

IPBATCH scans a directory every x mins (default 1). Any files it finds, are
collected and put in one file for onward transmission.

The original files are deleted. If they are needed urgently remember they are
in the Archive files.

Input Parameters :
Mandatory : Either -d or -f must be specified.
    -n : name of service                default: none
Either  -d : destination (DU) for resulting files as in USERS file.default:none
Or  -f : full path/filename of output file      default:none
        - if existing, a seqno is added at end.
Optional :
    -a : append new text to end of file     default: create new file
    -A : append new text to top of file     default: create new file
    -b : batch files together           default: yes, batch
    -B : do NOT batch files - send singularly   default: batch
    -c : SC : source chrset of outbound file    default: ascii
    -C : DC : destination chrset of outbound file   default: ascii
    -D : category code for Source Header (SH) to imitate IPTC/ANPA if nec
                            default: none
    -h : Extra FipHdr information           default: none
    -i : queue to scan              default: spool/batch
    -l : do NOT log outgoings           default: log outgoing
    -o : output queue for sending files     default: spool/2go
    -O : overwrite existing file            default: create new file
    -p : Splitter string between batched articles   default: none
        in FipSeq eg : -p "\n\n------\nNew Article : \\SN-\\XK\n"
        Remember to double any '\' 
    -S : single pass of the input queue only    default:continue to scan
    -t : sleep time between scans of the queue  default: 60 secs
    -T : log the trace of each transaction    default: do not
        This generates a one line log of each file sent is stored in
        log/remote_trace with a name of 'date_(DF)'.
    -x : do NOT archive the output file     default: archive text
    -z : optional parameter file in tables/setup    default: none
    -v : version no and bomb out

The Optional parameter file can have the following keywords :
    ; comment
    before: FipSeq string added before data of each file.   default: none
    after:  FipSeq string added after  data of each file.   default: none
    beffile: FipSeq file added before data of each file.    default: none
    Beffile data is added after any 'before' string and before normal data.
    aftfile: FipSeq file added after  data of each file.    default: none
        Aftfile data is added after normal data and before any 'after'
    extra-fiphdr: Add the string as extra FipHdr fields default: none
    nofiphdr: Do NOT add a FipHdr to the top of the file
        Normally a FipHdr is added. For single, non-batched files
        this will be the incoming header PLUS relevant extra ones.
    noarchive: do NOT archive the output file       default: archive
        (same as input switch -x)
    splitter: Splitter string between batched articles  default: none
        (same as input switch -p)
    script: name of a script to run against the file after  default: none
        creating (file output only)

    primary-host:   Primary host for this service
        The default host is the one we are running on. Use this to
        force redun_balance files to be output on a different one.
    balance-seqno:  Send the Sequence number to this Balance Group
        (see 'ipbalance') Use this to make sure the sequence number
        is always updated on any companion systems.
    balance-delete: Send a note for ipbalan/ipsvrd to delete the mirrored
        file on any remote server.
    redun-balance: balance group for redundant balance.
        Note you should only use balance or redun-balance but not both.

    convert-fiphdr: FipHdr field containing a conversion to be done
            default none
            eg  convert-fiphdr:BX
            This assumes the BX field will name a conversion
            listed under 'convert'
    convert-name-batch: FipSeq for the Output filename of converted files
        where there is a single batched file output
        default is BATCH.(time).(Pid).bbb
    convert-name-nobatch: FipSeq for the Output filename of any converted files
        where the files are sent separately or collated in a single batch
        default is BATCH.(time).(Pid).bbb
    convert-name-input: FipSeq for the input filename of files
        default is the existing filename in the batched folder
    convert-on-output: yes/no
        For Non batched really ! - convert the files on output rather than each
    convert-nobatch: Convert the output non-batch file using the script described
    convert-batch:   Convert the output batch file using the script described
        convert:(name)  (script and parameters)
        default: none
        The (name) is specified in a single FipHdr in the incoming file which is the
same FipHdr as specified in the 'convert-fiphdr' above.
        Two temporary FipHdrs are used to specify the input (QI) and output (QO)
        eg  convert:zip /usr/local/bin/zip \QO \QI
            and the files/startString should have 'BX:zip' in the FipHdr.

    logeachfile:(dest) Send a Success/failed msg to this destination for each
        There is no default.
        This log file is just a FipHdr with the following extra fields :
            DR-File Sent OK  DR:ok or DR:error
            DG-Will Retry later DG:retrying or DG:stopped
            DT-Some message text    DT:No connection
            DO-Number of last attempt    DO:5
            HT-Date and Time    HT:25 Nov 98 15:35:25
        default: no log created.
        The DR and DG messages can be changed by using :
        eg: log-dr-ok:File \VN sent to Remote Number \DA (\$h:\$n)
    msgeachfile:(FipSeq) Additional information to add to the FipHdr of the
        msg. This should be in FipHdr format and be in FipSeq. It can be
        used to pass FipHdr fields in the outgoing file into the log file.
        eg  msgeachfile:    DF:logdial\nSS:\SS\n
        default: nothing added

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