

This program walks a queue (and all its subqueues up to 25 levels) and checks
for new files, changes and deletions.

It can then be used to start another program or script accordingly.

The whole process is repeated every 5 minutes - changeable by the -w input

It uses a parameter file, tables/setup/TRIGGER by default, to determine which
script to run. The syntax of the parameter file is :

    ; comment line is any with a leading semi-colon
    new: (program/script with all its switches)
        Script to run for a NEW file found      default: none
    chg: (program/script with all its switches)
        Script to run for a file that has been ALTERED. default: none
        This can sometimes also be a new file if the file is opened and written
        to only after a delay.
    del: (program/script with all its switches)
        Script to run for a file is deleted     default: none
    read: (program/script with all its switches)
        Script to run for a file has been READ      default: none
        (unix only ..)
    include-file-mask: (FipSeq string)
        Allow only files containing this string     default: all files
    exclude-file-mask: (FipSeq string)
        Ignore files containing this string     default: exclude none
        eg: exclude-file-mask:.lock
    include-dir-mask: (FipSeq string)
        Search only queues containing this string   default: all queues
    exclude-dir-mask: (FipSeq string)
        Ignore queues containing this string        default: exclude none
        eg: exclude-dir-mask:.lock
    case-sensitive-mask:yes/no              default: no
        is the Mask case-sensitive
    locale: (name)                      default: locale of the server
        change the default locale.  The locale MUST be valid !
        eg  locale:dk
    chkexists: (Full Path/file or queuename)        default: none
    chkexists-timeout: (time between trying/logging if path is not there) defauly:
60 secs
        Use these for NAS/non-local drives which may disappear from time to time.
        This is a complete pathname of either a standing file or a queue. This is
used to check that NFS drives are actually mounted BEFORE writing new files.
        eg : chkexists:/data1/nfs/helios/.Desktop
        For Win, use fwd slashes '/' rather than '\' make the string much easier to
read !!

    max-level: (number)                 default: all
        Normally iptriggers walks the subqueues. This allows a limit (up to 25).
        Level 1 is the top folder, level 2 one level down etc

    log-line: (FipSeq String)
        log message to add to default

--------- Running redundant iptrigger on two Fip systems looking at the same
NAS drive
    check-primary-server: pseudo-host name that is specified in
        that is used whether the current host should be getting the files or not.
        ie  check-primary-server:remotewire
        and in the DEST_REDUN is
            ; psuedohost    primary secondary
            remotewire  fip1    fip2
        Then if fip1 is up, the 'nntpwire' on fip1 will always get while on fip2 it
will just check/loop.
            if fip1 is down, the 'nntpwire' on fip2 will start getting.
    balance-group: name of a balance group (in tables/sys/BALANCE) to distribute
the current state file (in /fip/fix) when changed (see doc on 'ipbalan')
        This is often used where a second system could be used as a redundant server
if the main system fails.
    balance-folder: name of the folder (in spool) where ipbalan is running  default

    example of a balance group
    and the sys/BALANCE file might have :
        group:baltrigger    host:fip1  ignore-localhost:    nofiphdr:
        group:baltrigger    host:fip2  ignore-localhost:    nofiphdr:

Note that
    Only one include-file OR exclude-file is allowed
    Only one include-dir  OR exclude-dir  is allowed

Note that
    Only one of the NEW/CHG/READ scripts will be run at any one time.

new:/fip/local/oinky -1 \EQ/\EN -ADD
chg:/fip/local/oinky -1 \EQ/\EN -CHG

Note that FipSeq can be added for runtime information. For each file the
follwoing FipHdr fields are filled in :
    EP : The top queue
    EQ : subqueue under the top where the file resides
    EN : Actual filename

Input parameters (all optional) are :
    -b : waiting period in seconds between files    default: 1 sec
    -C : coldstart - ALL files to be processed as NEW on the 1st scan. def: no
    -d : Winnt - drive for the top queue        default: fip drive
    -e : If the queue name is in the form dd-mmm-yyyy,  default: ignore
        only trigger on day, day+1 .. day+e
        -e 5 = for 5 days.
    -f : stable time for file           default: none - file is processed immediately
            Use this for large files being copied into a folder which may not complete
within a second.
    -H : hotstart - NO files to be processed at all on the 1st scan. def: all are.
    -l : log every new file pls         default: do NOT log
    -L : log every new file AND display on screen   default: do NOT log
    -q : top queue to monitor           default: spool/trigger
    -Q : quiet mode                 default: no, verbose
        this does not message every time the check-primary-system runs
    -w : waiting period in seconds between scans    default: 300 (ie 5 mins)
    -X : scan once and then stop            default: keep scanning
    -z : name of parameter file in tables/setup default: TRIGGER
    -Z : WINNT - convert ALL '/' to '\' in the scripts  def: only program
    -v : print version no and exit
Version Control
;1t12    4feb98 added better name (ie more unique) for the trigger name in fix
    ;a  8feb98 WINNT mods
    ;b 21dec99 added winnt drive
    ;c/d 23may00 bug stopped tree walking and added READ
    ;e-g 30jul03 max-level added; better handling of WINNT new
    ;h 22apr05 for multiple levels WINNT
    ;i-r 24may05 redid testing and added DELs
    ;s 12feb07 added FipSeq - replace, partial etc
    ;t9 04aug08 poss truncation with v long folder names ;4 added -H to ignore
changes 1st time around
        ;6-9 30jun10 added check-primary-server and balance-group and balance-folder
        ;9-11 13jul10 added locale, case-sensitive-mask, chkexists and

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