
This program uploads files into a Content Management System running on a
relational database.

This can be Generic or a Proprietary like Tera, Prestige, DewarView or Sypress
system running on MySql, Oracle, Sybase, SqlServer, Mimer or ODBC-accessed

On startup, it gets its default parameter file : FORMAT or the parameter file
stated in the DF header field. The latter is usually WIRE for wire traffic,
VWIRE, ZWIRE, BOX for mailbox, FORM for data formats traffic etc..

The parameter files are in tables/db for generic and Tera and tables/ses for
the 3 Atex systems

This Program then scans its input directory and mangles the files. Header
fields are stuffed into the database. The actual data contents are left in a
Queue prescribed by the contents of the EQ header field.

The EQ field is normally added to the file at the ipwheel-tables/sys/USERS
stage. Sometimes funny chrs such as Space or Slash are required which will of
course give weirdo results to other programs downstream from ipwheel and
upstream from this one. So a dot, '.', is used as an escape chr. Dot is
followed by an UPPERCASE chr or a '@' then octal 040 is subtracted from it. 
Hence :
    .@ = SPC
    .N or .. = .
    .O = /
    .J = " etc

If the queue name is NOT in the EQ field, it can be replaced with any other
using the 'outque' parameter. eg:
For a file with an SU of 'AP' and an EQ of 'BIZ' will be put in the queue :
or with a -o /wires input switch (see below)
Note that the whole queuename is forced lowercase.

As the text has already been cleaned up by IPXCHG, this program can add Fixed
and header information at the top and bottom of the file using the 'before:'
and 'after' parameters.

Incoming files are checked for FIP header fields :
    DF: Format table file               default: FORMAT
    DM: send a unix mail msg to these Unix logons   default: none

Files of the same name in a different queue are normally NOT overwritten - the
filename is altered depending on the 'dup:' keyword. 

If 'dup:inc' then the filename is incremented : if the name is 8 chrs long, the
last chr is incremented; if less than 8 chrs, an 'a' is suffixed to the name.
This is the default.

If 'dup:$' then the filename is changed to a CCM-like extention of $01 etc.

It uses environment variables :
    FIP_SES_defEQ       default queue       default: junk
    FIP_SES_defSN       default filename    default: new.000
    FIP_SES_LINE        default line length for \$L def: 64

The Translation parameter file has the syntax :
    note for most parameters - passwords, table and column names - case is
sometimes important so keep uppercase upper

    dbhost:(name of server)
or  dbname:(name of server)
    dbdatabase:(name of database)
Use this ONLY for Sybase or MsSQLSVR or MySql where we need to chg database
after logging on
    dbuser: (User logon)
    dbpwd: (user password)
    dbchrset: (Chrset name - mysql only)

    dbtbl: (table name)
        Normally only one table can be inserted from the contents of
        one file. However for multiple inserts in Generic, each table 
        can be specified (up to dbtbl99; dbtbl is the same as dbtbl1) :

Either  allow-update-fiphdr: (\FipHdr)
        Test this fipseq for 'update' or 'delete' and update or delete the entry
        eg  allow-update-fiphdr:\JU
        This turns 'insert' lines (see below) into updates (or delete)
        There MUST be at least one column set to 'key:' and the data MUST contain a
non-blank value or you will get an error!

Or  update: (full SQL string in FipSeq) (eoln)
    eg. update:UPDATE EDMASTER set UNO = '\NU' WHERE AUTHOR = '\NA' and FILENAME =
        Note that AUTHOR and FILENAME are normally the key
        Only one 'update' line per parameter file is allowed.
        Any 'insert' lines are ignored.

Or  a number of 'insert' lines - each to fill a single column of the table :
    insert: (DataBase column/fieldname plus attributes to fill in ) (eoln)
        Syntax :
        insert:(name)   type:(char|int|long|date|date+NUMBER|text)
                size:(length to pad out to - for char only)
                maxsize:(max length - for char only)
                data:(FipSeq string)
                split:(max length of field)
                id:feed or id:cat (Tera only)
                update: (yes/no)

- Use double quotes to embed spaces and tabs if necessary
- There are several fields which MUST be filled in - those for the primary key
for example.

