

Server allows remotes to send files to Fip in either plain vanilla ascii or
kermit or zmodem or xmodem or ymodem.

Server first connects to whichever port you have specified and reads its
parameter file - normally SERVER - in tables/server.

The syntax of this file is :
    ;   comment
Messages/banners etc
    mbanner: Welcome Banner on connection eg
        mbanner:\021\r\nWelcome to Database Download : \$h:\$n\r\nLog:
    mokpass: Logon successful message eg
        mokpass:\r\nOk, Ready to receive
    mbadpass: Logon unsuccessful, try again message eg
        mbadpass:\r\nAgain Please\r\n
    mbibi:  Bye Bye message on logoff/disconnect eg
        mbibi:\r\nThank You, off at \$h:\$n \$d-\$m-\$y
    mfiles: File(s) received message eg
    mprompt: Prompt for those logons which are allowed to chose their
        preferred protocol eg
        mprompt:\r\nSend Files in Ascii (a), Kermit (k), X, Y or Zmodem (x, y, z) or
Quit (q) :
    msendasc: When sending ASCII, the send file now prompt eg
        msendasc:\r\nASCII : Send file \SN now and finish with :
    mnameasc: Prompt for filename for Ascii input. If not specified,
        no prompt is displayed and all data is stuffed in the file. eg:
        mnameasc:Name of File or XX to Quit:
        See also the quit: keyword for the quit string.
    mproto: Protocol message
        mproto:\r\nProtocol : 
    mabort: File Aborted message for kermit, zmodem, ymodem and xmodem
        mabort:\r\n** Aborted : Please resend file **\r\n 
Modem setups
    connect: the string from the modem signifying a connection eg
    discon: the string from the modem signifying disconnection
        (used for ASCII breaks only) eg
        discon:NO CARRIER
    setup:  modem setup string
    ok: message from the modem when escaped
    escape string for the modem to go into manager mode
    clr:    string to the modem to Clear down the call

    bits:   No of data bits - defaults to 8; set to 7 to strip parity
    eof:    End of file for ascii send
    eotx:   End of file and end of transmission for ascii send
    quit:   End of transmission for ascii send on filename prompt
    loggoes: number of failed logon attempts before auto disconnect
    motd:   Message-Of-The_Day file to be displayed on logon
        (default is none)
    timeout: Timeout period in seconds      default: 60 seconds
        This can be anytime between 20 and 1200 seconds (20mins).
    defhdr: Default Header for traffic - Kermit or Zmodem - sent without
        logging on. The syntax is the same as for 'newhdr:'
        There is no default.
    defdest: Default Destination for traffic - Kermit or Zmodem - sent without
        logging on or for those logons without a 'dest:' keyword.
        The syntax is the same as for 'dest:'.  There is no default.
    archive: Name of Archive file for all incoming text. The default is the
        LOGON name. This puts all incoming, raw data into a day file in
    nohdr:  Do NOT add a FIP Header on these files.
    redun:  Force this file to 2 redundant systems (equivalent to
        SZ:hostA,hostB in the routing files for wires)
    outfmt: Output format for ipout/ip2wtr/ipnews/ipprint/ipgtwy/ipedsys etc
        default: server
    banwait: No of seconds to wait before sending Banner.   default:1
        Change this if you have modems which train AFTER connecting as the
        training will throw away your banner and message of the day.
    zmodem-buffer-size: (size in kilobytes) 
        This is the default window for receiving files using zmodem.
        The default is 1. The maximum is 32 for a window of 32768 bytes.

Five CarriageReturns (CR) can also be used to wakeup the connection/pls login
string for modems WITHOUT a recognisable CONNECT string.

When a remote connects, the LOGON file in tables/server is checked for the
logon,password. Note that the password follows the logon with no spaces and
must be with the same punctuation as in the logon file ie :
;   LOGON file for Server file for IPSERVER
logon:windy,lane    protocol:kermit dest:ind1+ind2

The logon MUST be windy,lane NOT windy   lane or windy;lane.

This file defines the protocol, destination for files and and extra FipHdr
fields for each client.

The protocol can be kermit, ascii, xmodem, ymodem, zmodem or prompt. Prompt
will prompt which type does the client want.

The destination is specified with the 'dest:' keyword and is one or more valid
entries in the USERS file in table/sys. Again no embedded spaces are allowed,
entries are separated by a plus sign and note that the USERS file is case

Extra header fields, as specified by the 'newhdr:' keyword may be required
where extra processing is needed downstream.

If the sender is sending junk filename, replace them with a system generated
one with the 'newname:' keyword whose parameter can be in FipSeq

logon:tory,graph    protocol:kermit dest:tel1+tel2  newhdr:#SC:abc
logon:rhu,barb    protocol:prompt dest:junk newname:Crumble.\$d.\$s

In the first example an extra FipHdr field has been added to all incoming files 
- SC:abc.
in the second example, the incoming filename is ignored and replaced by
Crumble.(dayOfMonth).(fileSeqno) eg on 4th March : Crumble.4.078
In this case the original name (if there was one) is in the FipHdr field SX.

Zmodem Restarts.
If a zmodem transmission is cut and the file has already transmitted some data
(default 10000 bytes), it is saved in 'x' as 'SERVER.BIT.(name).(total
length).(last mod date).
If the file is sent again, the transmission is restarted from that point only
and the saved file is cleared from 'x'. The sys admin may want to 'ipdelque'
old files older than 2 or 3 days though...
Turn this option off or readjust the minimum size with the '-R' input switch.

The program is started useing input Parameters including :
    Mandatory :
    -n : name of this service           default: none
either  -s : 'px25', 'sx25', Spider name or TTY device name.default: none
    -p : Spider port number             default: none
or  -P : Port on UnixBox to use for outbound    default: none
        This is only used where Terminal Servers canNOT run reverse telnet
        correctly and need to set a Permanent Virtual Connection across
        the ethernet to a fixed port number on the UnixBox
    -l : do NOT log incoming items          default: log
    -o : output queue to leave text         default: spool/2go
        To send the file through IPROUTE, use -o 2brouted. This will pick
        up routing information via the file called the '-n' param.
    -R : allow zmodem restarts if the file is this size default: 10000 chrs
        To ignore, set -R0
    -X : Turn Telnet Transparency OFF       default: ON
        For terminal servers, is the port set to transparency ?
    -U : Raw or Telnet NO-escape mode       default: telnet transparency ON
        For terminal servers, is the port set to transparency ?
    -x : Wakeup string for Pad/modem etc        default: none
    -y : Banner string to strip from terminal server.default: SpiderBanner
    -Y : There is no banner to strip        default: as above
    -z : Server Parameter file in tables/server default: same as name
    -v : version number and quit            default: no

Please note that when setting up the Spider/Modem/terminal Server, please turn
Telnet Transparency ON and and software flow control (XON/XOFF) off.

(copyright) 2024 and previous years FingerPost Ltd.