

IP2MID filters IAS and Editorial files for the Midsystem tracking system.
Usually IAS files have passed thru BINFIP/IPXBIN.

For advertising files (presence of FIP header field FJ11) :
    These files contain a header NOT of normal FIP fields but of IAS header fields
as decribed in the 'arecord'.

    IP2MID makes an attempt to find out what type of Ad this is according to
selections made from any combination of IAS header fields.


Two parameter files are used :
    A list of selection criteria in the MID_SELECT file
    A list of element strings in the MID_ELEMENT file
The selection criteria files are held in tables/setup/MID_SELECT and have the
format :

   The format of the selection file is :
    ; comment
    (hdr field) = string [opt (tab) & (hdr) = string ..] (tab) >element (nl)
    (hdr field) = string [opt (tab) | (hdr) = string ..] (tab) >element (nl)
    Each selection is on a single line. If necessary, multiple conditions
    can be specified with the '&' to AND them or '|' to OR them.
    The operation equal, '=', can also be NOT equal '!='.
    A '*' is used a wild card string; a '?' is single wild card chr. To
    search for a string/chr embedded somewhere in a field, uses a '*' before
    and after.
    If embedded spaces are needed in the string-to-be-searched, use an '*'.
    Note that the search string is case_insensitive.
    Both the selection file and the main file are scanned completely, so
    that one file may be sent to none, one or several destinations
    according to the same or different criteriae.
    The element name MUST be present in the Element file.

    CL=303      >class303
    EP=TAR.     >rubbish_txt
    CL=1001 & TY=*PROP* >property

The Element file, tables/setup/MID_ELEMENTS, has the syntax :

    ; comment
    logon: (owner for text files - defaults to midsys)
    advpath: (advertising text queue)
    edtpath: (editorial text queue)
    element:(element name) (tab/spaces) (complete script with parameters) (nl)
    element:property    create_property_ad \$N \$V \AD \A1 \A2 \A3
    advpath: /geo/adv

The script is parsed, data fields added and run.

The text or data part of the file is slotted into ADVPATH or EDTPATH variables
with the original Atex J11 name (if an Adv, this is the 8 character ad no
WITHOUT the version number).

Input parameters are (all optional) :
    -t : scan time for directory    default: 5 secs
    -i : input queue to scan    default: spool/2midsys
    -e : name of element file   default: MID_ELEMENT
        this is in tables/setup
    -z : name of selection file default: MID_SELECT
        this is in tables/setup
    -l : log every incoming file    default: do NOT log
    -n : nice number there      default: reduce by 5
    -v : display version number and exit.

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