

FTPWIRE is a very simple FTP daemon.

Use 'ipftp' when you need to send data using FTP - or Grab data from a remote
FTPd site.
Use 'ftpwire' when a remote host needs to send to the Fip.

The file is slotted into the spool/2brouted queue for IPROUTE to process and

To send to ftpwire, use the normal 'ftp' program :
    ftp -P 9130 (hostname of the Fip)
or  ftp hostname 9130

FTP uses 2 ports - one for control and the other for data. In normal FTPese,
these are 21 and 20. 'ftpwire' use the -P input switch to define the Control
port. If it is started with port 21, then it will use port 20 as a fixed port
to send data from/to.
If the parameter 'fixed-data-port' is set, that number is used.
Otherwise the dataport is just the first available port.

Remember ports 20 and 21 are reserved ports on Unix/Linux and 'root' must start
any program using a port < 1024 (and you must make sure ftpd in inet.d or
xinet.d is disabled or on a different port)

If using WIN2K, you MUST specify a unique wireid using the -I input switch and
specify several instances of ftpwire in the SYSTEM file for the number of
instances you want.

If using Unix/Linux, only one instance of ftpwire should be in the SYSTEM file
and the -E 99 switch is used to determine the number of simultaneous inputs.

One useful builtin is merging FipHdrs - if the incoming file has a FipHdr, then
any 'extra-fiphdr' info, datetime FipHdrs, system FipHdrs are all merged.

-- Optional parameter file is under tables/wire and the '-n' input switch and
defaults to FTPWIRE. A '.FIP' extension may be added.
    Syntax :
    ; comment line
    banner:             Replacement banner
    outque: (folder name in FipSeq) Output folder - this overrides the -O input
    logon-file:(filename)       See below - default LOGON.(-n) or LOGON.FTPWIRE.FIP
    allow-blank-pwd: (yes/no)   If there is a blank password in the logon file,
accept ANY password. default-no
    password-is-encoded: (yes/no)   Password in normal logon file or w4 lists is
encoded (default: no)

    use-w4-logon-list:(name eg FIPO.EXTERNAL)
                    Use this Fip w4 LogonList file for authentication and ignore all other
auth methods such as LOGON.FTPWIRE.FIP
    w4-logon-restrict-templates:(name(s) eg RADIUS_FTPUSER,RADIUS_FTPADMIN)
                    If using LogonList, only allow logons with this template(s)
    w4-logon-restrict-pubs:(pub name(s) eg PIF,BIG,DAILY)
                    If using LogonList, only allow logons with this pub code
    w4-logon-options:       if using LogonList, use these default values (see Logon
below for fuller explanation of each)

    use-etc-passwd: yes/no      (Linux/Unix only) - if YES, use the /etc/passwd file
for authentication and ignore all other auth methods such as LOGON.FTPWIRE.FIP
                    default: no
    external-path: (path)       for etc/passwd, Only allow logons with a home folder
starting with this path
                    eg  external-path:/home/ftp     expects all the home folders below /home/ftp
                    default: nothing specified for all folders
    external-shell: (shell)     For /etc/passwd, Only allow logons that run this
                    default: nothing specified for all shells
    external-min-uid: (Uid number)  For /etc/passwd, Only allow logons with Uids
higher than this number to logon
                    Stop anyone logging on a root !
                    default: 400
    external-min-gid: (Gid number)  For /etc/passwd, Only allow logons with Group
ids higher than this number to logon
                    default: none

    public-address-from-aws-meta: (FipSeq)
                    Access the internal AWS metadata for the public-ipv4 address
                    or  fixed:Q1    /latest/meta-data/public-ipv4
                    Either will grab the ip address at
    public-address:(IP address)
    nat-pasv-address:(IP address)   If using a proxy or firewall, which does NOT
automatically NAT internal to external addresses, this is the external address
of THIS host to the Extranet world.
                    For ftpwire, it is used for the DATA port of PASSIVE connections; ie the
'227 Entering Passive Mode ..'  command sent to the remote client.