The 'insert' subkeywords in more detail :
-- TYPE     This can be CHAR, INT, FILENAME, TEXT, DATE or DATE+(number)
    Normally these will all be CHAR except the dates and a single FILENAME
    FILENAME is used to describe the filename to be left on disk.
    DATE+(number) can be used for the PURGEDATE :
        insert:PURGEDATE    type:date+10
    will create a Date that is 10 days in front of the current System Date
    TEXT is used only for generic traffic and is the data of the file and is only
available for those databases which allow BLOB or TEXT data.
-- SIZE     Fixed Length of the field - if longer, trim; if shorter, pad with
-- MAXSIZE      Maximum length of the field - if longer, trim; if shorter, leave as
-- PRINTABLE    Chrs must only be normal printable ascii : space, 0-9, A-Z, a-z
and normal punctuation
-- DEFAULT  If there is no data for this field, use this default strng (in
-- NULLDEFAULT  not used in this version
-- DATA     FipSeq string to insert (restricted to 99 chrs long)
-- CASE     Force the contents upper or lower case
-- SPLIT    If a field has a size of over 254 - LEAD is a good example - it is
normally split across LEAD, LEAD1, LEAD2 etc. Use 'split:254' to specify the
size of each (sub)record.
-- KEY      One field should be flagged with an extra field 'key:'. When a record
is to be inserted but it has a duplicate key, this field is incremented. This
field is normally also flagged type:FILENAME.
** NOTE that for Duplicate Keys to be correctly handled, the (one) field you
want to be modified MUST be labelled 'key:'
-- ID       For Tera only. id:cat or id:feed are valid
-- UPDATE   (yes/no) Allow updates to this field ?
        This is ONLY used if 'allow-updates-fiphdr' is non blank. It defaults to YES
-- FIPHDR   (yes/no) For TEXT fields, add the fiphdr or not - default:no
-- CMD      The string in the 'data:' subkeyword is actual an SQL command NOT pure
        eg :    insert:EDNO cmd: data:"(Select MAX (EDNO) + 1 from STORIES)
        or for Oracle dates using 'to_date'
            insert:DATETIME cmd: data:"to_date (\047\HD\HM\HY\HH\HN\HB\047,
-- MULTIPLE-NO: Where you want to insert multiple rows from a single file, with
different data for each row. you can 
        This is ONLY available for type Generic.
        ; these have no 'multiple-no' so are present for all inserts
        insert:XTYPE    type:char   data:wire.\SU
        insert:XNAME    type:char   data:\SN
        insert:XDATE    type:char   data:"\HD-\HM-\HY \HH:\HN:\HB"
        ; first record is Priority - only output row is XP has data
        test-for-multiple:1 \XP
        insert:SUBTYPE  type:char   data:Priority   multiple-no:1
        insert:XVALUE   type:char   data:\XP    multiple-no:1
        ; second record is Headline/Keyword
        test-for-multiple:2 \XK
        insert:SUBTYPE  type:char   data:Headline   multiple-no:2
        insert:XVALUE   type:char   data:\XK    multiple-no:2
        ; data is signified as type:multidata
        ; third record is Headline/Keyword
        ; text type is the actual data
        insert:SUBTYPE  type:char   data:Text   multiple-no:3
        insert:XVALUE   type:text           multiple-no:3

