sffpshop Break out the RESOURSE FORK of a Photoshop (MAC version) file and display the IIM header fields... MV: 1.00 Model Version MU: 1.05 Destination (002 was MD) MF: 1.20 File Format M1: 1.22 File Format Version MS: 1.30 ServiceID ME: 1.40 Env Number/UniqueID MI: 1.50 ProductId MP: 1.60 Prior MD: 1.70 Date Sent MT: 1.80 TIme Sent MC: 1.90 Chrset MX: 1.100 UNO (002 was MU) MA: 1.120 ARMid MB: 1.122 ARM version JV: 2.00 Record Version Y1: 2.03 Encoding Y2: 2.04 Attr JK: 2.05 Name/Kwd Y3: 2.07 Edit Status Y4: 2.08 Update flag PR: 2.10 Urgency Y5: 2.12 Reference JT: 2.15 Category Y6: 2.20 Catette Y7: 2.22 Fixture J1: 2.25 Kwds J2: 2.26 Location Code J3: 2.27 Location Name D1: 2.30 Release Time D2: 2.35 Release Time D3: 2.37 Expiry Date D4: 2.38 Expiry Time JY: 2.40 Spec Instructions Y8: 2.42 Action R1: 2.45 Ref Service R2: 2.47 Ref Date R3: 2.50 Ref Number JD: 2.55 Date Created D5: 2.60 Time Created D6: 2.62 Digital Date Created D7: 2.63 Digital Time Created Y9: 2.65 Program Y0: 2.70 Program Version YA: 2.75 Cycle AM/PM/BC JA: 2.80 ByLine JR: 2.85 ByLine Title JM: 2.90 City J4: 2.92 Sub-location J5: 2.95 Province/State JL: 2.100 Location Cod JZ: 2.101 Location JI: 2.103 UniqueId JX: 2.105 Headline JS: 2.110 Credit JU: 2.115 Source JJ: 2.116 Copyright JF: 2.118 Contact ZZ: 2.120 Caption JE: 2.122 Writer/Editor J7: 2.125 Rasterised Caption IT: 2.130 Image Type IR: 2.131 Image Orientation J8: 2.135 Language Identifier JW width JH height JC number of ColourComponents JB data precision or Bits/Sample JP process Input parameters are : Mandatory resource filename one and only one Optional -x : offset of resfork default: 0 -D : display resources default: no -F : do NOT add the FipHdr markers default: do -v : version and exit Use the offset for any Ushare or EtherShare per-resfork. In both cases, the offset is 512. For those switches with parameters, the parameter MUST be separated by a space. Version Control ;000b 19nov03 chris original version (copyright) 2024 and previous years FingerPost Ltd.