    extra-fiphdr: (fipseq)      Additional FipHdr info to be added to each incoming
file. default none
    extra-fiphdr-ext: (fipseq)  Additional FipHdr info to be added to each incoming
file if the file has this extension. default none
                    eg if a file is abc1.jpg extra-fiphdr-ext:jpg   SR:FTP_JPEGS
    replace-space: (fipseq)     Replace a space in the filename or folder with this
chr.        default: SPC
                    (see also allow-spaces:)
    replace-hash: (fipseq)      Replace hash chr in the filename or folder with this
chr.        default: '#'
    replace-unsafe: (fipseq)    Replace control and meta chrs in the filename or
folder with this.   default: '-'
                    Ftpwire will make a filename 'safe' for the system by cleaning meta chrs
                    FipHdr ZO contains the safe filename and SN is the 'given'
    no-archive:         do NOT archive the data in the daily archive files in log/data
(ZI: fiphdr field)
    display-log (yes/no/file/logon) (same as -D) Display all commands for each
connection      default: no
                    Use this to trace problem connections
                    Option 'file' will log the transactions in a dated file in log/ftp
                    Option 'logon' will log the transactions in a dated file for that logon in
    hourly-logs: (time) Remote Trace log files are normally daily
            Use this to add a hour extension (only 60 for 60 mins is currently valid)
            (can be overriden by 'J' or '-J' in the LOGON file for each logon)
    cwd-code:200    CWD response code MUST be a 3 digit number between 200 and 299.
            There is some confusion whether the response should be 257 or 200. default:
    msg-215:    String to replace the normal 215 response of 'UNIX Type: L8 Euripides
    pwd-quote: (' " or a space) Quote for response to a PWD command.
            Valid options are doublequote ", singlequote ' or a space  default: "
    allow-relogon: (yes/no)
            Set this to NO to inhibit relogon in the same session   default:yes
    add-list-dots:yes/no    Add the two folders for '.' and '..' for a long list
default: no
    force-folder-names:lower/upper/nochg    Force the case of any request for folder
names   default: nochange
    force-file-names:lower/upper/nochg  Force the case of any request for file
names   default: nochange
            Use these to handle Win2k <->Linux case issues - where a case-INsensitive
client is talking to a case-SENS servers
            One suggestion is to force all folders and files lowercase and set both of
these ..:lower
    force-passive-mode: (yes/no)    By default FTP connections are 'active'. But most
Firewalls will only allow 'passive' connections nowadays. So you can request
the remote client to go passive using 'force-passive-mode:yes'. In this case
the 2 FTP commands which attempt to pass data PORT and EPRT are turned into
errors with a message telling the remote site to turn PASV/PASSive on.

    balance-group; (Balance Group name) Balance group for balancing doneque items   
default: none / no balancing
        This group MUST be in sys/BALANCE
    balance-folder: (folder under spool) Balance queue for balancing doneque items  
default: 2balance
    move-on-read-group: (Balance Group name) Balance group for redundant
move-on-read    default: none / no balancing
            This needs a move-on-read-folder to be specified
    move-on-read-folder: (FipSeq name of a folder)  Name of folder for files once
read    default: none
    default-move-on-read: (yes/no)  Default for Move on Read                default: no

    min-data-port: (number)
    max-data-port: (number)
        minimum (default is 32000) and maximum (def 64000) range of part number for
the DATA port
    fixed-data-port: (number)   A single, fixed data port number.
        Default is port 20 if the Control port is set to 21 (-P 21),
        otherwise it is a high port within the range specifiied by the min and max
(see above)

    linger-on-close: Timeout in secs for the data to be sent for Passive
        For VERY slow connections, increase this already-enormous number,
        default: 20 (secs) to allow up to 20 secs max before cutting the call

    connection-retries: (number)    default 5
    send-timeout: (number)      default 60 secs
    recv-timeout: (number)      default 60 secs
    connection-timeout: (number)    default 20 secs
    session-timeout: (number)   default 1200 secs (20 mins) of no activity
    between-files-timeout: (number) default 1200 secs (20 mins) of no activity