Other keywords are :
    ; comment
    name:   (fipseq for filename)   (end of line)
    format: (pc, mac, unix, raw)    (eoln)
    ext:    (extention to the filename) (eoln)
    number: (dec, oct or hex)   (eoln)
    before: (fipseq)        (eoln)
    after:  (fipseq)        (eoln)
    filebefore: (filename)      (eoln)
    fileafter:  (filename)      (eoln)
    dup:    ($ or inc)      (eoln)
    supercede:          (eoln)
    takes:  (Field Name:NewName)    (eoln)
    size:   (size of filename)  (eoln)
    forcesize:  (force the size of filename)    (eoln)
    abstract: (size of abstract)    (eoln)
    outque: (Fip Sequence to replace EQ)    (eoln)
    newEN:  (New Hdr field to replace EN)   (eoln)
    newEP:  (New Hdr field to replace EP)   (eoln)
    newES:  For Tera id:Feed, the ES field if NOT FipHdr ES
    newEC:  For Tera id:Cat,  the EC field if NOT FipHdr EC
    newEI:  (New Hdr field to replace EI)   (eoln)
    newEH:  (New Hdr field to replace EH - Prestige only - subfolder)   (eoln)
    newEF:  (New Hdr field to replace EF)   (eoln)
    newER:  (New Hdr field to replace ER - pkg Raw filename)    (eoln)
    replace-hash: Chr to replace the hash in the ER field   default is octal 201
    owner:  (new owner/logon for these files) (eoln)
    script: (name of script plus any optional fipseq)   (eoln)
    respath:(path for resource fork)    (eoln)
    restype:(type of  resource fork)    (eoln)
    resorig:(original template res fork)    (eoln)
    resfile: (type of file)     (eoln)
    archive: (name of archive in log/data)  (eoln)
    forcename: (upper/lower/nochg)  (eoln)
    forceque:  (upper/lower/nochg)  (eoln)
    log:    (log message)       (eoln)
    hdrchgchr: Exchange this chr from all Fip Hdr fields BEFORE
        including the header field in Data to be inserted into Database fields.
            hdrchgchr: (original chr) (replaced chr)
        Note there are no spaces/tabs between the two chrs.
        If no replacement is specified, a Space is used.
        All 256 chrs can be stripped.
    hdrzap: zap all chrs between FROM to TO in the Data to be inserted into
Database fields
        hdrzap:<:>    Delete all <P>, <\HTML> etc
        Only one dirzap may be specified.
    zap-fiphdr-field: (one or more comma-separated FipHdr fields)
        Zap these FipHdr fields before processing
        Use this where you may be using FipHdr fields in Options etc
        and want to make doubly sure there are no existing fields.
    chkexists: (Full Path/file or queuename)    (eoln)
    chktimeout: (timeout in seconds)        (eoln)
    sypress-select: SQL string for the Sypress Sequence Number change
    sypress-update: SQL string for the Sypress Sequence Number change
    sypress-ignore: number which is used as a return code from uno-update which
means no further action is required - default is -999
    prestige-default-queue: Default queue for Prestige - normally 'spike'
    prestige-default-group: Default group for Prestige - normally 'wire'
    prestige-space: A single non-space character to replace the '^' to signify a
        in a Prestige queue or group name.
    test-for-multiple: Test a FipHdr field and only insert this row if data exists
in the FipHdr field
    multiple-get-key: SQL to generate a unique key for multiple inserts.
        multiple-get-key:select NEWS_SEQ.NEWSVAL from DUAL;
    multiple-stop-on-error: Stop and an move the input file to 'woops' on error
    multiple-ignore-duplicates: Completely ignore duplicate entries
        default is error
    multiple-ignore-errors: Completely ignore errors for multiples
        greater than this number.
    multiple-id-name    name of the field in the Sybase/Sql Svr which
        is used as the unique Id (default is 'Id');
    multiple-file-name  name of file which will hold the text if it is required on
        eg multiple-file-name: /remote-system/testfiles/\SU/\$y\$m\$d/\EI
    multiple-sp: (stored procedure name)
        Run a stored procedure instead of an insert.


; Tests
; no test for first - always want
;;test-for-multiple:1   \QS
test-for-multiple:2 \B1
test-for-multiple:19    \B2
test-for-multiple:20    \B3
test-for-multiple:21    \B4
test-for-multiple:22    \B5
test-for-multiple:50    \B5
; any text in $T - if so add to NEWS_TEXT
test-for-multiple:66    \$T

    stored-procedure: (stored procedure name)
        Run a stored procedure instead of an insert for NON-multiples
    pkg-no: 1=gatrixx
    pkg-data1: to pkg-data10:

    sql-after:  Some Sql in FipSeq to process AFTER all the items have been done
        Normally any entry with a Text/Blob line is done last.
        This allows triggers, etc to started once everything else has finished.
        eg  sql-after:insert into NEWS_ID (ID) values (\JI)
        eg  sql-after:exec trigger_world \EN

    log-errors: If any error is flagged by the database, the SQL and result
        is placed in a file /fip/log/2db_error_(param name)
    trace-file: (TraceFile in FipSeq)           default: none
        Stuff all Sql used and the results into this Trace file.
        The folder MUST exist beforehand.
        eg  trace-file:/fip/log/sql/NEWS_UPLOAD.\$d
    keep-spaces: Normally runs of spaces inside a field are stripped to a single
        Use this to keep all the spaces.        default: no
    escape-backslash: Double any BackSlashes in FipHdr fields. default: no
        You will nearly always need this for MySql.
    escape-backslash-data: Double any BackSlashes in data.  default: no
        You will need this for MySql IF the data part is text ..
        .. but not blobs/binary.
    word-length: (number)                   default: 8
        Average number of chrs in a word - used for \$w
        This overrides env FIP_DB_WORD
    line-length: (number)                   default: 64
        Average number of chrs in a line - used for \$l
        This overrides env FIP_DB_LINE
    locale: set the locale to this
        default is the same as the environment of the shell which started the program
        eg  locale:fr_FR
        The parameter MUST be a valid locale on that system.
    max-timeout: (number of seconds elasped time between accesses)  default 3600
for one hour
        After this time, ip2db will disconnect and re-connect to the database.

