XPress tags

This is a list of tags used for importing files into !QuarkXpress.

There is an official PDF on lala in pages/specs called !XPressTagsList.pdf

Requires examples, and bringing up to date, but should cover most of the things that are generated by dataformat output …

Note that all codes that are set in angle brackets can be combined within one set of angle brackets. For example, changes the formatting to bold, italic, and with an initial cap.

Character Formats

 Plain					<P> 
 Bold					<B>
 Italic					<I>
 Outline				<O>
 Shadow					<S>
 Underline				<U>
 Word underline				<W>
 Strikethrough				</>
 All caps				<K>
 Small caps				<H>
 Superscript				<+>
 Subscript				<->
 Superior				<V>
 Type style of current style sheet 	<$>

These codes act as toggle switches; the first time they’re encountered, the format is activated.The second time, the format is deactivated.



Name of font, exactly as it appears in XPress’s font menu or Measurements palette)






Name of color (the four process colors and white can be specified by C, M, Y, K, and W, without quotes, as in <cY>



Percentage Horizontal scale


Percentage Vertical scale


Percentage Kern next 2 characters


1/200 em; Positive Kern and Track values make the type looser; negative Kern and Track values make the type tighter.



1/200 em

Baseline shift


Points ; Positive Baseline Shift values shift up; negative Baseline Shift values shift down.

In these codes # should be replaced with a number. This number can be set to the same precision as Quark XPress’s measurements (tenths,hundredths,or thousandths of a unit). The measurement units used are shown.If you replace # îor any other code value with a dollar sign ($), QuarkXPress uses the formatting of the current style sheet. For Kern,Track, and Baseline Shift,the numbers can be either positive (no sign) or negative (use hyphen for negative sign).

Paragraph formats

Left-align <*L>
Center-align <*C>
Right-align <*R>
Justify <*J>
Force-justify <*F>
Paragraph attributes <*p(#,#,#,#,#,#, G org)> Left Indent, First Line, Right Indent, Leading, Space Before, Space After, Lock to Baseline Grid (G=lock, g=don’t lock)

Drop cap <*d(chars,lines)> Character Count and Line Count

Keep With Next para <*kn1> or<*kn0> 1=keep with next, 0=don’t keep with next

Keep Lines Together <*kt(A)> or ìAî=all; start and end <*kt(start,end)> are number of lines

Set Tab Stops <*t(#,#,"character")> Position, Alignment (0=left, 1=center, 2=right, 4=decimal, 5= comma), Fill character or characters4

H&J <*h"name"> Name of H&J specification

Rules ….
Rule Above <*ra(#,#,"name",#,#,#,#)> (see rule below …)

Rule Below <*rb(#,#,"name",#,#,#,#)> Width, Style (from 1ñ11), Name of color, Shade (percent), From Left, From Right, Offset (if you specify Offset as a percentage, place a percent sign after the number) (enter T in front of Left Indent value to base rule length on length of text rather than indents)

In these codes,# should be replaced with a measurement in points. If you replace # îor any other code value with a dollar sign ($), XPress uses the formatting of the current style sheet.If the code requires multiple values,every value must be present and delineated by a comma up until the last code you wish to specify (i.e.,if you only wanted to specify Left Indent,you could just type <*p(2p)>; you wouldn’t have to type <*p(2p,$,$,$,$,$)>.) Align on is specified by replacing the alignment number by the character contained within quotation marks.QuarkXPress 3.3 and later allows two-character tab leaders.

 Soft return (ìnew lineî)		<\n>
 Discretionary return			<\d>
 Normal hyphen					 <\->
 Discretionary hyphen			<\h>
 Indent Here						<\i>
 Previous text box page #	  <\2>
 Current text box page #		<\3>
 Next text box page #			<\4>
 New column						 <\c>
 New box							 <\b>
 @									 <\@>
 <									 <\<>
 \									 <\\>
 Standard space					<\s>
 En space (figure space)		<\f>
 Em space (there isn't one)	<\f><\f> (Surely not ??)
 Flex space						 <\q>
 Punctuation space				<\p>  (I don't know what this is) 

 ASCII character				  <\#decimal value>
 En dash							 <\#208> (precede with a ! to make non-breaking) 
 Em dash							 <\#209>	ditto
 Open double quotes			  <\#210>	ditto
 Close double quotes			 <\#211>	
 Open single quote				<\#212>	
 Close single quote or apostrophe <\#213>
 Return (new paragraph)		 <\#13>
 Tab character					 <\#9>
 Right-align tab character	 <\t> 

Paragraph Style Sheets

(More documentation needed for these two sections – perhaps some examples, as it is not at all clear)

Define style sheet @name= Name of style sheet; follow the equal sign with definition, just as if you were inserting ìmanualî or ìlocalî formatting in the text stream

Based on/next style @name=[S”based-on_name”,”next style name”] Name of based-on style sheet, followed by definition

Apply style sheet @name: Name of style sheet

Apply ìNormalî @$:

Apply ìNo Styleî @:

Character Style Sheets

Define style sheet @name= Just like defining a paragraph style sheet, except (of course) don’t specify any paragraph attributes Apply style sheet

<@name> Name of style sheet
 Apply Normal character style <@$>
 Return to character style <@$p> sheet that ìbelongsî to current ∂ style sheet 

The funny codes at the beginning

XPress Tags filter version number. 1.60=XPress 3.2’s; 1.70=XPress 3.3; 4.0=XPress 4.0.

Platform number: 0=Mac, 1=Windows DTP; 2=ISO Latin 1. Essential if you’re moving XPress Tags files from one computer platform to another.