

IPSYN actually does the sending of text files to the clients. It will use the
client parameter file in tables/syn/client/CLIENTNAME to find the 2 other
parameter files which describe the ROUTE and the REMOTE SYSTEM.

It is normally started automatically by IPSYND after the operator has requested
a transmission via the MUI, SYN. IPSYND will have already allocated an unused
port from the tables/syn/PORTS file.

If  the port is greater than 1024 it is considered a Terminal server port ie a
Spider, otherwise the port number is a reference to a TTY port in the
tables/sys/PEEK file.

The Alternate route is switched to after 5 failures using the normal routing.
If it does not exist, the normal is tried a further 5 times.

Files are normally sent from a queue in spool/syn with the same name as the
client. Optionally a different queue may be specified.

For testing purposes, text can be logged as it is sent - this is useful where a
stext string is thought to be aborting the transmission. Normally a full log of
the transmission is left in log/syn/CLIENTNAME_date_time. Optionally this log
file can be forced to another file - including stdout. All files are normally
deleted once sent. An input parameter allows you to leave the files for another
test later.

If a TTY port is to be used, it can be configured using a file in
tables/stty/STTY_(clientname)_ttyx where x is the tty port name.

Valid keywords for the Preparation stage are :
    ; comment
    ww:60       Wordwrap on 60 chrs
    wwx:256     Force an end-of-line (eox:xx) at 256 chrs
    eol:\r\n    A forced end of line or wordwrap is CR NL
    eop:\t\r    Any CR NL combination in the text stream is
            replaced with TAB CR
    eox:\313    Place an Octal 313 every n chrs (n is from wwx:)
    nonulls:    Do NOT strip NULL chrs from the text
    ascii:      Only send printable ascii characters
            - strip unprintables and controls except Eolns.
    binary:     Binary file - make no modifications pls
    size:       Maximum take size. File is split in to takes if bigger
    speed:      Average speed for pacing traffic through a Terminal
    error:NO\sCARR  Communications Error message meaning broken connection
    filerror:ERROR  Message from remote system signifying it has a problem
    contto:     Message for the Continued To at end of a file split in takes
    contfrom:   Message for the Continued From at beginning of a file split
            in takes.
    first:      Name of FIRST file to be sent in a transmission - normally
            ths is a standard welcome text.
    kermit:     Send the file using Kermit protocol.
    dbi:        Send the file using DBI protocol.
    xmodem:     Send the file using Xmodem protocol.
    ymodem:     Send the file using Ymodem protocol.
    zmodem:     Send the file using Zmodem protocol.
    remname:    File name for remote system when sending Kermit etc.
    single:     Send one file at a time - disconnect and reconnect for
                all subsequent files.
    zapatend    Delete the sent files ONLY after the last has been sent
                successfully. Normally each file is deleted
                after it has been sent succesfully.
    balance-seqno:  Send the Sequence number to this Balance Group (see
            Use this to make sure the sequence number is always updated on 
            any companion systems.
    max-timeout:    Maximum no Of seconds which a single 'wait' can take
            in addition the the normal no-traffic-timeout.
            default is 90 secs.
            This stops race conditions where a modem is just
            streaming rubbish.

Note that Banner and Copyright are (currently) ignored for files sent with
kermit, dbi, xmodem or zmodem.

Certain variables may be specified in the parameter files when sending text.
They are specified using the \$x notation where x is :
    F : actual filename
    G : first 6 alpha numeric chrs of the filename
    T : number of files sent
    B : number of blocks sent
    C : number of characters sent
    X : approx time taken (this uses the 'speed' parameter
        and defaults to 1200)
    L : headline or first line of text

Otherwise any FipSeq - octal numbers, unix escape strings or Fip Header fields
- can be specified in the normal fashion.

Currently available commands for the scripet files are :
    ; comment
    * (sectioname)
Note that only the first character is checked.

    : or +  Start of loop
    -   End of loop
    s   send string
    n   send nulls
    r, w, e, x  wait for strings or timeoutperiod
    z   sleep a couple of seconds
    d   display string on screen
    l   log string in the log file

recv, wait, exit, error are the same except the result and what to do with it.
The table below explains what happens if the command times out (ie neither
string is matched), the GOOD string is matched or the BAD string is matched.
ABORT means the transmission is aborted, stopped, backed out of, no more files
are sent and if logged on, logged off and if connected, disconnected.
YES and NO refer to whether we leave the loop or not (if we are a loop within a
section) or leave the section or not (if we are NOT in a loop).
            TIMEOUT GOOD    BAD
        r   no      no      yes
        w   no      yes     yes
        e   yes     no      yes
        x   abort   yes     abort

Input parameters :
    Mandatory :
    -c : name of client             default: none
    -p : port number to use             default: none
    Optional :
    -s : terminal server if not default     default: default
    -a : use alternate routing if it exists     default: use normal
    -d : display (in the log file) all text as it is sent
                            default: no textdisplay
    -l : alternative log filename.  default: log/syn/CLIENT_date_time
    -q : take files from this queue in spool/syn
                        default: spool/syn/clientname
    -X : Telnet Transparency off            default: on
        For terminal servers ports, set transparency to Off
        This is required for Xmodem, Ymodem and Zmodem.
    -z : do NOT delete files after sending      default: delete
    -Z : delete files only after sending the last one. default: delete each
        Normally files are deleted as they are sent. This deletes
        them ONLY after the last file has been sent with no errors.
        This is the same as adding the "zapatend" keyword in the
        remsys parameter file.
    -Y : For terminal servers there is NO signon-banner
        default: On connect, wait for a 377 back before continuing
    -v : print version number and exit

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