

BKWIRE collects wire input that is in teletex/broker feed type message format.
 The header is parsed and put in the FIP header field SH. The file is slotted
into the spool/2brouted queue for IPROUTE to process and route.

If the -b for broker output queue is specified, all files are moved there
rather than 2brouted. This is for when partial screens/rows are being sent.
BKWIRE also reads this queue to put everything back together.

BKWIRE uses a parameter file from tables/wire of the same name (-n). The syntax
is the usual : one parameter per line, comments start with a semi-colon ';',
keywords end with a colon ':'.

It uses the parameter file to specify which pages are to be tracked and which
to ignore.
It also states where to send pages and when. Pages can be sent either at
regular intervals or when an update has arrived or both. For regular interval
traffic, days of the week are fixed for when the service is active.

There is also a switch for processing the Dow Jones Composite Feed which is all
that is necessary in the parameter file.

The syntax of the parameter file tables/wire/NAME is :
    ; comment
    page: (pageno)  ignore:
    page: (pageno)  dest: (dest1 [+dest2 etc]) int:(interval) head:headline
    pgkey: (start) : (len)
    lnkey: (start) : (len)
    data: (start) : (len)
    hdr: yes|no
    soh: (SOH chr)
    stx: (STX chr)
    etx: (ETX chr)
    chkpt: (interval between checkpoints)
    savque: (save queue under spool for chk pointed files)
    eoln: (end of line sequence)
    chrset: (Source character set to use)
    seqno: (yes)
    convlinekey: (decimal number to subtract from each byte of positioning data)
    convpagekey: (as for convlinekey for the page key also)
    dow: (wavephore|x25)

where   dow flags the feed as a Dow Jones Composite Feed and sets up
        all the  parameters. It is usually the only parameter in the file.
        except for (possibly) 'eoln'.
        There are two possible options for the dow keyword:
            dow:wavephore   (default)
        which denote which transmission medium is to be used.

where   pageno is the page number - up to 100 may be tracked.
    dest is a valid destination(s), probably a broadcast line, in USERS.
        There are no default destinations.
        There can be NO embedded spaces in dest, use + for more than 1.
        If a dest is specified, the output file is sent directly to
        spool/2go; otherwise it is sent to spool/2brouted for IPROUTE
        to determine where to send it.
    int   - the interval in seconds to output the page. default: 300
            int=0 : everytime the page is updated.
    head - a fixed text message for both headline AND 1st line of text
        Use double quotes to embedded spaces or use \s.
    ignore flag indicates no further processing is necessary
    soh : start of header chr               default: SOH
    stx : start of text chr                 default: STX
    etx: end of text chr                    default: ETX
        To set to ignore, set to NUL (\000).
    hdr : no
        ignore header, page number/seqno is in text default: yes/allow
    crc : number of bytes to strip at the end of the record default: 0
    pgkey : start position and length of page number in header (or in text)
        default: 1:6
    lnkey : start position and length of sequence no in header (or in text)
        default: 10:2
    data : start position and length of data    default: 1:0 ie all
    eoln : End of line sequence         default:\r\n for CR NL
    savque : chkpoint que to save pages in case of system failure.
                                default: none
    convlinekey: Where coordinates etc are binary.  default: no
            The parameter is a DECIMAL number - 0 and above - to subtract from each chr
            This can be used where the sender adds 32 to every binary byte to make it
    convpagekey: Where coordinates etc are binary.  default: no
    seqno: add 4 digit seqno on filename            default: no
    chrset: Source Chrset. This defaults to ASCII for those pages with
        a 'dest' defined and the %SC field in the tables/route file
        for all others.
    timeout: (seconds) Timeout with no data befoe the connection is dropped
        and reconnected.            default: 300 seconds
        A tmeout of zero implies no timeout.

Note that both key and line start positions are from 1 not zero.

Input Parameters :
    Mandatory :
    -n : name of this wire (usually the agency)     default: none
either  -s : Spider name or TTY device name         default: none
    -p : Spider port number                 default: none
or  -P : Port on UnixBox to use for outbound        default: none
        This is only used where Terminal Servers canNOT run reverse telnet
        correctly and need to set a Permanent Virtual Connection across
        the ethernet to a fixed port number on the UnixBox
    Optional :
    -A : name of the archive file if not the -n name field. default: 'name'
    -c : Change Chrs 'FS' and 'GS' (0x1C and 0x1D) to NL    default: no
    -d : the name of a DUPLICATE wire where 2 copies of the same
        file is required (SD header field).     default: none
    -e : Strip End of lines (ie make lines run on)      default: preserve eoln
    -f : Extra FIP header information           default: none
        For fixed header info in FIP. eg -f #QA:AA#QB:BASIC
        As this flag is normally the last specified, its contents
        can be used to overwrite any unique fields such as DU, DP,
        SN etc.
    -k : Add the message keyword as first line of text  default: no
    -l : log incoming items when a new file is created  default: no
    -L : For Socket/term server type connections, reestablish the
        link after disconnection            default: no
    -o : output que to move incomings to            default: spool/2brouted
    -q : Display ALL pages that are NOT defined in the table.default: no
    -r : the name of a DIFFERENT routing table to 'name'
        (SR field : used by iproute)            default: name
    -x : dynapad x25 support                default: none
        This wakes up the pad on startup.
    -X : Turn telnet transparency OFF for terminal servers  default: ON
    -U : Raw or Telnet NO-escape mode for terminal servers  default: telnet
transparency ON
    -y : Banner string to strip from terminal server    default: SpiderBanner
    -Y : There is no banner to strip            default: as above
    -v : Print the version number and exit
    -z : Name of output format (DF field)           default: BKWIRE
    -W : add to dump file in /fip/dump          default: no

    File ends if either filename/index changes
        OR seqno restarts at 0
        OR nothing has been received for 10secs.

(copyright) 2024 and previous years FingerPost Ltd.