT' - it would be sent to the SPORT service only
and ignore any 'dest' and 'testforfiphdr'
		default: none

	add-search: (yes/no)	default:no
	search-metadata: (FipSeq)
	search-binary-data: (FipSeq)

If 'ipremdata' is being used against a database, the following parameters are :

Keywords for the parameter file are :
	; comment line
	dbuser: database user name
	dbpassword: database passwd
	dbserver: database server name
	dbdatabase: name of database	(NOT Oracle)

Plus the usual suspects for FipSeq

	$1 is the first line of text
	$2 is the second line of text
	$9 is the ninth line of text

Input switches (all optional) :
	-l : do not log files		default: log all
	-k : Shared Memory key		default: 9009
	-o : Output path name		default: /fip/data/remote
		If this does not start with a '/', it is assumed
		to be under /fip/spool.
	-q : queue to scan		default: 2remote
	-t : sleep time betwix scans	default: 1 sec
	-z : default parameter file	default: tables/remote/SERVER
	-v : print version number and exit

Note : Shared Memory Key by default is 9009 (unix) and FipRemoteServer (winnt)

On Unix, use ipcs and ipcrm to wipe if you REALLY need

[fip@rock src]$ ipcs
------ Shared Memory Segments --------
key	shmid	owner	perms	bytes	nattch	status
0x0000f1ca 0	  fip	666	1536	0
0x0000eed6 32769	fip	666	1536	0
0x00002331 65538	fip	666	12040	0

------ Semaphore Arrays --------
key	semid	owner	perms	nsems

------ Message Queues --------
key	msqid	owner	perms	used-bytes   messages

[fip@rock src]$ ipcrm -m 65538
ipcrm -M 9009
(which is 0x2331)

-- Maintenance

Nightly maintenance script, zapfiplog or zapfiplog.cmd, should cleanup the
following folders after an appropiate time (change the 30 to the number of days
	/fip/bin/ipdelque -q/fip/fix/remote/clients -i1 -m30
	/fip/bin/ipdelque -q/fip/fix/remote/services -i1 -m30
	/fip/bin/ipdelque -q/fip/fix/remote/search -i1 -m30
	/fip/bin/ipdelque -q/fip/data/remote -i1 -Q -A 30

Version Control
;002a5	26apr10 added search and maxCopies->200 and RS ;a4 24jun10 added
		;a5 30apr14 added file-trace
;001w3	12mar02 database version finalised
	;a WINNT flush SHM
	;b-e 22nov03 redid Services lookup
	;f 29jul04 added 'track-high-priority:'
	;g 17sep04 speedy
	;h 09oct04 timing-stats
	;j-m 30oct04 added CLIENT_FEEDS file and testforclient
	;n-o 17jan05 tuning end of day
	;p 12dec06 added add-seqno-for-dest:
	;q-s 01feb07 added copy-X-service and able to run 2 remdatas
	;t-w3 01mar07 balance is now speedy
;000q	25jan00	oryy vershum from ipw4 04g
	;c 30jun00 added addfiphdr-for-source
	;h-19jul00 added repeats
	;i-09aug00 added logging and bugette in hdr
	;j/k-24apr01 make sure there are no duplicates in the SERVICES file
	;m-26apr01 added balance better
	;n/o/p/q 27jun01 added WINNT

(copyright) 2014 and previous years FingerPost Ltd.