Where fipseq is a sequence of fixed text, unix escape chrs, FIP header fields
and Octal chrs).

PCHR is normally a '{' and is used for {M0 for roman etc.

FORMAT is the that of the filename
    pc chr set  (no funnies especially backslash)
    unix chr set    (no * ! $ spc )
    mac chr set (no : etc )
    raw - let anything through
    The default is 'format:pc' so that metacharacters, spaces etc are stripped.

NUMBER defaults to octal and is used for the \000 strings.

BEFORE and AFTER are strings to add before and after the text (maximum size is
around 8k). They are in FipSeq so FipHdr fields etc may be specified too.

FILEBEFORE and FILEAFTER are files containing (any amount of data) to add
before and after the text. The data is in FipSeq so FipHdr fields etc may be
specified too.

OWNER allows you to change the owner of output files to this logon. This MUST
be in /etc/passwd and you must have the correct authority for this.  default:
he who started this program.

SCRIPT is the name of an optional user script that is started AFTER the output
file has been finished. The script must be in the normal path unless you add
the pathname of the script. The actual output path and name of the new file are
under Fip Hdr field names EP and EN. The line is parsed for each new file. eg:
    script:wakeup \SU \SN \EP/\EN
for a file called f8899 from UPI that was put in queue 'eve/biz' with name
upi8899.10 would attempt to start :
    wakeup UPI f8899 eve/biz/upi8899.10
If you have embedded spaces or other funnies (for unix) remember to quote the

SIZE and FORCESIZE makes sure the filename is EQUAL TO or LESS than the number
of chrs specified. This does NOT include the extention, so if you have an
extention of '.t' for a PC filename, make the 'size:8' ie 8 chr filename plus
the '.t'.
In the case of FORCESIZE, the filename part is ALWAYS the SIZE and is padded
with the string in the FORCESIZE parameter:

ABSTRACT is the no of characters to save as first line of text - the FipSeq
\$T.Normally this is 80 characters but it can be any number up to 2048;

TAKES looks at the field name and looks for 'spc', 'Xtakes', '2ndadd' etc. It
puts into a new header field, a sort key which is :
    spc :   0
    Xtakes  :   X       where X is the number of takes
    XYYadd  :   addX        where X is the take number

For Mac resource forks, 4 parameters specify :
    - where a template is to use as the basis
    - what software is being used - nfshare, ethershare, ushare
    - the file type
    - the path for the res fork from the data file
    eg L
    respath: ../.rsrc
Note that, except for restype,  none of these parameters are converted so case
is important

ARCHIVE will archive a copy in the log marked with this name. This is the
normal fip-style archive where files are reviewable/resendable from the Resend
function in 'IP' the user interface.

FORCENAME : upper will force the file name Uppercase,
    lower to lowercase
    nochange to leave 'as is'
    The default is lowercase.

FORCEQUE : upper will force the queue name Uppercase,
    lower to lowercase
    nochange to leave 'as is'
    The default is lowercase.
Only the queuename in the EQ field or the 'outque' part is forced upper/lower;
not the main path as defined by the '-o' input switch.

newEN/newEP/etc : These header fields are added internally for the new name and
path of the output file. However you may already have an EN and/or EP and wish
to use them. Use newEN/newEP to specify another 2 letter header code which you
are NOT using.

