

ZWIRE receives an IATA or IATA-derivative news wire.
The header is parsed and put in the FIP header field SH. The file is slotted
into the spool/2brouted queue for IPROUTE to process and route.

Input Parameters :
    Mandatory :
    -n : name of this wire (usually the agency)     default: none
either  -s : 'px25', 'sx25', Terminal Server/Spider name or TTY default: none
    -p : Spider port number                 default: none
or  -P : Port on UnixBox to use for outbound        default: none
        This is only used where Terminal Servers canNOT run reverse telnet
        correctly and need to set a Permanent Virtual Connection across
        the ethernet to a fixed port number on the UnixBox
    Optional :
    -A : name of the archive file if not the -n name field  default: 'name'
                                default: 7
    -C : Category start string              default: none
    -c : If not ascii feed, chrset of 5/6 level letters default: c2let
    -d : If not ascii feed, chrset of 5/6 level numbers default: c2num

    -D : the name of a DUPLICATE wire where 2 copies of the same
        file is required (SD header field).     default: none
    -e : the string that ends the header at the next CR/NL. default: none
    -E : the string that ends the header immediately.   default: none
    -f : Extra FIP header information           default: none
        For fixed header info in FIP. eg -f #QA:AA#QB:BASIC
        As this flag is normally the last specified, its contents
        can be used to overwrite any unique fields such as DU, DP,
        SN etc.
    -k : Keyword start string string which indicates that text following
        to the CR/NL is the keyword.            default: none
    -K : Add the message keyword as first line of text  default: no
    -l : The max no of lines in the header.         default: no max
    -L : For Passive (-P) type connections, reestablish the
        link after disconnection            default: no
    -o : Name of output format (DF field)           default: ZWIRE
    -O : Name of the output folder if not default      default: spool/2brouted
        This folder will be under /fip/spool
    -q : Replace incoming sequence number with System
        generated number                default: no
    -r : the name of a DIFFERENT routing table to 'name'
        (SR field : used by iproute)            default: name
    -t : End of text marker (NNNN is end of message)    default: none
    -T : Timeout in seconds                 default: none
        If this time is exceeded WITHOUT an End-of-file, the
        file is terminated.
    -x : Wakeup string for Pad/modem etc            default: none
        This wakes up the pad on startup.
    -y : Banner string to strip from terminal server.default: SpiderBanner
    -Y : There is no banner to strip            default: as above
    -Z : do NOT archive any incoming files          default: archive
    -0 : do NOT strip NULs from the incoming stream     default: strip
    -1 : Use first line of text as Keyword          default: no
        (this is the opposite of -K)
    -6 : Format is Extel version 6 format           default: no
        Version 6 is also called AFX IATA Version 1 or 1.1
    -7 : Format is Extel/AFX version 7 format       default: no
        Version 7 is also called AFX IATA Version 1.2

    -v : Print the version number and exit

Notes for particular agencies :

    Extel is    -s/-p -e#Z -C# -1 -6 [opt -K]
    or      -s/-p -e#Z -t\n#Z -C# -1 -6 [opt -K]
    or version 7    -s/-p -7
Extel V7 fields are
    Line    Field Name  Fip Header field (if X?, it is part of the SH)
    1   Service Desig       XS  v7_S
        Service Number      XN  v7_N
        OriginCode      XO  v7_O
        Reference Field     XR  v7_R
        UniqueStoryNo       XU  v7_U
    2   Priority        XP  v7_P
        Service Code        XC  v7_C
        Correction Code     XY  v7_Y
        Destination Code    XX  v7_D        ** 0.20 **
        SubjectCode.1-4     XB  v7_B
        CountryCode.1-4     XT  v7_T
        IndustryCode.1-4    XI  v7_I
        Story Type Code     XZ  v7_Z        ** 0.20a **
    3-? CompanyName.1-5     E?/F?/G?    v7_E
        Ticker.1-5      E?  v7_E
        Country.Reg.1-5     E?  v7_E
        Sedol.1-5       E?  v7_E
        ISIN.1-5        E?  v7_E
        (upto 15 company names)
    8   DateTime        EZ  v7_E
    9   Headline        XK  v7_K

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