        The commands are for a ftp running over SSL/TLS on the remote server
        NOTE - ipftpssl and NOT ipftp must be used for SSL/TLS
        default is NO
        no      - normal, standard FTP on (normally) port 21 for the control
        yes or explicit - connect (normally) on port 21 in clear then use SSL for
USER, PASS and data
        auth        - connect (normally) on port 21 in clear, use SSL for USER, PASS then
return to clear for non-data commands - but use SSL for all data
        implicit    - connect (normally) on port 990: use SSL for all control and data
    tls-auth: (XXX)
        AUTH type for TLS/SSL          default: TLS
        Valid entries are TLS, SSL, TLS-C (whatever that is !) and something starting
'X-' which will be something homegrown !
        NOTE that for all versions of SSL the method string is "SSL" (this string is
case sensitive according to the RFC)
        eg tls-auth:SSL

    ssl-method: tls tls1 tls1.1 tls1.2 sslv2 sslv3 sslv2and3
        Version number to use for TLS/SSL       default: 999 for current default (2 or 3)
        (only the digits are significant, so add other text to make it readable)
        For 'modern' connection, pls do NOT use sslv2 ! as it is deemed insecure
        If default it will check the available list and pick the highest.
        The default is currently 23 which on a modern server is sslv3 and tls1_2 !)
    ssl-password: (password)
    ssl-passwd: (password)              default: none
        Optional password if the handshake requires a shared secret
    ssl-cert: (name of a PEM certificate file)      default: none
    ssl-root-cert: (name of a root PEM certificate file)    defaunt: none
        Optional certificates - held in tables/ssl
    ssl-verify: yes/no  verify certificates     default: yes
    ssl-ciphers: (list) acceptable ciphers
        (use 'openssl ciphers' to list)
        default:  "HIGH:!aNULL:!kRSA:!SRP:!PSK:!CAMELLIA:!RC4:!MD5:!DSS"
    ssl-display: yes/no display SSL connection details  default: no

    round-robin: (number)               default: none
    round-robin-fiphdr: (2 letter FipHdr field) default: none
    round-robin-offset-fiphdr: (2 letter FipHdr field)  default: none
        Round-Robin the output files and add the RR number to the fipHdr.
        Both parameters are required - the Number is the MAXimum.
        eg to leave the output in folder1 to folder9
        and a suitable output folder might be   /fip/spool/xchg\RR
            (This can be in the LOGON file or the default input switch -O xchg\\R
(remember double backers)
        Note that the round-robin number is NOT added automatically to any output
folder - ie you MUST specify a FipHdr as in /fip/spool/2xml\RR
        The round-robin-offset-fiphdr allows the RR number to be offset by the -R
input switch which is the base offset - default 1
        So if '-R 8' and 'round-robin:10', the output will be in (folder)8 to
        So WITHOUT the -R switch both round-robin-fiphdr and
round-robin-offset-fiphdr will give the same number.

    allow: (IPaddress to allow)
    disallow: (IPaddress to block)
        use this for blacklist/whitelist certain addresses
        A '*' or '0' (star or zero) can be used to indicate a range eg 10.3.3.*
        An extra number with a preceeding space can be used to set a loglevel (see
below for values)
    disconnect-limit: (number)
        number of logon/password errors before connection is broken
        default: 30 unsuccessful attempts
    disable-limit: (number)
        number of logon/password errors before logon is blacklisted
        default: 30 unsuccessful attempts
    allow-site-fiphdr: (yes/no) see SITE FIPHDR below   default: no
    allow-ssh-fiphdr: (yes/no)              default: no

    allow-anon: (yes/no)        Allow anonymous logons  default-no
    anon-desc:          For Anon logons, fill in the default logon fields....
    anon-display:           Override the default display setting (same as -D)

    timing-stats: (yes/no)      generate Timing stats (default is now YES)

