ipdump IPDUMP just sits and waits on a terminal server port (usually a Spider) or a TTY port for incoming data. This is then saved in a DUMP file for future perusal - usually to try and debug the message format or to complain to the wire service about the crap they send. The dump file is given the name (JulianDate_ServiceName) and is left in the dunmp queue. The Julian date will tick over at midnight and a new file created. Note that some services are wordy and disk space should be monitoried occasionally. Input Parameters : Mandatory : -n : name of this wire (usually the agency) default: none either -s : Spider name or TTY device name default: none -p : Spider port number default: none or -P : Port on UnixBox to use for outbound default: none This is only used where Terminal Servers canNOT run reverse telnet correctly and need to set a Permanent Virtual Connection across the ethernet to a fixed port number on the UnixBox -h : start of header string default: none -t : end of transmission default: none (good for debugging infrequent transmissions) -z : no header - just save text default: hdr exists Optional : -c : header is case INsensitive (ie ZCZC = ZcZc = zczc = ZCzc) default: case sensitive -b : no of bits in one chr default: 8 -I : show Packet length default: no Only available with -L, this shows the number of chrs per packet -f : Extra FIP header information default: none For fixed header info in FIP. eg -f #QA:AA#QB:BASIC As this flag is normally the last specified, its contents can be used to overwrite any unique fields such as DU, DP, SN etc. -k : keep alive string default: none String (in FipSeq) to send out as a keep alive to the remote system eg -k "\001ALIVE\002\$z\003" -K : Interval between keep alives default: 60 secs this is valid ONLY if there is a keep alive string -L : also display all incoming traffic. default: no -m : This is a multicast port default: normal TCP -H : local IP address for mbone if not default default: no -M : TTL for mbone default: 256 -N : Mbone (win2k) - no of buffers to use default: 1 -O : Mbine (win2k) - do NOT use overlapped io default: do -q : save all unprintable chrs in \777 format default: save as is -U : traffic is UDP not TDP default: no for -P Passive ports, not-multicast only -x : dynapad x25 support default: none This wakes up the pad on startup. -y : Banner string to strip from terminal server.default: SpiderBanner -Y : There is no banner to strip default: as above -v : Print the version number and exit Version Control ;011h 05feb02 added Multicast too ;b 19mar04 added -E echo data ;c 05aug04 added -H for mbone on a second card ;d-f 07apr05 added -U for UDP traffic ;g 26sep08 added overlappedio for Win2k mcast ;010f 17oct96 WINNT etc ;a 15apr97 true WINNT ;b 23apr98 woops - altzone for HG ;c 1mar99 added -I show packets (and WINNT readit) ;d 12oct00 make sure /fip/dump exists ;e 20mar01 sx25/px25 too ;f 21aug01 added -k/-K keep alives (copyright) 2024 and previous years FingerPost Ltd.