ipramstxt This program is used to add FipHdr fields matched against a key field in a RamsTxt file. The original header and text are left untouched. Keywords for RamsTxt parameter file are : ; comment line7 extra-fiphdr: more fixed Fip Hdr fields to add to the file (before any new matched additions) send-headers-without-data:no/yes source:IDN end-of-line:<fipBR>\n Change the end of line balance-group: (group name) This puts a copy of each file in 2balance. default: none ignore-drops:no/yes Do not forwards drop messages default: no redun-sys:(host1),(host2) This adds an 'SZ' source redundancy to the incoming file and leaves a copy in spool/2net default: no track-xt-type: default: no This adds <FipTextType-TW:X> or TW:T markers in the text send-data-only: Send data files only, not the headline-only files as well. convert-data:yes/no default: no Convert data and Headline to either ISO or UTF8 depending on the original data The FipHdr field T6 is set to 'ISO8859' for ISO-8859-1 or 'UTF8' for UTF-8 ignore-deletes:(yes/no) deletes are normally passed thru ignore-pnac: (pnac) default: none Ignore all segments or bd recods for this PNAC There can be 100 ignores... Where sections of FipHdr fields are required or changes to the output style, use keywords : fixed, partial, combie, optional, repeat, newdate and/or style. (see The SysAdmin manual for more information). They are normally specified : fixed:QZ 1234543 partial:QT ST,3,2,U,<,> combie:QY ep|na,(0000000)a option:QE ep,11,7,s repeat:QK XK,-,3 or repeat:QP PK,,4,#X style:QS XN,%.03d Input Parameters are : Mandatory -P : Port number to listen on no default. Optional -C : Log interval default: 600 (for 10 mins) set to zero for no logging -l : log totals of files every 10 mins default: do not log -L : log files in default: do not log -o : output queue default: spool/ramsfilter If this does NOT start with a '/', it is assumed under spool. -s : local hostname default: main IP address/hostname -U : allow udp ports with the main tcp default: use TCP -z : default parameter file in tables/setup default: RamsTxt -Z : do not track ramswire seqnos default: track -v : print version number and exit ---NOTES--- Version Control ;002y3 31oct10 use listed lists for duplicates ;002x15 20oct03 added language control ;g-i 09feb04 added send-data-only: ;j 15mar04 bugette - DJ sending Corrections with No Bdcasts !! ;k 25mar04 woops Alerts NOT always being sent. ;l-m 06jun04 Priority for NBs bugette ;n-o 14aug04 3 bugettes with CORRECTEDs ;p 24sep04 speedy ;q-v 05oct04 another stab at cleaning up the USN/filename ;w 12may06 allow DELS 4.7 if data only ;x4 15oct08 bugette in UPDATES ;2 -U better ;3-4 bugettes ;5 ignore subbo>8 ;6-7 added ignore-Pnacs ;8 CHG - malloc each pkt NOT at first.. ;9-10 hashes ;11-15 18sep10 better handling of duplicates as RDF is good at them ;001y 27dec02 use UDP not files ... ;m max PNACS now 200000 ;n 25may03 cleanups ;o-p 18jun03 isheadline and NTM code ;q-s 28jul03 added balance-group and priority and takeon better ;t-y 19aug03 strip eles for Hourly_maint for just 1 pnac ;000d 16oct01 original version (copyright) 2024 and previous years FingerPost Ltd.