

        either  -f (filename)   file with fiphdr including SI and SY FipHdr fields
        or  -I (SI) -Y (SY-hostname-defaults to this host)

    sffredbal -f (filename) check if file should be sent from this system
(defaults to check)

    sffredbal -c -h (host) -f (filename) check if file would be sent from this
        -h (host) is optional as the default is the hostname of that system
        returns 0   ok, this is primary
            -1  this sec and primary is up
            < -1 an error
            1   ok, this is sec but primary is down

    sffredbal -s (balance group) -f (filename)
    sffredbal -s (balance group) -I (SI) -Y (SY)
        Save this on all redundant systems in this balance group.

    sffredbal -d (balance group) -f (filename)
    sffredbal -d (balance group) -I (SI) -Y (SY)
        Delete this from all redundant systems in this balance group.
        This is used once a file has been sent or is no longer required anywhere.

    sffredbal -v will show the version number and exit

Version control
;000b   01aug07 chj original version

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