    save-data-path: (pathname for data)
        This puts the data of the incoming data in a file in this folder and creates
a FipHdr file that contains 2 FipHdrs containing the full path/filename
            SX: and FTP_EXTERNAL_FILE:
        (ipbalan uses SX and ipftp uses FTP_EXTERNAL_FILE)
            eq  save-data-path:/fip/data/jpegs/\$e\$y\$i\$d/
        Use this for big files that you do not want to copy around the Fip Spool
        ** if specified, ALL non-standalone files will be split like this **

    alert-email-address:  (one or more addresses separated by a comma)  default:
    alert-email-queue:  under spool                 default: 2smtp
    alert-email-extra:  (optional fipseq string to add to the FipHdr)   default:
    alert-email-top:    (optional fipseq string to add before any data) default: none
    alert-email-tail:   (optional fipseq string to add after any data)  default:
    alert-email-data:   (yes/no)                    default: no

    output-queue: (FipSeq)                  default: 2brouted or -o switch
    done-queue: (FipSeq)                    default: none or -d switch
    done-name-stub: (FipSeq) filename in done queue     default: safe name (ZO)

-- Logons and Passwords

There are 3 (main) types of Authentication.
    - default - using a Fip pipe delimited file called LOGON_FTPWIRE.FIP (or the
parameter of the '-n' input switch.
    - for Unix/Linux, using the normal /etc/passwd file
    - using the Fip w4 LogonList file

The following describes the parameter file syntax for the default. Please see
the relevant (external) doc for the others.

The types of logon/password are
    - anonymous logon
        use input switch -A to allow (disallowd by default)
        use parameters to optionally add more information
            anon-desc   - just a note for logging
            anon-fiphdr - extra fiphdr to add to each file
            anon-topq   - top folder for LIST and GETs
                        default is LISTs and GETS are not allowed
            anon-copyq  - folder holding a copy of any incoming file
            anon-curq   - under
    - full logon and password (normal running)
    - logon and allow any password - just leave the password blank and add -B

The Logon file is in tables/wir and is called LOGON.(name) where name is the
'-n' switch or FTPWIRE.FIP by default

fields in the Password file are pipe delimited and are :
field       0   Enabled or Disabled flag    E/D
        1   LogonName
        2   Password
        3   last mod time (used by the user interface only)
        4   Description/Comment
        5   optional home folder which is revealed as '/' to the remote
            if this is blank, then LS and GETs are returned as 'no such folder/file'
        6   Output folder for any incoming files. If it does NOT start with a '/', the
folder is under /fip/spool
            This can be in FipSeq
            If blank, the default output folder is used.
        7   optional Copy folder where an exact copy of the incoming file
                this can be the same as 5-home folder if the remote needs to see the file
        8   any optional ExtraFipHdr info
        9   Option single letter Flags
            (Negate by adding a dash/hyphen prefix - ie to make sure files are NEVER
deleted '-Z'
            S-standalone output file (original filename and no fiphdr)
            C-standalone copy file (original filename and no fiphdr)
            H-For Standalone copy, add a FipHdr
            D-display all commands for this client only (ie -D for this one client)
            F-allow extra FipHdr data to be added BEFORE the Store as a site command
            Z-allow delete of any Standalone Copy ('C') files
            T-allow sessionTimeout of 24 hours for this client (default is 20 mins or
the session-timeout parameter)
            U-allow Last File Timeout of 24 hours for this client (default is 20 mins or
the session-file-timeout parameter)
            M-allow client to MKDIR a sub folder
            R-allow client to RMDIR a sub folder
            G-allow client to GET a file (which is the default if 'S'tandalone or 'C'opy
is on - so to Disallow, use '-G')
            Q-on a CD/CWD, check the folder really does exist
            J-set hourly logs for the remote_trace log file
            W-if in standalone mode, overwrite files
            X-Send on Rename - Files are held in the 5-HomeFolder until a rename when
they are moved to the 6-Outputfolder
                2 further suboptions in () are optional for Pre strings and Post strings
                (pre=[string in FipSeq]) and (post=[FipSeq string]) where [FipSeq string]
is any parsable text !
                - if a source sends files preceeded by _^_(filename) then X (pre=_^_) will
detect these to be SendOnRename
                - if a source sends files with a '.tmp' extension and then renames them to
'.xml' or someother file type, use X (post=.tmp)
                NOTE that any files WITHOUT either the pre or post strings will be sent
                NOTE you cannot rename files if using V-virtual list
            V-Virtual list - use this to hold a list of files sent by the remote. LIST,
SIZE and MDTM commands will show the files
                Only files from the sender IN THIS SESSION are shown - none from previous
sessions or from any concurrent session.
                NOTE you cannot sendOnRename or rename files if using V-virtual list
            L-Logging options (sub options in following brackets)
                C - do NOT log connections/disc
                N - NewLogon
            A-Alert - send an alert email when a file arrives
                this option also requires an email address(es) in alert-email-address:...

