ipsvrd This is the background server used to access data on a Fip Server. Normal running is in the SYSTEM file : svrd local ipsvrd -s+ -E 20 or with some logging svrd local ipsvrd -s+ -E 20 -l It prefers to use a parameter file - and will warn on startup if it is not there - which defaults to tables/wire/FIPNET.FIP Use the parameter file to whitelist ONLY Fip servers for gaining access to your system or to setup SSL. Use the '-z' input switch to specify any other filename. A '.FIP' extension may be added. Syntax : ; comment line default-blacklist: allow/disallow Default is to allow all connections, use this to set the default to disallow unless they are specified in one of more 'allow' parameters allow: (IPaddress to allow) disallow: (IPaddress to block) use these to blacklist/whitelist certain addresses, a '*' (star) can be used to indicate ALL eg 10.3.3.* admin: (admin name) use-ssl:yes/no The commends are for a ftp running over SSL/TLS on the remote server default is NO no - normal, standard plain TCP yes - connect (normally) and immediately start SSL on top ssl-method: (1,2,3,23,999) Version number to use for TLS/SSL default: 999 for current default (2 or 3) ssl-password: (password) ssl-passwd: (password) default: none Optional password if the handshake requires a shared secret ssl-key: (name of a certiticate key file) default: none ssl-cert: (name of a certificate file) default: none ssl-root-cert: (name of a root PEM certificate file) defaunt: none Optional certificates are in tables/ssl unless name starts with '/' ssl-verify: yes/no verify server certificates default: yes ssl-ciphers: (list) acceptable ciphers (use 'openssl ciphers' to list) default: "HIGH:!aNULL:!kRSA:!SRP:!PSK:!CAMELLIA:!RC4:!MD5:!DSS" ssl-display: yes/no display SSL connection details default: no EG : ; default-blacklist:disallow ; * is a wild card allow:217.138.58.* allow: -------------------------------------------------- Input switches are (all optional) : -d : top path default: / -D : display actions for Notes default: no -E : maximum number of threads default: 1 up to a max of 200 (not Win2k) Note this is also a hardware limit in that small systems may not be able to run more than 50 or so -g : disable SSL default: depends on 'use-ssl:yes' in parameter file -G : display any SSL debugging infomation. default: none -I : id of this instance default: ignored Where there are several copies of 'ipsvrd' running (more for Win2k) -l : log requests default: no logging -L : log requests and connections default: no logging -P : Port no to receive messages on default: 9140 -s : IP address or hostname to listen on default: boot address. '-s +' will listen on ALL cards and address for this box. -u : dump incoming data default: no -w : adjust the timeout in secs default: 4 on slow networks, try increasing it to 10 or more -z : Name of Parameter file default: none -v : print version number and quit default: no -------------------------------------------------- Notes upload version of ipsvrd is called ipnotwir For testing, start the program in a terminal/command window and add the '-D' input switch. This allows logging to the screen what is happening! Parameter file for Notes is tables/notes/2NOTES (on WINNT 2NOTES.FIP) notes-server: (hostname of the notes server) eg notes-server:HOBBES notes-path: (path to a local database) notes-database: (path and name of database) eg notes-database:editorial/CET_Edit.nsf Where data is held locally and the database holds just a link to the files : notes-data-drive: (letter) notes-data-fiphdr: (fiphdr field) notes-data-filename:/cet/\ND/\NP/\NS notes-data-fileext:.txt notes-data-ismac: This just converts line ends to CR only It does NOT convert any oither characters. log-line: (extra logging) For each field that needs to be filled in : field: (Notes Field name) file: field: (Notes Field name) file:richtext Add the text of the file to this field if richtext is added, it is a richtext type field eg field:ArticleText file: field: (Notes Field name) data:(FipSeq) field: (Notes Field name) data:(FipSeq) type: (optional type) Add metadata from FipHdr or system variables into Notes fields The optional type can be the special notes types of type:list this is a controlled list type:time this is a date/time field type:number this is a number The default is a string of text If there are spaces in the Field name or the data specification, wrap double quotes around them examples ; AdminDb fixed:ND CN=LNCOV1/O=MG_REG field:AdminDb data:\CN ; Headline combie:QH XK|DI field:Headline data:\QH ; no of characters in a NUMBER field field:Character_count type:number data:\$c ; add time of insert to the Comments field field:Comments data:"Sent From FIP - \$d-\$m-\$y at \$h:\$n:\$b" ; make sure CopyCheck is blank field:CopyCheck data:"" field:CopyCount type:number data:1 field:Correspondent data:\SU ; TIME field:CreatedOn type:time On Windows, there may be a permissions problem accessing the database with the LOCALSYSTEM account. So the 'Fip Comms Manager' service must be started by a logon that can see/modify Notes! -------------------------------------------------- ---- Input ---- Example of Input : <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?