
22jan98 - bugs
1.1 layering not always working
1.2 get rid of baselines for droppies
1.3 0 = width
1.4 rules - crap

1.1 pageno always 1
1.2 need to break into columns
1.3 check zero len files
1.4 col rules
1.5 never split a Folios - FO ??
1.6 overwrite output as a switch
1.7 srch for todos

5.1 bqrkdsk as param
5.2 aris ???
5.3 ads/pix ???
  string                  { advertisers-name "MERCURY_COMMUNI" }


This program takes an Edpage page file, finds the positions of any ITFs and
merges them.

It reads a COPY of the PIL file in the input queue, searches the file for valid
ITF, searches the ITF storage queue for the name of the ITF and merges them all
into one big file for an ITF driver to process.

Input parameters are (optional - spooling is default):
    -1 : single filename/path       default: spooled
        single shot then stop
        input file is NOT deleted
        output file is same name in output queue
Or  -i : input queue            default: spool/posnin

    Optional :
    -o : output queue for pages     default: spool/posnpages
        ie for data extracted from the PIL page files
        The filename is (date).(section).(original Pil name)
    -s : output queue for data      default: spool/posndata
        ie for data extracted from the itfs
    -l : log every new file pls     default: do NOT log
    -d : do NOT delete all input files  default: delete after use
    -f : file wait in seconds       default: none
        This is the time it takes for the file to stop growing where
        files are arriving across a slow network.
    -t : sleep betwix scans of spooled queue.default: 5 secs
    -P : Output file is PostScript flavour  default: Quark
    -Q : Output file is Quark flavour   default: Quark
    -v : print version no and exit

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