E|Pittlewire|zong|0|Mr Pittles Image
E|Brittle||0|Mr Brittle HardHat

-- FipHdr fields added to each file UNLESS the Standalone option has been
    SP  IPaddress of the remote host
    SN  Filename given
    ZO  Safe filename
    SU  -n input switch or FTPWIRE
    SA  logon name
    SC  chrset - defaults to ASCII
    S1  client description for the logon file
    S2  wire id
    S3  session id
    S4  current PWD
    S5  any extra subfolder in a put command
    S6  current Client system details (if offered by remote)

Input Parameters :
Optional :
    -9 : do not use Speedy on a Speedy system
    -A : allow anonymous logons             default: always need a logon/pwd
    -B : allow blank passwords              default: always need a pwd
        if the password field is blank in the LOGON file, no checking takes place.
    -d : done folder                    default: none
        This holds a copy of all incoming data files from every source
        The structure is
            (done folder) / (date)_(logon) eg 20110921_fip / (filename as written to the
output folder)
        It can be purged with an entry in maintenance (zapfiplog)
        eg if '-d raw.ftpwire' and we want the last 30 days data
            /fip/bin/ipdelque -q/fip/spool/raw.ftpwire -i1 -a30
    -D : display all commands for each connection       default: no
        Use this to trace problem connections
    -E : maximum number of threads              default: 1
        up to a max of 200 (not Win2k)
        Note this is also a hardware limit in that small systems may not be able to
run more than 50 or so
    -F : allow SITE FIPHDR commands             default: no
    -I : wire id                        default: 0
        used to track which instance of a multi-ftpwire system a file arrived/logged
    -j : balance queue for balancing doneque items      default: 2balance
    -J : balance group for balancing doneque items      default: -none- no balancing
        This group MUST be in sys/BALANCE
    -l : log level
    -n : name of this wire                  default: FTPWIRE
    -O : Name of the output folder if not default       default: spool/2brouted
        This folder will be under /fip/spool
    -P : Port for control                   default: 9130
        -P 21 is normal
    -R : round-robin base - see above           default: 1
    -s : local hostname or ipaddress            default: all local addresses
        where a server has multiple ip address/hostnames, use '-s' to restrict
connections to a single address
    -S : default is standlone and not Fip           default: next folder is fip
        in this case do NOT add a Fiphdr and preserve exactly the incoming filename
        this can be overridden in the Logon file
    -T : log timing stats                   default: no
    -v : Print the version number and exit

-- Log levels for -l input switch are :
    default (-1)    errors only are logged
    0       connections/disconnections
    10      logons
    20      each file in or out