> <FIPAGENT> <ACTION>DIRLIST</ACTION> <QUEUE>/fip/spool/2edsys</QUEUE> <LOGON>albert</LOGON> <PASSWD>HeyJude</PASSWD> <SIZE/> <DATE/> </FIPAGENT> Note - tags are case insensitive ---- Output ---- Example of Output : <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?> <FIPAGENT> <REPLY> <ACTION>DIRLIST</ACTION> <RESULT>231</RESULT> <DEVICE-RESULT>0</DEVICE-RESULT> <DATALENGTH>6507</DATALENGTH> </REPLY> </FIPAGENT>Data follows....... Note there is no trailing NL ---- Notes ---- Return Codes Ok - in the range 200-299 211 - Read complete 212 - Filter returns nothing 221 - Store complete 222 - Link complete (for LINK which succeeded) 222 - Move successful 222 - Copy successful 231 - Directory List complete 241 - Delete complete 251 - Script complete 261 - Ignore complete errors - in the range 400-499 general errors 401 - Nothing ! 402 - No Action Specified 403 - No Logon Specified 404 - Password Incorrect 405 - Unknown Action Specified 406 - Timeout - incomplete Token Read 411 - No File Specified 412 - No Such File 413 - File not Readable Store/Append/Link 421 - No File Specified 422 - Exists but is NOT a File 423 - File exists - no overwrite selected 424 - Error Writing Zero Length File 425 - No Data Sent for new file 426 - Error Append/Prepend to File 427 - Error cannot find input data File 428 - Error Unable to write file 429 - Error Unable to Append/Prepend file Dir List 431 - No Queue Specified 432 - Queue does NOT exist Delete 441 - No File Specified 442 - No Such File 443 - File Permissions do not allow Delete Script 451 - No Script Specified 452 - No Script File 453 - Not able to run Script file 454 - Script ran but errored Ignore no errors NOTES-UPLOAD 461 - No File Specified 462 - No Data Sent for new file 463 - Not able to log onto the DataBase 464 - Error uploading fields, pls check parameter file. -------------------------------------------------- Tags and SubTags ---------------- If the Action is DIRLIST : queue - absolute queue or folder name size/ - returns the size of each file date/ - returns last modifcation date of each file totals/ - returns only the number of items in the folder If the Action is STORE : file - filename with complete path link - optional link - filename with complete path unique/ - file MUST be uniquename notunique/ - increment filename if exists overwrite/ - overwrite texisting if exists originals/ - save existing (if any) in /fip/originals makequeue/ - make the queue zerolength/ - allow/make a zero length file. permissions - unix style permissions script-after - Full path and all parameters - Mandatory Note that FipHdr field DD holds the filename tmpfile - for use with scipt-after, just use a tmp file for the data ignore-errors - for script if the Action is APPEND : file - filename with complete path link - optional link - filename with complete path originals/ - save existing (if any) in /fip/originals makequeue/ - make the queue If the Action is LINK or MOVE or COPY: file - filename with complete path source - do NOT store the file, use this file to link to, unless the link file does NOT exist. unique/ - file MUST be uniquename notunique/ - increment filename if exists overwrite/ - overwrite existing if exists originals/ - save existing (if any) in /fip/originals makequeue/ - make the queue zerolength/ - allow/make a zero length file. permissions - unix style permissions If the Action is READ : file - filename - Mandatory filter - a grep of the line sort - sort upside down maxitems - give me only the first 100 lines - eg log files There are no extra tags for NOTES UPLOAD as the FipHdr is matched to Notes fields If the Action is SCRIPT - run Script : script - Full path and all parameters - Mandatory ignore-errors If the Action is DELETE : file - filename - Mandatory Version Control ;1w32 27nov99 added Notes Upload ;e 05jun00 added LINK ;f 08aug00 more error checking ;g 22aug00 redid DIRLIST a bit ;h 26mar02 added -s for -s+ ;i 14jul03 added action APPEND as a type of STORE files ;j-k 19sep04 speedy ;l-m 26oct05 added script-after to store ;n-p 25oct06 cleanup and added dump -u plus more Notes stuff ;q-s 20nov06 added RichText for file data ;t 20dec06 added META for STORE (missing dec 2005 mod) ;u 31may07 redid STORE/PERMISSIONS ;v2 20sep07 added -w (;v1 added IP address to log) ;w3-5 30oct08 make notes* FipSeq ;3 unlink on store -> w and added timing -T ;5 bugette in APPEND and added PREPEND ;w6-7 30apr14 file-trace added ;7-8 added STATTIME ;w9-12 23aug17 added -I and -E for multiple instances - should improve thruput on slow networks/systems ;w13-16 5oct17 MOVE and COPY added ;17 added useMsg and sysMsg ;18 15aug19 added blacklists ;19-26 SSL ;w27-29 17mar20 allow /data-av and data-no-av as valid fip top folders ;30-32 10oct22 pid_t and sockaddr_t (copyright) 2024 and previous years FingerPost Ltd.