

This is the background server used to access data on a Fip Server.

It is normally placed in the SYSTEM file and forgot about.

Input switches are (all optional) :
    -l : no logging                 default: log items
    -L : log requests and connections       default: no logging
    -d : top path                   default: /
    -z : Name of Parameter file         default: none
    -u : dump incoming data             default: no
    -w : adjust the timeout in secs         default: 4
        on slow networks, try increasing it to 10 or more
    -v : print version number and quit      default: no


---- Input ----
Example of Input :
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
Note - tags are case insensitive

---- Output ----
Example of Output :
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
</FIPAGENT>Data follows.......
Note there is no trailing NL

---- Notes ----
Return Codes

Ok - in the range 200-299

211 - Read complete
212 - Filter returns nothing
221 - Store complete
222 - Link complete (for LINK which succeeded)
231 - Directory List complete
241 - Delete complete
251 - Script complete
261 - Ignore complete

errors - in the range 400-499

general errors
401 - Nothing !
402 - No Action Specified
403 - No Logon Specified
404 - Password Incorrect
405 - Unknown Action Specified
406 - Timeout - incomplete Token

411 - No File Specified
412 - No Such File
413 - File not Readable

421 - No File Specified
422 - Exists but is NOT a File
423 - File exists - no overwrite selected
424 - Error Writing Zero Length File
425 - No Data Sent for new file
426 - Error Appending to File
427 - Error Appending to File

Dir List
431 - No Queue Specified
432 - Queue does NOT exist

441 - No File Specified
442 - No Such File
443 - File Permissions do not allow Delete

451 - No Script Specified
452 - No Script File
453 - Not able to run Script file
454 - Script ran but errored

no errors


Tags and SubTags
If the Action is DIRLIST :
    queue       - absolute queue or folder name
    size/       - returns the size of each file
    date/       - returns last modifcation date of each file
    totals/     - returns only the number of items in the folder

If the Action is STORE :
    file        - filename with complete path
    link        - optional link - filename with complete path
    unique/     - file MUST be uniquename
    notunique/  - increment filename if exists
    overwrite/  - overwrite texisting if exists
    originals/  - save existing (if any) in /fip/originals
    makequeue/  - make the queue
    zerolength/ - allow/make a zero length file.
    permissions - unix style permissions
    script-after    - Full path and all parameters - Mandatory
                Note that FipHdr field DD holds the filename
    tmpfile     - for use with scipt-after, just use a tmp file for the data
    ignore-errors   - for script

if the Action is APPEND :
    file        - filename with complete path
    link        - optional link - filename with complete path
    originals/  - save existing (if any) in /fip/originals
    makequeue/  - make the queue

If the Action is LINK :
    file        - filename with complete path
    source      - do NOT store the file, use this file to link
            to, unless the link file does NOT exist.
    unique/     - file MUST be uniquename
    notunique/  - increment filename if exists
    overwrite/  - overwrite texisting if exists
    originals/  - save existing (if any) in /fip/originals
    makequeue/  - make the queue
    zerolength/ - allow/make a zero length file.
    permissions - unix style permissions

If the Action is READ :
    file        - filename - Mandatory
    filter      - a grep of the line
    sort        - sort upside down
    maxitems    - give me only the first 100 lines  - eg log files
There are no extra tags for NOTES UPLOAD as the FipHdr is matched to Notes

If the Action is SCRIPT - run Script :
    script      - Full path and all parameters - Mandatory

If the Action is DELETE :
    file        - filename - Mandatory

Version Control
;0i  8dec07 orry vershun ;i oct20 minor

(copyright) 2024 and previous years FingerPost Ltd.