-- The -D input switch will display all cmds etc as they come in

Thu Jun 11 12:27:44 id.35 ++ New Connection FTPWIRE
Thu Jun 11 12:27:44 id.35   Send.23 220 Fip FTP service~~|
Thu Jun 11 12:27:44 id.35   Recv.10 USER zibbly|
Thu Jun 11 12:27:44 id.35   Send.20 331 Enter password~~|
Thu Jun 11 12:27:44 id.35   Recv.12 PASS *******|
Thu Jun 11 12:27:45 id.35   Send.14 230 Logon ok~~|
Thu Jun 11 12:27:45 id.35   Recv.3  PWD|
Thu Jun 11 12:27:45 id.35   Send.7  257 /~~|
Thu Jun 11 12:27:45 id.35   Recv.4  PASV|
Thu Jun 11 12:27:45 id.35   Send.45 227 Entering Passive Mode
Thu Jun 11 12:27:45 id.35   Recv.6  TYPE I|
Thu Jun 11 12:27:45 id.35   Send.8  200 ok~~|
Thu Jun 11 12:27:45 id.35   Recv.34 STOR 0223-42-2009-IT0001347175.zip|
Thu Jun 11 12:27:45 id.35   Send.10 150 go..~~|
Thu Jun 11 12:27:45 id.35   Recv 1460 on Data Port
Thu Jun 11 12:27:45 id.35   Recv 1460 on Data Port
Thu Jun 11 12:27:45 id.35   Recv 1460 on Data Port
Thu Jun 11 12:27:45 id.35   Recv 1460 on Data Port
Thu Jun 11 12:27:45 id.35   Recv 1460 on Data Port
Thu Jun 11 12:27:45 id.35   Recv 1460 on Data Port
Thu Jun 11 12:27:45 id.35   Recv 1460 on Data Port
Thu Jun 11 12:27:45 id.35   Recv 538 on Data Port
Thu Jun 11 12:27:45 id.35 .. Incoming File logon.zibbly
file.0223-42-2009-IT0001347175.zip -> /home/hohoho [ferdy.#XX:extrastuff]
Thu Jun 11 12:27:45 id.35   Send.17 226 end of file~~|
Thu Jun 11 12:27:45 id.35   Recv.4  QUIT|
Thu Jun 11 12:27:45 id.35   Send.10 221 bibi~~|

-- Secure FTP --------------------------------------

Confusingly there are two - completely different - 'Secure' FTPs plus a defunct
company called SecoueFTP etc etc
    1. a more secure version of ordinary FTP which uses SSL/TLS in the same way
http and httpS work for secure web sites.
    2. a file copy layer which sits ontop of SSH - which has nothing at all to do
with ordinary FTP

The extra confusion is that SSH uses SSL - so dont mix the two up !

((This is from the FileZilla website as they are the kings of ftp :

    .. TLS (FTPS) vs SSH (SFTP)
    FTPS (FTP encrypted with TLS) should not be confused with SFTP (SSH). The
latter is a completely different protocol.

    .. Explicit vs Implicit FTPS

    FTPS (FTP over TLS) is served up in two incompatible modes.
    If using explicit FTPS, the client connects to the normal FTP port and
explicitly switches into secure (TLS) mode with "AUTH TLS", whereas implicit
FTPS is an older style service that assumes TLS mode right from the start of
the connection (and normally listens on TCP port 990, rather than 21).
    In a FileZilla client this means prefixing the host with "FTPES://" to connect
an "explicit" FTPS server, or "FTPS://" for the legacy "implicit" server (for
which you will likely also need to set the port to 990).

Thank you FileZilla))

How do you know which is the one you want ?

- What is the port number on the remote server ?
    port 21  - it is BOTH normal FTP and the SSL/TLS version (port 21 is the same
as normal FTP)
                test with ordinary 'ftp' client
    port 990    - it is ONLY SSL/TLS version
                test with 'telnet' to (remhost) 990 and cut the connection once you are
satisfied it connects
    port 22  - it is ONLY the sftp on top of SSH
                test with 'ssh' or 'sftp'

--- 1. SSL/TLS
    This is the easy one..