LOG:    Is a FipSeq string for stuffing a message in the item log, replacing the
'Sending ..' text as in :
    Tue Jan 24 17:25:03 ip2ses !o : Sending apu f008624.t
The first part of the message - up to the ':' before Sending - is fixed.
Remember that EP and EN are still valid (see script: above) along with all
FipSeq FipHdr fields you may have created with repeat, combie, style, newdate
There is also an extra internal FipHdr field - ZN - which contains the number
of duplicates found for this filename. 
CHKEXISTS is a complete pathname of either a standing file or a queue. This is
used to check that NFS drives are actually mounted BEFORE writing new files.
The program checks for (default) 10 secs before aborting that file and
continuing on with the next. Change the timeout period with 'chktimeout:'
eg : chkexists:/data1/nfs/helios/.Desktop
CHKTIMEOUT is the timeout for chkexists. Default is 10 seconds. This can be '0'
for never timeout or any number.

TEST-FOR-MULTIPLE (Generic, multiple inserts only) Test a FipHdr field and only
insert the row if there is data

MULTIPLE-GET-KEY: (generic, multiples only)
For Oracle - SQL for getting a key which will be saved in FipHdr EI (unless
switched by 'newEI' to another field).
Oracle eg : multiple-get-key:select NEWS_SEQ.NEXTVAL from DUAL;
For Sybase and SqlServer - use 'uno-select' and 'uno-update'
Sybase eg:  multiple-get-key:yespls (there must be any old data here)
            uno-update: update NEWS_ID where ID = ID + 1
            uno-select:select ID from NEWS_ID 
MULTIPLE-STOP-ON-ERROR - Normally multiple inserts continue even if one row
cannot be inserted. Use this to Stop on every error. In either case the file is
sent to either 'spool/woops' or the 'error-queue'
MULTIPLE-SP: (index)    (stored procedure name)
    see STORED-PROCEDURE below - used only for the index multiple.

STORED-PROCEDURE: (stored procedure name)
This kwd is used to run a stored procedure rather than a straight insert in the
SQL. In this case the values are still added after the sp call.
    eg: stored-procedure:fip_update_or_delete 
        insert:id   type:int    data:\EI
        insert:time1st  type:int    data:\$u
        insert:action   type:char   data:\RT
would run :
    fip_update_or_delete 3255, 1044533232, "delete"

Where sections of FipHdr fields are required or changes to the output style,
use keywords : fixed, partial, combie, optional, repeat, newdate and/or style.
(see The SysAdmin manual for more information).

     They are normally specified :
        fixed:QZ    1234543
        partial:QT  ST,3,2,U,<,>
        combie:QY   ep|na,(0000000)a 
        option:QE   ep,11,7,s
        repeat:QK   XK,-,3  
     or repeat:QP   PK,,4,#X
        style:QS    XN,%.03d 
        newdate:QT  hours+3 "\ZD-\ZM"

Note that SES allows several more FipSeqs :
    \$c is the number of bytes or characters in the file
    \$l is the number of lines (no of chrs divided by Line length which 
        can be altered by the env variable FIP_SES_LINE)
    \$t is the first 80 chrs of text - number changedable with 'abstract' keyword
    \$1 is the first line of text - maximum is 2000 chrs
    \$2 is the second line of text
    \$9 is the ninth line of text

If using the Sypress flag '-Z', note that :
    - FipHdr field EI holds the EDNO to use for EDNO, EDSTORYID, EDPATH
    - FipHdr field ES hold the Subque to use for EDPATH (0-9)
    - extra keywords for the parameter file for SQL to get and update the EDNO
            'sypress-select:' and 'sypress-update:'

If using the Prestige flag '-P', note that :
    - No dirstamp and queue
    - Default data queue is /prestige/share/story on the boot drive
    - extra keywords for the parameter file for SQL to get and update the
            'uno-select:' and 'uno-update:'
    - FipHdr fields generated internally are :
        EI - holds the unique 'story_id' to use for each story.
        EN - Filename to use for the data part - which is based on EI
        ES - The que-group code made from Hdr fields PQ and PG (and defaults to
    - Default input spooled queue is spool/2prestige
    - Default parameter file is tables/ses/PRESTIGE

If using the Tera version
    - incoming FipHdr field EC needs to hold the WireCategory field.
    - incoming FipHdr field ES needs to hold the WireAgency field.
    - EN will be the same as EN, do not use EP.  
    - on the insert line use 'id:feed' or id:cat' for the correct lookup
    - Default input spooled queue is spool/2db
    - Default parameter file is tables/ses/TERA

