ipdelque This program deletes files from a queue. This can be a single shot (default) or you can specify a delay which the program will wait before restarting ad infinitum. Normally a 30 second wait is applied before the program starts in case the wrong queue etc has been selected. Optionally only files that are older (ie last time modified) than a certain number of days or minutes can be deleted. This can be changed to checking creation time by input switch -c. For queues that accept networked files, a file creep time can be set. IPDELQUE is often used in the nightly maintenance script ZAPFIPLOG to trim holding queues and sundry save areas. Strings in data can be searched and files deleted or NOT accordingly using the -g/-G switch (plus -s for case sensitivity if necessary). eg: ipdelque -q yuko -g "txtclass=edito*" will delete files containing txtclass=edito* in /fip/spool/yuko. (Note the * is NOT a wild card here so we have quoted the string) Filenames can be checked too with -k or -K. eg: ipdelque -q zibbo -K ttt will delete all files in zibbo EXCEPT those with '.ttt' somewhere in the name Input parameters are : Mandatory : -q : input queue name default: none This can be a full pathname starting '/' or a relative to current path if starting '.' as in './xyz' otherwise it is assumed to be a queue under /fip/spool. it can also be in FipSeq : eg -q \$e\$y\$i\$d_xmp_error (if in the SYSTEM file) or -q \\$e\\$y\\$i\\$d_xmp_error (if run from a shell) Optional : -a : age subqueues in this queue default: no syntax is -a 8 for eight days worth - move any files in the queue to a new subqueue called (queue)/(queue).CCYYMMDD - if the subparameter > 0, zap any subqueues older than that number of days -A : age subqueues and files in this queue default: no Syntax is -A 3 for deleting all queues over 3 days old This variation is for queues AND files that begin YYMMDD or YYYYMMDD eg 970925-reuters 20001231-31223-SPORTS 20180925_soccer_fixtures.xml All files or queues older than the date the program is run (minus the subparameter) are deleted. Any files or queues whose name does not start with a date are ignored. -F : ignore date in Folder name when used with -A, the date in the folder name is ignored and the last MOD datetime is used -l : log all deleted files default: normally only one QUEUE DELETED msg appears -L : do NOT log if no files were deleted default: (as above) -m : delete files if more than x days only default: all files This deletes all files up to midnight before the day. -M : delete files if more than x mins only default: all files -c : check time of creation default: last modify -C : check file name default: no checking beforehand only zap files if this checkfile exists This is to check that UNC, NAS and other remote drives are actually mounted/accessible beore deleting -d : WINNT only drive letter for queue default: drive Fip started on -E : add ExtraFipHdr information default: none -f : file wait default: 0 (ie wait x secs for file to finish before processing) -g : search string in data - if present, default: all files delete THIS file but NOT those without it. -G : search string in data - if present, default: all files do NOT delete THIS file but delete those without it. -h : for search string in data, ignore the FipHdr. default: all data -H : run on this host only default: all use this were the same zipfiplog is on several servers -i : wait in secs before starting to delete default: wait 30 secs -i 10 wait 10 seconds beforehand -i 0 do NOT wait before deleting If the '-t' switch (spooling) is also on, this wait is applied to the FIRST scan only, after which it is ignored. -k : filename mask - if present, default: all files delete THIS file but NOT those without it. -K : filename mask - if present, default: all files do NOT delete THIS file but delete those without it. -OLD : for -a make the aged queue YYMMDD not CCYYMMDD -Q : DO NOT create the folder if it does not exist default: create -r : delete any Mac Resource forks in ./.rsrc default: no -R : Run ONLY if the server is Primary default: always process Only the primary host actually does the delete default: delete Eg if there is an entry in the tables/sys/DEST_REDUN file : nassvr fip-l01v-p fip-l02v-p and you run ipdelque -R nassvr -q /uncdrive/somefolder/subq/ then fip-l02v-p will only run the delete if fip-l01v-p is down This can be used run to zap on shared drives in conjunction with -C (chkfile) from only one of the Fips (Use -S if you want to run on the Secondary(ies) only) -s : search string is case SENSitive default: case insens. -S : Run ONLY if the server is Secondary (ie opposite of -R) default: always process -t : sleep between scans of the directory. default: run once only The minimum scan time is 10 seconds -t 10 -T : do NOT delete any files starting with a dot default: delete -X : TEST only; just display filename that should be zapped (ver 08k+ only) default: delete files/folders -V : log the name of each item deleted default: log totals only -Z : zap the top folder (-q) too default do NOT This option is disabled if you also specify any of : mask (-k/-K), aged queues (-a/-A), search (-g/-G) -v : version no and exit From version 8k onwards there is also a -X input switch which displays the files that would be deleted - BUT does not delete ! All previous version just zap ! Version Control ;8p20a 25sep97 added -A and -d ;a 8oct97 added rmdir for NT ;b 1may98 -a/-A now zaps queues on too ;c/d 20dec99 BUG -a/-A and 00->100 ;e 12oct00 -A now zaps files (and folders) called '20001006.etc' ;f 20nov00 allow spaces in WINNT folder names for -A ;g 10jul02 zap res fork files too ;h 03mar04 added -L ;i 29nov04 bugette with spooled version not changing -m:BAD MOD PLS DONT USE ;j-m 09feb05 reworked those times/dates again and added -X and better Winnt log drive ;n 02may06 -t 0 is now invalid - minimum time is 10 secs ;o 17jun06 added -Q ;p5 18jul06 bugette minutes -M 3 not working correctly ;2 cosmetic ;3-4 win-use del /S /F /Q ;5 *nix- top and tail with apos ;6 allow Fipseq for -q queue and -E (extraFipHdr) eg ipdelque -q /fip/data/raw.data/\$e\$y\$i\$d_ap -i 0 -M 2 ;7-8 27jan13 added -R DestRedun Pseudo host when checking from 2 or more systems and -C chkfile ;9-11 Linux NFS fudge - false ELOOP on readdir - https://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=6161 ;12 11apr16 added -S run on secondary ;13-14 16mar17 added -X to zap TOP folder too ! ;15-16 added -H run on this host only ;17 allow -A 0 ;18 added -F where the data-in-file/folder name is ignored ;19 allow YYYYMM dates in -A and better logging ;20a added -V log items as well as totals (copyright) 2024 and previous years FingerPost Ltd.