syn (Sat Oct 25 2014 01:31:01)


MUI for the FIP syndication module 
	a (combination)		- transmit to these clients
	o (client)		- transmit to a single client
	s			- show current status of transmission
	g			- display the GROUPS file and PORTS file
	c (combination)		- list the clients in this combination
	l			- list the last 32 lines of the ITEM log
	f			- list failures
	m			- more the ITEM log
	m			- more client transmission logs
	t			- tail the ITEM log
	y X			- more yesterday's ITEM log
	p			- peek or watch a client transmission
	w (combie)		- show what files are waiting for which clients
	r			- resend files to a client
	k			- kill a transmission to a client
	d			- delete files for a client
	b			- block/unblock transmissions to a client
	x			- telnet a port
	z			- lock out a port
	u			- unlock a port
	h or ?			- show help
	v			- show version number
	!			- user escape
	!!			- last command again
	q			- quick Syn and return to the Unix prompt

Normally no input parameters need to be specified but you can do :
	-g : use this GROUP filename			default: sys/GROUPS
	-x : do NOT check if this is a SYN system	default: check
		This should only to be used in extremis.
	-c : display combination and quit		default: no
	-t : transmit to this combination and quit	default: no
	-v : print the version no and quit

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