Input switches (all optional) :
    -c : Set   the DBANSItoOEM and DBOEMtoANSI flags for MSQLsvr
    -C : Clear the DBANSItoOEM and DBOEMtoANSI flags for MSQLsvr
    -d : done folder for raw incoming data. def: file deleted after upload.
    -D : Time between reconnects when Database is down. def: 10 secs.
    -E : pause after connecting in seconds. default: no wait at all
    -o : Output path name           default: /fip/spool/ses
        ie the path preceding the EQ field
    -J : Drive for output path (NT only)    default: C 
        This is a single letter
    -w : Dir Stamp path name        default: dirstamp
        if the parameter does NOT start with a '/' it is assumed under the
        Output Path name (-o).
        To stop the DirStamp :  -w""
    -q : queue to scan          default: 2ses
    -Q : keep quiet if the queue for the output file does not exist
        or there are two many duplicates. default:shout
    -H : add a HawkEye copy of each file    default: no
        queue spool/2hawkeye must exist.
    -l : log all files          default: do NOT log
    -m : file mask - input to umask for file creation. Pls remember this is
        input as a DECIMAL number while access is normally an
        octal ie -m 420 = 0644.     default: 0 for rw-rw-rw- access
    -s : logon and off for each file.
        default: logon on the first file until logged off by the server
        For MS-Sqlsvr sites, check you are using a version of
        SQL svr which does not eat all your memory when using this
        option (SQL 7.0 in particular loses 4k per connection)
    -S : display the SQL strings and results. default: do NOT log
    -t : sleep time betwix scans        default: 1 sec
    -u : default owner for ALL files.   default: that of ip2ses
        This may be overridden by the 'owner' parameter.
    -X : ignore (delete) files in error default: send to woops queue
    -x : send files that error and DO NOT   default: send to woops queue
        get into the database to this queue
    -y : use sffsleep to pause (fudges Oracle ignoring signals) default: no
    -Y : default chrset for mysql       default: database default
    -U : (Generic/UNIX only) add the Uid to the filename
        when moving to the done folder  default: no
    -z : default format file        default: tables/ses/FORMAT
    -P : This is a Prestige system      default:DewarView
    -Z : This is a Sypress EditIX system    default:DewarView
    -G : This is a Generic system       default:DewarView

    -v : print version number and exit

Version Control
;012q19 24dec04 parse name, database, server and password
    ;a-c 27dec04 added zap-fiphdr-field
    ;d-h 07mar05 added chrset for mysql and added real_connect for mysql
    ;i-o 14aug06 added odbc and timing stats and -T for param path and locale
    ;p-q17 1dec06 added wantfiphdr and multiple-ignore-duplicates ;q1-5
        ;9 uno-ignore added ;10 26apr08 allow up 200 rows in total ;15 added -E
        ;16-17 bugette in -s
        ;18 9oct09 used MicroSoft IDENT_CURRENT instead of select @@identity
;011z   29jun00 added oracle packages
    ;a 01aug00 added sql-after
    ;b 12sep00 added 201 for HASH in filenames for package
    ;c 23oct00 cleanup for pkgs
    ;d 01nov00 added trace. (CHECK write_tracefile where bess/mary) !!
    ;e 06nov00 added keep-multiple-spaces:
    ;f 11dec00 no servername is no longer an error in oracle
    ;g/h 26feb01 PAR reports zombies  - none found but WAIT added in case
        also filebfore was zapping any data!
    ;j 24may01 started BUT not activated //hostname/ for -o for WINNT
    ;k/l 04dec01 added EH for Prestige subfolder
    ;m 01aug02 add -y to use sffsleep for Oracle bug
    ;n/o 30aug02 bugette for Prestige queues
    ;p 10feb03 added exec-sp: line
    ;q 03apr03 added escape-backslash
    ;r 15apr03 added log-errors
    ;s 13jun03 added escape-backslash-data
    ;t 30jul03 env varies FIP_DB_WORD/word-length added
    ;u 04sep03 added -U add Uid to doneque file (Not WINNT)
    ;v-w 26nov03 EI - internal UI is now long;
      long added; comments are now ONLY at start of line
    ;x 01oct04 speedy
    ;y-z 10dec04 TDS
;010f   01mar00 added MYSQL bits
        ;a 04apr00 allow up to 99 tables
        ;b 14apr00 added multiple-get-key
        ;c 20apr00 added prestige-space
        ;d 30apr00 added Sybase Text for Generic (both file and TEXT)
        ;e/f 02may00 added mysql getkey

(copyright) 2024 and previous years FingerPost Ltd.