    YOU MUST USE ftpwiressl for any/all ssl/tls traffic as ftpwire blocks these

Prerequsite is the SSL layer which nowadays comes as standard on most
platforms. Otherwise it can be downloaded from the installation kit or the
website of the OS - Sun for Solaris, RedHat,
 Suse etc
For *nix, if you have gcc installed, it is usually easier (!) to compile from
the latest sources at http://www.openssl.org/source/
For Win2k, there are precompiled versions at
which points at
NOTE you generally have to also add the 'MicroSoft Visual C++ 2008
Redistributables' (vcredit)
Pick the 32bit Light version unless you are running very very high volume

To get ipftp to use SSL/TLS, all you need to do is add the keyword
where param is
        no      - normal, standard FTP on (normally) port 21 for the control (ie DO NOT
use SSL/TLS)
        yes or explicit - connect (normally) on port 21 in clear then use SSL/TLS for
USER, PASS and data
        auth        - connect (normally) on port 21 in clear, use SSL/TLS for USER, PASS
then return to clear
                 (but use SSL/TLS for all data) This is normally the only version which
works if using a Proxy server or a really nasty Firewall
        implicit    - connect (normally) on port 990: use SSL/TLS for all control and

If passwords and/or certicates are required, use the ssl-cert etc to add

--- 2.a SSH/SFTP

ftpwire does NOT current do sftp over ssh.

Version Control
;1a24a   1sep17 added hourly-logs and J/-J logon feature
    ;a1-6 better TLS
    ;7 log-level and log in allow/disallow
    ;8-10 7feb19 nat-pasv-address was reversed for Linux
    ;11 14jun19 'A' alert and emails
    ;12-13 8nov19 added done-name-stub
    ;13-15 2apr20 bug - ignoring put qqq/nnn
    ;16-19 note_remote - add errCode
    ;20-23 2nov21 minor (22 - allow 40 chr logons)
    ;24a 28feb23 added public-address-from-aws-meta (24 is bad)
;0j98 5jun09 original version
    ;h3 spoof TYPE ;8 CWD -> 250;9 added F and H ;10-11 added -Z ;12-14 RR added
    ;h15-18 mixup with multicard servers and RR; 18 display as option ;1920
    ;j1 12sep09 speedier version ;2 15oct09 added disable/disconnect-limits ;3
minor cleanup for GET
    ;4 allow * in black/whitelist
    ;5 tuning ;6-8 added SIZE and FEAT ;9 track disableds better ;10 2dec10 added
    ;12 20may11 added FipHdr inbound if nec
    ;14-16 12dec11 added 'z' for standalone delete/14jan11 woops - disable ..
    ;17-23 22may12 RRbase added -R and bugette with speedy ;20 added
min/max-data-port ;21-23 added display-log and ms in log
    ;24 18oct12 added external /etc/passwd for linux
    ;25-7 12nov12 added Mkdir and Rmdir as logon options and FIP_SHADOW added
    ;28-31 5jan14 added w4 logon list too ;31 woops permissions on ls for DIR
    ;32 added -j -J for balQue and balGrp
    ;33-36 17jun14 added option Q to check that the CD /queue really did exist !
;35 getuid for shadow ;36 balance dels
    ;37 17dec14 added remote_trace, buglette in mkdir, added L8 as type to force
    ;38 added X-sendOnRename ;39 added force-passive-mode: ;40-42 cleanups
    ;43 bugette in RR - missing the last number ;44 bugette in widget ;45 added
uid and gid and SX/use-sx
    ;46-9 added pwdcrypt ;50-56 log cleanup and added 'H' to preserve the FipHdr
of 'C'-copyfile
    ;57 better handling of attempted logons in Linux ;58 added ZO/safe SN ;59
balance SX too !
    ;60 21sep15 DELE can be Standalone AND CopyStandalone
    ;61-62 24sep15 mod to portData close on slow, ungraceful connections and added
    ;63-68 reset_data close socket YES/NO (and disable linger for WINNT!
    ;69-82 31oct15 SX includes ipaddress for uniqueness, 'X' can have a precedence
chr, mods to ACCEPT to allow wrong ordered commands
    ;83-86 22nov15 added 'V' for virtual list to confuse hackers ;87-89 for V in
    ;90-92 14apr16 better Restart (REST) and added vsftpd-compatible and
    ;93 bugette - rename with multiple spaces
    ;94 26jan17 allow both logonFile and w4logonlist
    ;95-96 30jan17 added quiet logging options ;97-8 added '#' for merge fiphdr
and recode added

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